VPX系统管理框架:基于IPMI与ATCA标准的VITA 46.11-2015

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本文档是关于VPX(VersaModule Eurocard)系统管理框架的标准文档,即ANSI/VITA46.11-2015。VPX是一种开放架构标准,专为高性能计算和通信应用设计,旨在提供模块化、可扩展和互操作的系统解决方案。该标准定义了一个系统管理框架,其核心目标是确保VPX生态系统内的硬件组件(如Field Replaceable Units, FRUs)、机箱以及整个系统层面的兼容性和一致性。 框架的基础是基于Intellectual Platform Management Interface (IPMI) 规范,这是一种广泛接受的平台管理标准,它定义了如何管理和监控服务器和网络设备的底层硬件和软件功能。通过IPMI,VPX系统能够实现远程管理,包括电源控制、温度监控、错误报告等功能。 此外,该标准还借鉴了AdvancedTCA® (ATCA®) 规范由PICMG®(PCI-Express Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group)制定的概念和定义,这些概念对于构建高可靠性和高效能的系统至关重要。ATCA标准通常用于数据中心的高密度服务器架构,而VITA46.11将其应用到VPX系统中,促进了整个生态系统的标准化和集成。 在批准过程中,ANSI(美国国家标准协会)确保了该标准的开发符合其严格的审批流程,包括公开讨论、多方参与和充分的共识达成。当一个标准得到ANSI的批准时,这意味着它满足了公正程序、广泛的行业支持和实质性利益方的一致认可。在本案例中,ANSI/VITA46.11-2015是在2015年6月获得批准的,版权属于VITA,所有权益受法律保护。 总结来说,VITA46.11-2015为VPX系统提供了一个强大的系统管理基础,通过IPMI和ATCA的相关概念,实现了设备间的良好协作,提升了整个生态系统的运维效率和可靠性。这对于制造商、系统集成商和最终用户来说,都是优化设计、简化部署和维护的重要工具。
2010-02-23 上传
Abstract This standard describes VITA 46.0 Advanced Module Format for VMEbus systems, an evolutionary step forward for the provision of high-speed interconnects in harsh-environment applications. Foreword VME has been the de-facto bus standard for Commercial off the Shelf ( COTS ) Circuit Card Assemblies since the 1980’s. VME boards have proven to be remarkably capable of evolving to support newer technologies with innovations such as VME Subsystem Bus, PCI Mezzanine Cards (PMC’s) and VME320. However, advances in technologies, appearing particularly in interconnects, have demonstrated the need for an advance in system development. This advance needs to accommodate high speed interconnect, particularly serial interconnects, and higher power delivery in concert with better heat removal. This draft standard addresses these needs in the context of IEEE 1101 form factor modules. Other specifications may address alternate outlines, such as VITA-48 (Draft). Because electronics miniaturization is driving the plug-in module I/O count, most system interconnects will need:  Multi-gigabit differential technology  Core computing cluster switched fabrics  Serial RapidIO, PCI Express, Advanced Switching Interconnect  Sufficient ports to enable distributed switching or centralized switching The plethora of high-speed interfaces available for tomorrow’s plug-in modules:  Network interfaces (Fibre Channel, 10 GbE XAUI, Infiniband…,)  Digital video (TMDS, PanelLink, OpenLDI…)  Mass storage interface (Fibre Channel, Serial ATA…,)  FPGA-based inter-board connections (e.g. Xilinx RocketIO)  Custom sensor interfaces VITA 46 provides an evolutionary roadmap for VME users:  To leverage the broad spectrum of high-speed interconnect technologies  Backward compatibility with VME bus electrical, software and selected mechanicals  Enables heterogeneous architectures which preserve existing investments in COTS-based systems  Addresses both 3U and 6U form factors with commonality  Harsh environment fit ‘designed-in’ up front in the standard  Rugged air or conduction-cooled form factors  High value placed on rear-panel I/O  High-speed connector survivability/compliance