提升技能与企业效率:Practical DevOps实战指南

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"《实践DevOps:提升技能,优化IT组织》是一本面向开发人员和系统管理员的实用指南,旨在帮助他们理解和掌握构建现代企业基础设施的关键。这本书不仅适合希望更好地支持开发团队的运维人员,而且无需读者具备DevOps的预先知识。作者Joakim Verona以其深入浅出的方式,将DevOps的理念和实践融入书中,让读者能够掌握如何通过DevOps方法来增强个人技术能力,并提升整个IT组织的效率。 本书涵盖了DevOps的核心概念,如持续集成/持续部署(CI/CD)、自动化、协作文化以及服务导向的架构。它详细阐述了如何通过工具和技术整合开发和运维流程,减少故障时间,提高软件交付速度,同时确保高质量的软件产品。读者将学习到如何创建一个端到端的DevOps实践,包括从代码编写到生产环境部署的全生命周期管理。 作者强调了跨职能团队合作的重要性,以及如何通过建立共享责任和透明度来促进开发与运维之间的紧密协作。此外,书中还讨论了如何在实践中应对挑战,比如如何处理变化管理、如何监控和调试分布式系统,以及如何适应不断变化的技术栈。 版权信息显示,本书由Packt Publishing出版,于2016年2月首次发行,版权受到保护。尽管作者和出版社已尽力确保信息的准确性,但书中提供的所有内容均不带有任何形式的保证,包括明示或暗示的保修。读者在使用本书时应自行承担风险。 《实践DevOps》是一本既实用又有深度的资源,无论是初学者还是经验丰富的专业人士,都能从中获益匪浅。通过阅读和实践书中的建议,读者可以提升自己的职业竞争力,推动其所在组织走向更加敏捷和高效的IT运营模式。"
2017-01-26 上传
Achieve streamlined, rapid production with enterprise-level DevOps The DevOps Adoption Playbook provides practical, actionable, real-world guidance on implementing DevOps at enterprise scale. Author Sanjeev Sharma heads the DevOps practice for IBM; in this book, he provides unique guidance and insight on implementing DevOps at large organizations. Most DevOps literature is aimed at startups, but enterprises have unique needs, capabilities, limitations, and challenges; "DevOps for startups" doesn't work at this scale, but the DevOps paradigm can revolutionize enterprise IT. Deliver high-value applications and systems with velocity and agility by adopting the necessary practices, automation tools, and organizational and cultural changes that lead to innovation through rapid experimentation. Speed is an advantage in the face of competition, but it must never come at the expense of quality; DevOps allows your organization to keep both by intersecting development, quality assurance, and operations. Enterprise-level DevOps comes with its own set of challenges, but this book shows you just how easily they are overcome. With a slight shift in perspective, your organization can stay ahead of the competition while keeping costs, risks, and quality under control. Grasp the full extent of the DevOps impact on IT organizations Achieve high-value innovation and optimization with low cost and risk Exceed traditional business goals with higher product release efficiency Implement DevOps in large-scale enterprise IT environments DevOps has been one of IT's hottest trends for the past decade, and plenty of success stories testify to its effectiveness in organizations of any size, industry, or level of IT maturity, all around the world. The DevOps Adoption Playbook shows you how to get your organization on board so you can slip production into the fast lane and innovate your way to the top. Table of Contents Chapter 1 DevOps: An Overview Chapter 2 Adopting DevOps Chapter 3 Developing a Business Case for a DevOps Transformation Chapter 4 DevOps Plays for Optimizing the Delivery Pipeline Chapter 5 DevOps Plays for Driving Innovation Chapter 6 Scaling DevOps for the Enterprise Chapter 7 Leading DevOps Adoption in the Enterprise Appendix Case Study: Example DevOps Adoption Roadmap