
需积分: 10 4 下载量 57 浏览量 更新于2024-01-21 收藏 5.41MB PDF 举报
The EDDI User Guidev1.0 – September 2017 is a comprehensive manual developed by Jeff Lukas, Mike Hobbins, Imtiaz Rangwala and the EDDI team. This guide is intended for a wide range of users, including researchers, water resource managers, and policymakers, who are interested in understanding and utilizing the standardized evapotranspiration deficit index (EDDI). The User Guide provides detailed information on the purpose and functionality of EDDI, including its key features and limitations. It explains that EDDI is designed to assess moisture imbalance and identify drought conditions by measuring evaporative demand (E0) across different regions. It also highlights the fact that EDDI is not a drought monitor, but rather a tool for understanding the relationship between E0 and evapotranspiration (ET). The guide goes on to explain the concept of E0 and its variability across the United States, emphasizing the large seasonal cycle in E0 and its impact on surface moisture stress. It also describes the relationship between E0 and ET, highlighting how high E0 can indicate significant moisture stress in the environment. In addition, the User Guide provides detailed instructions on how to use EDDI, including how to interpret the index and apply it to real-world scenarios. It also offers guidance on accessing and utilizing EDDI data through various platforms. Overall, the EDDI User Guidev1.0 – September 2017 is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand and utilize the standardized evapotranspiration deficit index. It provides a thorough explanation of EDDI's purpose, functionality, and limitations, and offers practical guidance on how to apply EDDI in a variety of contexts. Whether you are a researcher, water resource manager, or policymaker, this guide will help you make the most of this important tool for assessing moisture imbalance and identifying drought conditions.