
0 下载量 89 浏览量 更新于2024-03-14 收藏 634KB DOC 举报
The warehouse management system is an essential part of any enterprise, providing a strong support for the development and operation of the business. With the continuous development of technology, computerized warehouse management offers advantages that manual management cannot compare with, such as rapid retrieval, convenient search, good confidentiality, low cost, and long lifespan. These advantages can significantly improve the efficiency of warehouse management, ensuring the smooth operation of the enterprise and creating favorable conditions for its healthy development. This paper analyzes existing management system development technologies and implements a warehouse management system based on JSP using Eclipse as the development platform and MySql as the backend database. The system includes modules for basic information management, inventory management, information query, and user management. By utilizing JSP technology and MySql database, the system is able to provide efficient and user-friendly warehouse management functionalities to meet the needs of modern enterprises. In conclusion, the implementation of a JSP-based warehouse management system not only enhances the efficiency of warehouse operations but also contributes to the overall success of the enterprise. This system serves as a valuable tool for businesses to streamline their warehouse management processes and adapt to the increasingly competitive business environment.