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"这篇论文探讨了一种基于浏览器的多人在线互动框架,该框架结合了Kinect体感设备和HTML5技术,以实现Web端的多人异地体感游戏。通过一个名为'Flying Kite'的游戏案例进行阐述,展示了如何利用WebSocket进行实时通信,提升游戏体验。" 在这篇研究论文中,作者提出了一种创新的方法,将Kinect的体感交互功能与HTML5的Web技术相结合,以创建一种新的多人在线游戏体验。这一框架打破了传统游戏的局限,不再局限于本地大型电视屏幕,而是将游戏拓展到网络浏览器上,使得多地玩家可以同时参与游戏。 首先,Kinect是微软推出的一种动作感应设备,能够捕捉和识别玩家的肢体动作,从而在游戏场景中实现自然的人机交互。在本研究中,Kinect被用来收集玩家的运动数据,并将其传输到云端服务器。 其次,HTML5是现代网页开发的核心技术,提供了丰富的多媒体支持和离线存储功能。在本框架中,HTML5被用来构建游戏界面和逻辑,确保游戏可以在各种浏览器上运行,不受平台限制。同时,HTML5的Canvas元素可以实时更新游戏画面,提供流畅的视觉体验。 再者,WebSocket作为HTML5的一个重要特性,提供了全双工的通信通道,允许客户端和服务器之间进行持续的数据交换。在多人在线游戏中,WebSocket扮演了关键角色,确保了玩家动作的即时反馈和游戏状态的同步,提升了多人异地游戏的互动性。 论文中的"Flying Kite"游戏案例,是这一框架的具体应用实例。它可能是一个模拟放风筝的游戏,玩家通过体感操作控制风筝的飞行,与其他在线玩家竞技或合作。通过WebSocket,所有玩家的动作都能实时反映在游戏世界中,实现真正的多人在线互动。 总结来说,这项研究为Web端的多人在线体感游戏提供了一个新的解决方案,结合了硬件设备的创新与Web技术的优势,为玩家带来了更为真实、互动性强的游戏体验。这种技术的应用前景广阔,不仅限于娱乐领域,还可以扩展到教育、健身等多个方面,促进人机交互的多元化发展。

3)A digital clock consists of a screen to display the time and a dial for setting in turn the year, month, day, hour and minute. Twisting the dial to the left reduces by one the value being changed but twisting it to the right increases it by one. Pushing the dial alters which value is being adjusted. At first, it is the year but after the dial is pushed once, it is the month, then after the dial is pushed again, it is the day and so on. Imagine the clock is represented by a class with attributes year, month, day etc. The following is what the code for a method rotateDialLeft() might look like. public void rotateDialLeft() { if (mode == YEAR_MODE) { year--; } else if (mode == MONTH_MODE) { month--; } else if (mode == DAY_MODE) { day--; } else if (mode == HOUR_MODE) { hour--; } else if (mode == MINUTE_MODE) { minute--; } } The code for rotateDialRight() is similar. Apply the Open-Closed Principle to explain why the above code is unsatisfactory from the design viewpoint, considering the possibility of future change to the code, giving an example of such a change. 5)Give the code required for the classes introduced in question 3), focusing on the code for a method selectState() which changes the value that is being adjusted from years to months. Make it clear in which classes the code is to be found. Assume the existence of other methods that are needed such as getMonthSetUpState(). 8)Suppose that in a multiplayer role-playing game, a class Client has a dependency to an interface Fighter with public methods attack(), defend() and escape(). The game designer now wishes for Client to use a class Wizard with three different but equivalent public methods castDestructionSpell(), shield() and portal(). Explain how it is possible to do this using an appropriate design pattern.

2023-06-03 上传