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a component into a Panorama observer. One is to insert
Panorama API hooks into the component’s source code.
Another is to integrate with the component’s logs by con-
tinuously parsing and monitoring log entries related to
other components. The latter approach is transparent to
components but captures less accurate information. We
initially adopted the latter approach by adding plug-in
support in Panorama to manage log-parsing scripts. But,
as we applied Panorama to more systems, maintaining
these scripts became painful because their logging prac-
tices differed significantly. Much information is also un-
available in logs [
50]. Thus, even though we still sup-
port logging integration, we mainly use the instrumen-
tation approach. To relieve developers of the burden of
inserting Panorama hooks, Panorama provides an offline
analysis tool that does the source-code instrumentation
automatically. §
4 describes this offline analysis.
3.5 Observation Exchange
Observations submitted to the LOS by a local observer
only reflect a partial view of the subject. To reduce bias
in observations, Panorama runs a dissemination proto-
col to propagate observations to, and learn observations
from, other LOSes. Consequently, for each monitored
subject, the LOS stores observations from multiple ob-
servers. The observation exchange in Panorama is only
among cliques of LOSes that share a subject. To achieve
selective exchange, each LOS keeps a watch list, which
initially contains only the local observer. When a local
observer reports an observation to the LOS, the LOS will
add the observation’s subject to the watch list to indicate
that it is now interested in others’ observations about this
subject. Each LOS also keeps an ignore list for each sub-
ject, which lists LOSes to which it should not propagate
new observations about that subject. When a local ob-
servation for a new subject appears for the first time, the
LOS does a one-time broadcast. LOSes that are not inter-
ested in the observation (based on their own watch lists)
will instruct the broadcasting LOS to include them in its
ignore list. If an LOS later becomes interested in this
subject, the protocol ensures that the clique members re-
move this LOS from their ignore lists.
3.6 Judging Failure from Observations
With numerous observations collected about a subject,
Panorama uses a decision engine to reach a verdict and
stores the result in the LOS’s verdict table. A simple
decision policy is to use the latest observation as the ver-
dict. But, this can be problematic since a subject experi-
encing intermittent errors may be treated as healthy. An
alternative is to reach an unhealthy verdict if there is any
recent negative observation. This could cause one biased
observer, whose negative observation is due to its own
issue, to mislead others.
We use a bounded-look-back majority algorithm, as
follows. For a set of observations about a subject, we first
group the observations by the unique observer, and ana-
lyze each group separately. The observations in a group
are inspected from latest to earliest and aggregated based
on their associated contexts. For an observation being
inspected, if its status is different than the previously
recorded status for that context, the look-back of obser-
vations for that context stops after a few steps to favor
newer statuses. Afterwards, for each recorded context,
if either the latest status is unhealthy or the healthy sta-
tus does not have the strict majority, the verdict for that
context is unhealthy with an aggregated severity level.
In this way, we obtain an analysis summary for each
context in each group. To reach a final verdict for each
context across all groups, the summaries from different
observers are aggregated and decided based on a sim-
ple majority. Using group-based summaries allows in-
cremental update of the verdict and avoids being biased
by one observer or context in the aggregation. The de-
cision engine could use more complex algorithms, but
we find that our simple algorithm works well in practice.
This is because most observations collected by Panorama
constitute strong evidence rather than superficial signals.
The PENDING status (Section
4.3) needs additional han-
dling: during the look-back for a context, if the current
status is HEALTHY and the older status is PENDING, that
older PENDING status will be skipped because it was only
temporary. In other words, that partial observation is now
complete. Afterwards, a PENDING status with occurrences
exceeding a threshold is downgraded to UNHEALTHY.
4 Design Pattern and Observability
The effectiveness of Panorama depends on the hooks
in observers. We initially designed a straightforward
method to insert these hooks. In testing it on real-world
distributed systems, however, we found that component
interactions in practice can be complex. Certain interac-
tions, if not treated appropriately, will cause the extracted
observations to be misleading. In this section, we first
show a gray failure that our original method failed to de-
tect, and then investigate the reason behind the challenge.
4.1 A Failed Case
In one incident of a production ZooKeeper service, ap-
plications were experiencing many lock timeouts [
An engineer investigated the issue by checking metrics
in the monitoring system and found that the number of
connections per client had significantly increased. It ini-
USENIX Association 13th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation 5
tially looked like a resource leak in the client library, but
the root cause turned out to be complicated.
