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In this SAP introductory training course, users will learn how to log in to the SAP system and set user parameters. They will also become familiar with common shortcuts, as well as command buttons. The course covers the overview of SAP and its organizational structure, including modules such as Financial Accounting (FI), Controlling (CO), Asset Management (AM), Project System (PS), Office Communication (OC), Industry Solutions (IS), Materials Management (MM), Human Resources (HR), and Sales and Distribution (SD). The course also teaches users how to create variations for input and output screens, using the example of viewing customer items with the T-CODE:FBL5N. By saving commonly used screen input content as variations, users can select them for execution to reduce the amount of input required. This training is essential for those who are new to using the SAP system for their business operations.
2011-08-30 上传
2021-09-21 上传
2009-02-04 上传
2011-07-20 上传
2019-03-24 上传
2011-05-27 上传
- 粉丝: 20
- 资源: 2万+
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