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MATLAB的C++ 数学库使用手册
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The MATLAB® C++ Math Library serves two separate constituencies:<br>MATLAB programmers seeking more speed or complete independence from<br>interpreted MATLAB, and C++ programmers who need a fast, easy-to-use<br>matrix math library. To each, it offers distinct advantages.
The Language of Technical Computing
Math Library
User’s Guide
Version 2.1
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MATLAB C++ Math Library User’s Guide
COPYRIGHT 1984 - 2000 by The MathWorks, Inc.
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Printing History: October 1995 First printing
January 1998 Revised for Version 1.2
January 1999 Revised for Version 2.0 (Release 11)
September 2000 Revised for Version 2.1 (Release 12) Online only
Getting Started
Introduction ......................................... 1-2
OverviewoftheMATLABC++MathLibrary.............. 1-2
WhoShouldReadThisBook............................ 1-4
NewMATLABC++MathLibraryFeatures ............... 1-5
MATLABC++MathLibraryDocumentation .............. 1-5
GettingStartedQuickly ............................... 1-8
Installing the C++ Math Library ........................ 1-9
Installation with MATLAB . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 1-9
Installation Without MATLAB . . . . . . . . ................. 1-10
VerifyingaUNIXInstallation ......................... 1-10
Verifying a PC Installation . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 1-10
Installing Your C++ Compiler . . . . . . . . ................. 1-11
Building C++ Applications ............................ 1-13
Overview .......................................... 1-13
Building a Stand-Alone Application on UNIX .......... 1-15
ConfiguringtheBuildEnvironment .................... 1-15
BuildinganApplication .............................. 1-18
mbuildOptions ..................................... 1-20
Building a Stand-Alone Application on PCs ............ 1-23
ConfiguringtheBuildEnvironment .................... 1-23
BuildinganApplication .............................. 1-29
mbuildOptions ..................................... 1-30
Troubleshooting mbuild .............................. 1-33
Linking Applications Without mbuild ................. 1-35
Distributing Stand-Alone Applications ................ 1-36
Packaging the MATLAB Math Run-Time Libraries . . . . . . . . 1-36
ii Contents
Installing Your Application . ........................... 1-37
ProblemStartingStand-AloneApplication ............... 1-38
MATLAB Basics ....................................... 2-3
DataTypes .......................................... 2-3
Operators ........................................... 2-4
Functions ........................................... 2-6
InputandOutput..................................... 2-6
Errors .............................................. 2-7
FlowofControl....................................... 2-7
MATLAB for C++ Programmers ......................... 2-8
C++ for MATLAB Users ............................... 2-10
HowtheLibraryIsSimilartoMATLAB ................. 2-10
HowC++andtheLibraryDifferfromMATLAB ........... 2-10
MATLAB C++ Math Library Basics ..................... 2-12
DataTypes ......................................... 2-12
Operators .......................................... 2-13
Functions .......................................... 2-14
InputandOutput.................................... 2-15
Errors ............................................. 2-16
MemoryManagement ................................ 2-16
Stand-Alone Programs ................................ 2-18
Example Program: Writing Simple Functions (ex4.cpp) . . . . . 2-19
WritingEfficientPrograms ............................ 2-22
Learning More ....................................... 2-24
Working with MATLAB Arrays
Overview ............................................. 3-2
SupportedMATLABArrayTypes........................ 3-2
MATLABArrayC++Object ............................ 3-3
Numeric Arrays ....................................... 3-4
CreatingNumericArrays .............................. 3-5
InitializingaNumericArraywithData.................. 3-13
Example Program: Creating Arrays and Array I/O (ex1.cpp) . 3-15
Sparse Matrices ...................................... 3-19
CreatingaSparseMatrix ............................. 3-20
Converting a Sparse Matrix to Full Matrix Format . . . . . . . . 3-23
EvaluatingArraysforSparseStorage ................... 3-23
Character Arrays .................................... 3-24
CreatingMATLABCharacterArrays.................... 3-25
Cell Arrays .......................................... 3-28
CreatingCellArrays ................................. 3-28
DisplayingtheContentsofaCellArray.................. 3-33
MATLAB Structures .................................. 3-35
CreatingStructures .................................. 3-35
Performing Common Array Programming Tasks ........ 3-39
ConvertingDatatoMATLABArrays .................... 3-39
DeterminingArraySize............................... 3-42
Indexing into Arrays
Overview ............................................. 4-2
Terminology ......................................... 4-2
DimensionsandSubscriptsinMATLAB .................. 4-2
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