The production environment used IPSec to secure
inter-host traffic, and a Linux kernel module used Intel
AES instructions to provide AES encryption for IPSec.
But this kernel module could occasionally introduce data
corruption with Xen paravirtualization, for reasons still
not known today. Typically the kernel validated packet
checksums and dropped corrupt packets. But, in IPSec,
two checksums exist: one for the IP payload, the other
for the encrypted TCP payload. For IPSec NAT-T mode,
the Linux kernel did not validate the TCP payload check-
sum, thereby permitting corrupt packets. These were de-
livered to the ZooKeeper leader, including a corrupted
length field for a string. When ZooKeeper used the
length to allocate memory to deserialize the string, it
raised an out-of-memory (OOM) exception.
Surprisingly, when this OOM exception happened,
ZooKeeper continued to run. Heartbeats were normal
and no leader re-election was triggered. When eval-
uating this incident in Panorama, no failure was re-
ported either. We studied the ZooKeeper source code
to understand why this happened. In ZooKeeper, a re-
quest is first picked up by the listener thread, which
then calls the ZooKeeperServer thread that further in-
vokes a chain of XXXRequestProcessor threads to pro-
cess the request. The OOM exception happens in the
PrepRequestProcessor thread, the first request proces-
sor. The ZooKeeperServer thread invokes the interface
of the PrepRequestProcessor as follows:
try {
2 firstProcessor.processRequest(si);
3 } catch (RequestProcessorException e) {
4 LOG.error("Unable to process request: " + e);
5 }
If the execution passes line 2, it provides positive ev-
idence that the PrepRequestProcessor thread is healthy.
If, instead, the execution reaches line 4, it represents neg-
ative evidence about PrepRequestProcessor. But with
the Panorama hooks inserted at both places, no negative
observations are reported. This is because the implemen-
tation of the processRequest API involves an indirec-
tion: it simply puts a request in a queue and immedi-
ately returns. Asynchronously, the thread polls and pro-
cesses the queue. Because of this design, even though
the OOM exception causes the PrepRequestProcessor
thread to exit its main loop, the ZooKeeperServer thread
is still able to call processRequest and is unable to tell
that PrepRequestProcessor has an issue. The hooks are
only observing the status of the indirection layer, i.e.,
the queue, rather than the PrepRequestProcessor thread.
Thus, negative observations only appear when the re-
quest queue cannot insert new items; but, by default, its
capacity is Integer.MAX
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 2: Design patterns of component interactions and their
impact on failure observability. means that failure is ob-
servable to the other component, and means that failure is
unobservable to it.
4.2 Observability Patterns
Although the above case is a unique incident, we extrap-
olate a deeper implication for failure detection: certain
design patterns can undermine failure observability in a
system and thereby pose challenges for failure detection.
To reveal this connection, consider two components C
and C
where C
makes requests of C
. We expect that,
through this interaction, C
and C
should be able to
make observations about each other’s status. However,
their style of interaction can have a significant effect on
this observability.
We have identified the following four basic patterns of
interaction (Figure
2), each having a different effect on
this observability. Interestingly, we find examples of all
four patterns in real-world system software.
(a) No indirection. Pattern (a) is the most straightfor-
ward. C
makes a request to C
, then C
replies to C
. This pattern has the best degree of ob-
servability: C
can observe C
from errors in its request
path; C
can also observe C
to some extent in its re-
ply path. Listing
1 shows an example of this pattern. In
this case, C
is the follower and C
is the leader. C
contacts C
, then C
sends C
a snapshot or other infor-
mation through an input stream. Failures are observed
via errors or timeouts in the connection, I/O through the
input stream, and/or reply contents.
