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"Based on Single Chip Microcomputer Red Infrared Remote Control Smart Car Design Sample.doc" presents a detailed design for an intelligent electric car controlled by a single chip microcomputer. With the rapid advancement of computer, microelectronics, and information technology, the development of intelligent technology has been significantly accelerated, leading to a higher level of intelligence and an expanded range of applications. The intelligent electric car, as a modern creation, represents the future direction of development. It is capable of automatic operation in a predetermined pattern within an environment without the need for human intervention, making it suitable for various applications such as scientific exploration.
The intelligent electric car is a manifestation of this intelligent technology. Through software programming, the designer can achieve precise control over its motion, tracking, and stopping, as well as the storage and display of detected data, without the need for manual intervention. Therefore, the intelligent electric car possesses the reprogramming characteristics of a robot. This design utilizes the AT89S52 single chip microcomputer, motor drive circuit, infrared remote control, tracking module, and integrated infrared receiver sensor. The modular design concept is employed, allowing for control of the car's forward, backward, left turn, right turn, start, and stop functions using an infrared remote control.
Keywords: Single Chip Microcomputer; Infrared Remote Control; Motor Drive"
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