Mode-locked 2.8-μm fluoride fiber laser: from
soliton to breathing pulse
Zhipeng Qin,
Guoqiang Xie,
* Hongan Gu,
Ting Hai,
Peng Yuan,
Jingui Ma,
and Liejia Qian
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai, China
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Collaborative Innovation Center of Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications, Shanghai, China
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas, Ministry of Education, Shanghai, China
Abstract. The mode-locked fluoride fiber laser (MLFFL) is an exciting platform for directly gener ating ultrashort
pulses in the mid-infrared (mid-IR). However, owing to difficulty in managing the dispersion in fluor ide fiber
lasers, MLFFLs are restricted to the soliton regime, hindering pulse-energy scaling. We overcame the problem
of dispersion manage ment by utilizing the huge normal dispersion generated near the absorption edge of an
infrared-bandgap semiconductor and promoted MLFFL from soliton to breathing-pulse mode-locking. In the
breathing-pulse regime, the accu mulated nonlinear phase shift can be significantly reduced in the cavity, and
the pulse-energy-limitation effect is mitigated. The breathing-pulse ML FFL directly produced a pulse energy of
9.3 nJ and pulse duration of 215 fs, with a record peak power of 43.3 kW at 2.8 μm. Our work paves the way for
the pulse-energy and peak-power scaling of mid-IR fluoride fiber lasers, enabling a wide range of applications.
Keywords: ultrafast fiber laser; mid-infrared; breathing pulse; mode-locking; dispersion management.
Received Oct. 9, 2019; accepted for publication Dec. 17, 2019; published online Dec. 27, 2019.
© The Authors. Published by SPIE and CLP under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. Distribution or
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[DOI: 10.1117/1.AP.1.6.065001]
Mid-infrared (mid-IR) ultrafast μlaser sources are becoming in-
creasingly attractive for a variety of applications ranging from
spectroscopy to medical surgery.
In recent years, the mode-
locked fluoride fiber laser (MLFFL) has emerged as a simple
and cost-effective way to generate mid-IR u ltrafast laser, as a
compact, high-efficiency platform that features excellent beam
quality. Femtosecond soliton mode-locking has been realized
from fluoride fiber lasers near a wavelength of 3 μm using
the nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR) technique.
soliton mode-locked lasers generally have a nanojoule-order
pulse energy and peak power of the order of 10 kW. However,
many mid-IR applications, such as supercontinuum generation
and material modification, require a higher pulse energy and
peak power,
which are challenging to achieve in MLFFLs.
As fluoride fibers exhibit anomalous group velocity
dispersion (GVD) in the mid-IR range, MLFFLs generally work
in a soliton mode-locking regime through a balance between
nonlinearity and anomalous dispersion. In a soliton mode-
locking regime, the accumulated excessive nonlinear phase
will cause soliton break-up, limiting the pulse-energy scaling
according to the soliton area theorem. One feasible strategy
to overcome this limitation is to manage intracavity dispersion.
In conventional silica fiber lasers, the sign and amount of GVD
can be conveniently engineered by ion doping or by designing
structures in silica fibers. Thus mode-locked silica fiber lasers
can operate in a wide range of regimes, such as stretched-pulse
mode-locking, dissipative soliton, and similariton.
These re-
gimes intrinsically operate in the chirped-pulse mode in the
cavity, resulting in less nonlinear phase accumulation and sup-
porting a high pulse energy and peak power. Current state-of-
the-art mode-locked silica-fiber lasers support a pulse energy of
the order of microjoules and a peak power of the order of mega-
watts with the help of dispersion management.
However, unlike
silica fiber, fluoride fiber engineering remains an open problem,
and current techniques cannot support the GVD engineering of
fluoride fibers. It is critical to solve the dispersion-management
problem of MLFFL s for pulse-energy and peak-power scaling.
In MLFFLs, fluoride fibers several met ers long generally
have a large anomalous dispersion (∼ − 10
) at an operation
wavelength of 2.8 μm.
It is nearly impractical to compensate
for such a large anomalous dispersion using general bulk ma-
terials with normal GVD. However, we find that semiconductor
material possesses a huge normal GVD near the absorption
*Address all correspondence to Guoqiang Xie, E-mail:; Liejia
Qian, E-mail:
Advanced Photonics 065001-1 Nov∕Dec 2019
Vol. 1(6)