(b) Request indirection. A level of indirection exists in
the request path: when C
makes a request to C
, an inter-
mediate layer (e.g., a proxy or a queue) takes the request
and replies to C
. C
will later take the request from the
intermediate layer, process it, and optionally reply to C
directly. This design pattern has a performance benefit
for both C
and C
. It also provides decoupling between
their two threads. But, because of the indirection, C
longer directly interacts with C
so C
’s observability is
reduced. The immediate observation C
makes when re-
questing from C
does not reveal whether C
is having
problems, since usually the request path succeeds as in
the case in §
(c) Reply indirection. Pattern (c) is not intuitive. C
makes a request, which is directly handled by C
, but the
reply goes through a layer of indirection (e.g., a queue or
a proxy). Thus, C
can observe issues in C
but C
’s ob-
6 13th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation USENIX Association
servability to C
is reduced. One scenario leading to this
pattern is when a component makes requests to multiple
components and needs to collect more than one of their
replies to proceed. In this case, replies are queued so that
they can be processed en masse when a sufficient number
are available. For example, in Cassandra, when a process
sends digest requests to multiple replicas, it must wait for
responses from R replicas. So, whenever it gets a reply
from a replica, it queues the reply for later processing.
(d) Full indirection. In pattern (d), neither component
directly interacts with the other so they get the least ob-
servability. This pattern has a performance benefit since
all operations are asynchronous. But, the code logic can
be complex. ZooKeeper contains an example: When a
follower forwards a request to a leader, the request is pro-
cessed asynchronously, and when the leader later notifies
the follower to commit the request, that notification gets
4.3 Implications
Pattern (a) has the best failure observability and is eas-
iest for Panorama to leverage. The other three patterns
are more challenging; placing observation hooks with-
out considering the effects of indirection can cause in-
completeness (though not inaccuracy) in failure detec-
tion (§
2). That is, a positive observation will not nec-
essarily mean the monitored component is healthy but a
negative observation means the component is unhealthy.
Pragmatically, this would be an acceptable limitation if
the three indirection patterns were uncommon. However,
we checked the cross-thread interaction code in several
distributed systems and found, empirically, that patterns
(a) and (b) are both pervasive. We also found that differ-
ent software has different preferences, e.g., ZooKeeper
uses pattern (a) frequently, but Cassandra uses pattern
(b) more often.
This suggests Panorama should accommodate indirec-
tion in extracting observations. One solution is to instru-
ment hooks in the indirection layer. But, we find that in-
direction layers in practice are implemented with various
data structures and are often used for multiple purposes,
making tracking difficult. We use a simple but robust
solution and describe it in §
5 Observability Analysis
To systematically identify and extract useful observa-
tions from a component, Panorama provides an offline
tool that statically analyzes a program’s source code,
finds critical points, and injects hooks for reporting ob-
5.1 Locate Observation Boundary
Runtime errors are useful evidence of failure. Even if
an error is tolerated by a requester, it may still indi-
cate a critical issue in the provider. But, not all errors
should be reported. Panorama only extracts errors gen-
erated when crossing component boundaries, because
these constitute observations from the requester side. We
call such domain-crossing function invocations observa-
tion boundaries.
The first step of observability analysis is to locate
observation boundaries. There are two types of such
boundaries: inter-process and inter-thread. An inter-
process boundary typically manifests as a library API in-
vocation, a socket I/O call, or a remote procedure call
(RPC). Sometimes, it involves calling into custom code
that encapsulates one of those three to provide a higher-
level messaging service. In any case, with some domain
knowledge about the communication mechanisms used,
the analyzer can locate inter-process observation bound-
aries in source code. An inter-thread boundary is a call
crossing two threads within a process. The analyzer iden-
tifies such boundaries by finding custom public methods
in classes that extend the thread class.
5.2 Identify Observer and Observed
At each observation boundary, we must identify the ob-
server and subject. Both identities are specific to the dis-
tributed system being monitored. For thread-level obser-
vation boundaries, the thread identities are statically ana-
lyzable, e.g., the name of the thread or class that provides
the public interfaces. For process-level boundaries, the
observer identity is the process’s own identity in the dis-
tributed system, which is known when the process starts;
it only requires one-time registration with Panorama. We
can also usually identify the subject identity, if the re-
mote invocations use well-known methods, via either an
argument of the function invocation or a field in the class.
A challenge is that sometimes, due to nested polymor-
phism, the subject identity may be located deep down in
the type hierarchy. For example, it is not easy to deter-
mine if OutputStream.write() performs network I/O or
local disk I/O. We address this challenge by changing the
constructors of remote types (e.g., socket get I/O stream)
to return a compatible wrapper that extends the return
type with a subject field and can be differentiated from
other types at runtime by checking if that field is set.
