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"学习使用Jenkins进行持续集成" 在当今快速发展的软件开发环境中,持续集成(Continuous Integration, CI)和持续交付(Continuous Delivery, CD)是至关重要的实践,它们能够加速软件开发流程并提高生产力。《Learning Continuous Integration with Jenkins》第二版是一本面向初学者的指南,旨在帮助读者理解并实现CI/CD,特别是在使用Jenkins这个流行的开源自动化服务器时。 本书将深入探讨Jenkins的核心功能和工作原理,讲解如何通过Jenkins设置自动化构建、测试和部署流程。首先,你会了解持续集成的基本概念,包括它为何重要,以及它如何通过频繁合并代码来减少集成问题。然后,书中的章节将逐步引导你配置和安装Jenkins,创建第一个构建作业,并配置版本控制系统如Git来自动触发构建。 接下来,你将学习如何利用Jenkins的插件生态系统,这些插件涵盖了各种工具的集成,例如单元测试框架(如JUnit)、静态代码分析工具和代码覆盖率报告。书中会详细解释如何集成这些工具以确保代码质量和稳定性。此外,还将讨论如何设置持续交付流程,包括自动化测试、部署到不同环境以及实施蓝绿部署和金丝雀发布等策略。 除了基础操作,本书还会涵盖更高级的主题,如使用Jenkinsfile进行声明式配置,这使得构建流程更加透明和可重复。你将学习如何管理Jenkins的安全性,包括用户访问控制和插件安全性的最佳实践。此外,书中还会介绍如何监控Jenkins的性能和稳定性,以及如何处理大规模项目下的扩展问题,如使用Jenkins Master-Slave架构来分布式执行任务。 最后,作者Nikhil Pathania将分享实际案例研究和最佳实践,帮助你将理论知识应用于实际工作场景。这本书旨在让你不仅掌握Jenkins的使用,还能理解其背后的CI/CD理念,从而能够在团队中成功实施这些实践,提升整个软件开发流程的效率和可靠性。 《Learning Continuous Integration with Jenkins》第二版是一本全面的指南,无论你是初涉CI/CD的新手,还是寻求提升Jenkins使用经验的开发者,都能从中获益。通过本书,你将具备利用Jenkins实现高效持续集成和持续交付的能力,从而在软件开发领域中保持竞争力。
2018-01-10 上传
Learning Continuous Integration with Jenkins - Second Edition: A beginner's guide to implementing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery using Jenkins 2 Key Features Understand the concepts of Continuous Integration Take advantage of a Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery solution to speed up productivity and achieve faster software delivery Learn all the new features introduced in Jenkins 2.x, such as "Pipeline as code", "Multibranch pipeline", "Docker Plugin" and more Learn to implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery by orchestrating multiple DevOps tools using Jenkins Learn everything about Jenkins Blue Ocean Book Description In past few years, agile software development has seen tremendous growth. There is a huge demand for software delivery solutions that are fast yet flexible to numerous amendments. As a result, Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) methodologies are gaining popularity. This book starts off by explaining the concepts of CI and its significance in the Agile world with a whole chapter dedicated to it. Next, you'll learn to configure and set up Jenkins in many favourite ways. The way the world sees CI/CD is changing, and so is Jenkins. The book exploits the concept of "pipeline as code" and various other features introduced in the Jenkins 2.x release to its full potential. We also talk in detail about the new Jenkins Blue Ocean interface and its features to quickly and easily create a CI pipeline. You'll gain a foothold in implementing CI and CD methods. Then we dive into the various features offered by Jenkins one by one, exploiting them for CI and CD. Jenkins' core functionality and flexibility allows it to fit in a variety of environments and can help streamline the development process for all stakeholders. Next, you'll be introduced to CD and will learn to achieve it using Jenkins. Through this book's wealth of best practices and real-world tips, you'll discover ho