《Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks》英文原版PDF

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"Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks 是一本关于高级光通信系统和网络的专业书籍,由Milorad Cvijetic和Ivan B. Djordjevic撰写。这本书属于Artech House Applied Photonics Series系列,旨在深入探讨现代光学通信领域的前沿技术。" 本文将详细讨论光通信系统的高级概念和技术,包括但不限于以下知识点: 1. 光纤通信基础:书中可能涵盖了光纤的基本原理,如光的传播机制、光纤的结构和类型(单模、多模)、损耗和色散特性,以及如何通过设计和优化光纤来提高通信质量。 2. 光源与探测器:讨论半导体激光器和光探测器的工作原理,如分布式反馈激光器(DFB-LD)、垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSEL)和雪崩光电二极管(APD)等,这些器件在现代光通信系统中的应用。 3. 光调制技术:介绍不同类型的光调制方式,如幅度调制、频率调制、相位调制等,以及它们在实现高速、大容量数据传输中的作用。 4. 光接收机与信号处理:详述光接收机的设计与性能指标,以及在接收端如何进行信号恢复,包括均衡技术、时钟恢复和数字信号处理算法。 5. WDM与DWDM系统:重点讲解波分复用(WDM)和密集波分复用(DWDM)技术,以及它们如何显著增加光纤通信的带宽,允许多个独立的光载波在同一根光纤上传输。 6. 光纤通信网络:涵盖光网络的架构,如ASON(自动交换光网络)、SDH(同步数字体系)和OTN(光传送网),以及路由、交换和控制平面的概念。 7. 高速光传输技术:涉及超高速光通信系统,如40Gbps、100Gbps及更高速率的传输技术,以及相关的编码和解码策略。 8. 光孤子通信:讨论光孤子在光纤中的传播特性,以及如何利用其保持形状不变的特性实现长距离、低损耗传输。 9. 光量子通信:简要介绍量子通信的基础,如量子密钥分发(QKD)和量子隐形传态,这是未来信息安全的重要方向。 10. 故障诊断与网络管理:介绍如何监测和诊断光通信系统的问题,以及网络管理系统(NMS)的角色和功能。 本书对于理解当前和未来的光学通信系统和网络至关重要,适合通信工程专业人员、研究人员和高年级学生参考。书中可能还包括实际案例分析和实验结果,以加深读者对理论知识的理解和应用能力。由于篇幅所限,此处仅能提供部分核心内容,更多详细信息需参考原书。
2016-08-11 上传
Advanced Optical Wireless Communication Systems Advanced Optical Wireless Communication Systems Optical wireless communications is a dynamic area of research and development. Com- bining fundamental theory with a broad overview, this book is an ideal reference for any- one working in the field, as well as a valuable guide for self-study. It begins by describing important issues in optical wireless theory, including coding and modulation techniques for optical wireless, wireless optical CDMA communication systems, equalization and Markov chains in cloud channels, and optical MIMO systems, as well as explaining key issues in information theory for optical wireless channels. The next part describes unique channels that could be found in optical wireless applications, such as NLOS UV atmospheric scattering channels, underwater communication links, and a combination of hybrid RF/optical wireless systems. The final part describes applications of optical wireless technology, such as quantum encryption, visible light communication, IR links, and sensor networks, with step-by-step guidelines to help reduce design time and cost. Shlomi Arnon is an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Ben-Gurion University (BGU), Israel, and the Principal Investigator of Israel Partnership with NASA LUNAR Science Institute. In addition to research, Pro- fessor Arnon and his students work on many challenging engineering projects with emphasis on the humanitarian dimension, such as developing a system to detect human survival after earthquakes, or an infant respiration monitoring system to prevent cardiac arrest and apnea. John R. Barry is a Professor of Telecommunications in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is a coauthor of Dig- ital Communication (2004), and Iterative Timing Recovery: A Per-Survivor Approach (VDM, 2009), and he is the author of Wireless Infrared Communications (1994). George K. Karagiannidis is an Associate Professor of Digital Communications Systems in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, and Head of the Telecommu- nications Systems and Networks Laboratory, at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He is co-recipient of the Best Paper Award of the Wireless Communications Symposium (WCS) in the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’07). Robert Schober is a Professor and Canada Research Chair in Wireless Communica- tions at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada. He has received numerous awards, including best paper awards from the German Information Technol- ogy Society (ITG), the European Association for Signal, Speech and Image Processing (EURASIP), IEEE ICUWB 2006, the International Zurich Seminar on Broadband Communications, and European Wireless 2000. Murat Uysal is an Associate Professor at Özyeg ̆in University, Istanbul, where he leads the Communication Theory and Technologies (CT&T) Research Group. Dr. Uysal is the recipient of several awards including the NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement Award, University of Waterloo Engineering Research Excellence Award, and the TUBA Distinguished Young Scientist Award.