5.3 Extract Observation
Once we have observation boundaries, the next step is to
search near them for observation points: program points
that can supply critical evidence about observed compo-
nents. A typical example of such an observation point is
USENIX Association 13th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation 7
void deserialize(DataTree dt, InputArchive ia)
DataNode node = ia.readRecord("node");
if (node.parent == null) {
LOG.error("Missing parent.");
throw new IOException("Invalid Datatree");
void snapshot() {
ia = BinaryInputArchive.getArchive(
try {
deserialize(getDataTree(), ia);
} catch (IOException e) {
data flow
control flow
Figure 3: Observation points in direct interaction (§4.2).
an exception handler invoked when an exception occurs
at an observation boundary.
To locate observation points that are exception han-
dlers, a straightforward approach is to first identify the
type of exceptions an observation boundary can generate,
then locate the catch clauses for these types in code re-
gions after the boundary. There are two challenges with
this approach. First, as shown in Figure
3, an exception
could be caught at the caller or caller’s caller. Recur-
sively walking up the call chain to locate the clause is
cumbersome and could be inaccurate. Second, the type
of exception thrown by the boundary could be a generic
exception such as IOException that could be generated
by other non-boundary code in the same try clause.
These two challenges can be addressed by inserting a try
just before the boundary and a catch right after it. This
works but, if the observation boundaries are frequent, the
excessive wrapping can cause non-trivial overhead.
The ideal place to instrument is the shared exception
handler for adjacent invocations. Our solution is to add
a special field in the base Throwable class to indicate the
subject identity and the context, and to ensure boundary-
generated exceptions set this field. Then, when an ex-
ception handler is triggered at runtime, we can check if
this field is set, and if so treat it as an observation point.
We achieve the field setting by wrapping the outermost
function body of each boundary method with a try and
catch, and by rethrowing the exception after the hook.
Note that this preserves the original program semantics.
Another type of observation point we look for is one
where the program handles a response received from
across a boundary. For example, the program may
raise an exception for a missing field or wrong signa-
ture in the returned DataNode in Figure
3, indicating
potential partial failure or corrupt state in the remote
process. To locate these observation points, our ana-
lyzer performs intra-procedural analysis to follow the
data flow of responses from a boundary. If an excep-
tion thrown is control-dependent on the response, we
consider it an observation point, and we insert code to
set the subject/context field before throwing the excep-
tion just as described earlier. This data-flow analysis is
conservative: e.g., the code if (a + b > 100) {throw
Exception("unexpected");}, where a comes from a
boundary but b does not, is not considered an observation
point because the exception could be due to b. In other
words, our analysis may miss some observation points
but will not locate wrong observation points.
So far, we have described negative observation points,
but we also need mechanisms to make positive obser-
vations. Ideally, each successful interaction across a
boundary is an observation point that can report positive
evidence. But, if these boundaries appear frequently, the
positive observation points can be excessive. So, we co-
alesce similar positive observation points that are located
close together.
For each observation point, the analyzer inserts hooks
to discover evidence and report it. At each negative
observation point, we get the subject identity and con-
text from the modified exception instance. We statically
choose the status; if the status is to be some level of
UNHEALTHY then we set this level based on the severity
of the exception handling. For example, if the exception
handler calls System.exit(), we set the status to a high
level of UNHEALTHY. At each positive observation point,
we get the context from the nearby boundary and also
statically choose the status. We immediately report each
observation to the Panorama library, but the library will
typically not report it synchronously. The library will
buffer excessive observations and send them in one ag-
gregate message later.
5.4 Handling Indirection
As we discussed in §
4, observability can be reduced
when indirection exists at an observation boundary. For
instance, extracted observations may report the subject
as healthy while it is in fact unhealthy. The core issue is
that indirection splits a single interaction between com-
ponents among multiple observation boundaries. A suc-
cessful result at the first observation boundary may only
indicate partial success of the overall interaction; the in-
teraction may only truly complete later, when, e.g., a
callback is invoked, or a condition variable unblocks, or
a timeout occurs. We must ideally wait for an interaction
to complete before making an observation.
