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IPv6 Address Planning: Designing an Address Plan for the Future 是一本由Tom Coffeen撰写的专著,针对IPv6地址规划提供深入的指导。IPv6作为下一代互联网协议,其地址空间的庞大性与IPv4显著不同,本书旨在帮助网络管理员、技术人员和决策者们应对IPv6部署过程中的挑战,以及制定未来网络的地址策略。 本书的重要知识点包括: 1. IPv6地址规划概述:作者首先介绍了IPv6地址规划的必要性,因为IPv4地址空间即将耗尽,IPv6的128位地址提供了无限的潜力,这对于未来的网络架构至关重要。 2. 原理与最佳实践:书中详细阐述了IPv6地址规划的关键原则,如全球唯一标识符(Global Unicast Addresses)、链接本地地址(Link-Local Addresses)和站点局部地址(Site-Local Addresses)的使用,以及如何有效地分配这些地址以避免地址冲突和提高网络效率。 3. 实例驱动的三个阶段:书分为预备阶段、设计阶段和维护阶段,每个阶段都包含具体的操作指南和案例分析。在预备阶段,读者将学习如何评估现有网络状况,确定迁移策略;设计阶段则涵盖了地址块的划分、地址池管理以及网络拓扑考虑;维护阶段则强调了持续监控和调整的重要性,以适应不断变化的网络需求。 4. 针对Windows管理员的实用性:书中还特别关注了IPv6在Windows环境中的应用,对于Windows管理员来说,提供了实用的部署和管理建议。 5. 专家推荐:书中的内容得到了多位业界专家的高度评价,他们认为这本书填补了市场空白,是IPv6地址规划的宝贵参考资料,不仅适用于专业人员,也适合准备迁移到IPv6的组织和个人。 6. 价值和目标读者:对于那些希望顺利过渡到IPv6并从中获益的网络工程师、系统管理员、网络架构师以及对下一代互联网技术感兴趣的读者来说,这本书是一份不可或缺的实战手册。 《IPv6 Address Planning: Designing an Address Plan for the Future》是一本实用且全面的指南,它深入浅出地阐述了IPv6地址规划的复杂性,并提供了实用的步骤和策略,以确保组织能够顺利迈向IPv6时代的网络世界。
2017-03-28 上传
If you’re ready to join the move to IPv6, this comprehensive guide gets you started by showing you how to create an effective IPv6 address plan. In three example-driven sections—preparation, design, and maintenance—you’ll learn principles and best practices for designing, deploying, and maintaining an address plan far beyond what’s possible with IPv4 networks. During the course of the book, you’ll walk through the process of building a sample address plan for a fictional company. Enterprise IT network architects, engineers, and administrators will see firsthand how IPv6 provides opportunities for creating an operationally efficient plan that’s scalable, flexible, extensible, manageable, and durable. Explore IPv6 addressing basics, including representation, structure, and types Manage risks and costs by using a three-phase approach for deploying IPv6 Dig into IPv6 subnetting methods and learn how they differ from IPv4 Determine the appropriate size and type of the IPv6 allocation you require Apply current network management tools to IPv6 Use IPv6 renumbering methods that enable greater network scale and easier integration Implement policies and practices to keep IPv6 addresses reachable Table of Contents Chapter 1. Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going PartI. Preparation Chapter 2. What You Need to Know About IPv6 Addressing Chapter 3. Planning Your IPv6 Deployment PartII. Design Chapter 4. IPv6 Subnetting Chapter 5. IPv6 Address Planning Concepts Chapter 6. Getting IPv6 Addresses Chapter 7. Creating an IPv6 Addressing Plan PartIII. Maintenance Chapter 8. Working with IPAM and DDI Chapter 9. Managing Growth and Change Chapter 10. Keeping Your IPv6 Addresses Reachable Appendix A. Planning Worksheets Appendix B. IPv6 Prefix Maps Appendix C. Recommended Reading
2015-05-08 上传
Title: IPv6 Address Planning: Designing an Address Plan for the Future Author: Tom Coffeen Length: 286 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: O'Reilly Media Publication Date: 2014-11-28 ISBN-10: 1491902760 ISBN-13: 9781491902769 If you’re ready to join the move to IPv6, this comprehensive guide gets you started by showing you how to create an effective IPv6 address plan. In three example-driven sections—preparation, design, and maintenance—you’ll learn principles and best practices for designing, deploying, and maintaining an address plan far beyond what’s possible with IPv4 networks. During the course of the book, you’ll walk through the process of building a sample address plan for a fictional company. Enterprise IT network architects, engineers, and administrators will see firsthand how IPv6 provides opportunities for creating an operationally efficient plan that’s scalable, flexible, extensible, manageable, and durable. Explore IPv6 addressing basics, including representation, structure, and types Manage risks and costs by using a three-phase approach for deploying IPv6 Dig into IPv6 subnetting methods and learn how they differ from IPv4 Determine the appropriate size and type of the IPv6 allocation you require Apply current network management tools to IPv6 Use IPv6 renumbering methods that enable greater network scale and easier integration Implement policies and practices to keep IPv6 addresses reachable Table of Contents Chapter 1. Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going PartI. Preparation Chapter 2. What You Need to Know About IPv6 Addressing Chapter 3. Planning Your IPv6 Deployment PartII. Design Chapter 4. IPv6 Subnetting Chapter 5. IPv6 Address Planning Concepts Chapter 6. Getting IPv6 Addresses Chapter 7. Creating an IPv6 Addressing Plan PartIII. Maintenance Chapter 8. Working with IPAM and DDI Chapter 9. Managing Growth and Change Chapter 10. Keeping Your IPv6 Addresses Reachable Appendix A. Planning Worksheets Appendix B. IPv6 Prefix Maps Appendix C. Recommended Reading