We call the two locations of a split interaction the ob-
origin and ob-sink, reflecting the order they’re encoun-
tered. Observations at the ob-origin represent positive
but temporary and weak evidence. For example, in Fig-
4, the return from sendRR is an ob-origin. Where the
8 13th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation USENIX Association
public List<Row> fetchRows() {
ReadCommand command = ...;
sendRR(command.newMessage(), endPoint, handler);
try {
Row row = handler.get();
catch (ReadTimeoutException ex) {
throw ex;
catch (DigestMismatchException ex) {
logger.error("Digest mismatch: {}", ex);
public void response(MessageIn message) {
data flow control flow
Figure 4: Observation points when indirection exists (§4.2).
callback of handler, response, is invoked, it is an ob-
sink. In addition, when the program later blocks waiting
for the callback, e.g., handler.get, the successful return
is also an ob-sink. If an ob-origin is properly matched
with an ob-sink, the positive observation becomes com-
plete and strong. Otherwise, an outstanding ob-origin is
only a weak observation and may degrade to a negative
observation, e.g., when handler.get times out.
Tracking an interaction split across multiple program
locations is challenging given the variety of indirection
implementations. To properly place hooks when indirec-
tion exists, the Panorama analyzer needs to know what
methods are asynchronous and the mechanisms for no-
tification. For instance, a commonly used one is Java
FutureTask [
40]. For custom methods, this knowledge
comes from specifications of the boundary-crossing in-
terfaces, which only requires moderate annotation. With
this knowledge, the analyzer considers an ob-origin to be
immediately after any call site of an asynchronous inter-
face. We next discuss how to locate ob-sinks.
We surveyed the source code of popular distributed
systems and found the majority of ob-sinks fall into four
patterns: (1) invoking a callback-setting method; (2) per-
forming a blocking wait on a callback method; (3) check-
ing a completion flag; and (4) reaching another obser-
vation boundary with a third component, in cases when
a request must be passed on further. For the first two
patterns, the analyzer considers the ob-sink to be before
and after the method invocation, respectively. For the
third pattern, the analyzer locates the spin-loop body and
considers the ob-sink to be immediately after the loop.
The last pattern resembles SEDA [
48]: after A asyn-
chronously sends a request to B, B does not notify A of
the status after it finishes but rather passes on the request
to C. Therefore, for that observation boundary in B, the
analyzer needs to not only insert a hook for C but also
treat it as an ob-sink for the A-to-B interaction.
When our analyzer finds an ob-origin, it inserts a
hook that submits an observation with the special sta-
tus PENDING. This means that the observer currently only
sees weak positive evidence about the subject’s status,
but expects to receive stronger evidence shortly. At any
ob-sink indicating positive evidence, our analyzer inserts
a hook to report a HEALTHY observation. At any ob-sink
indicating negative evidence, the analyzer inserts a hook
to report a negative observation.
To link an ob-sink observation with its corresponding
ob-origin observation, these observations must share the
same subject and context. To ensure this, the analyzer
uses a similar technique as in exception tracking. It adds
a special field containing the subject identity and context
to the callback handler, and inserts code to set this field
at the ob-origin. If the callback is not instrumentable,
e.g., because it is an integer resource handle, then the an-
alyzer inserts a call to the Panorama library to associate
the handle with an identity and context.
Sometimes, the analyzer finds an ob-origin but cannot
find the corresponding ob-sink or cannot extract the sub-
ject identity or context. This can happen due to either
lack of knowledge or the developers having forgotten to
check for completion in the code. In such a case, the an-
alyzer will not instrument the ob-origin, to avoid making
misleading PENDING observations.
We find that ob-origin and ob-sink separation is useful
in detecting not only issues involving indirection but also
liveness issues. To see why, consider what happens when
A invokes a boundary-crossing blocking function of B,
and B gets stuck so the function never returns. When
this happens, even though A witnesses B’s problem, it
does not get a chance to report the issue because it never
reaches the observation point following the blocking call.
Inserting an ob-origin before the function call provides
evidence of the liveness issue: LOSes will see an old
PENDING observation with no subsequent corresponding
ob-sink observation. Thus, besides asynchronous inter-
faces, call sites of synchronous interfaces that may block
for long should also be included in the ob-origin set.
6 Implementation
We implemented the Panorama service in ∼ 6,000 lines
of Go code, and implemented the observability analyzer
5) using the Soot analysis framework [46] and the As-
pectJ instrumentation framework [
We defined Panorama’s interfaces using protocol
buffers [
7]. We then used the gRPC framework [5] to
build the RPC service and to generate clients in different
languages. So, the system can be easily used by various
components written in different languages. Panorama
provides a thin library that wraps the gRPC client for
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