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"2020 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS CONFERENCE" 是该年度会议的主题,表明这是由电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)固态电路学会主办的一次盛会。会议在2020年2月16日至20日举行,持续四天,聚集了全球的业界精英,展示了他们的技术论文和研究成果。
"DIGEST OF TECHNICAL PAPERS" 指的是会议的技术论文摘要集,这是会议的重要组成部分,包含了当年所有入选论文的详细摘要。这些摘要通常包含研究背景、技术方法、创新点和实验结果,是了解固态电路领域最新进展的重要参考资料。第一版的摘要集于2020年2月发布,具有ISBN编号0193-6530,并遵循IEEE的出版标准。
"PREPRESS IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" 表明在美国进行了初步的印刷工作,这通常指的是在正式出版前的准备阶段。

ISSCC 2020 / SESSION 1 / PLENARY / 1.2 ISSCC 2020 / February 17, 2020 / 9:20 AM
1.2 Fertilizing AIoT from Roots to Leaves
Kou-Hung Lawrence Loh
Senior Vice President & Corporate Strategy Officer
MediaTek, Hsinchu, Taiwan
1.0 Introduction
IoT with artificial intelligence, AIoT, enriches everything around the world. The
application space is unlimited, ranging from fundamental research, enterprise,
industry, transportation, services, and personal daily life. The impact of AIoT is
far reaching. By 2030, with an average of 40 connected “things” per person and
8.6 billion population in the world, it is expected to have ~350 billion devices in
operation, reaching $16 trillion, or 14% of global GDP, as illustrated in Figure
AIoT comprises a wide spectrum of technologies that can be categorized into
three pillars, as shown in Figure 1.2.2. A broad view of multimedia consists of
sensors, human-machine interface, and actuators interacting between the digital
and real worlds. It can include microphones and speakers, cameras and displays,
vital-sign monitoring devices, robotaxis, and so forth. The massive amount of
data is processed both locally and in the cloud, requiring 5G and other advanced
communication technologies to reliably support high network capacity and high
data throughput at low latency. The inputs to the cloud and edge AI units are
analyzed, classified, and perceived to synthesize cognitive actions with a capability
greatly surpassing human ability by 2030. A large variety of technologies such as
novel device components, new AI platforms, heterogeneous computing units,
advanced wireless and wireline communication, and package assembly are
required to anchor the pillars and to support the rich leaf-applications at the top.
In addition, excellent power efficiency to prolong battery life is a must for edge
devices, which also helps to reduce carbon emission. In the following sections,
nurturing and expanding each pillar from roots to leaves will be discussed with
focuses on AI for multimedia, communications technology to bridge the edge and
cloud, and essential circuit-level technologies.
2.0 The World with Artificial Intelligence
The availability of big data in conjunction with the advancement of Deep Neural
Networks (DNN) and high compute-power VLSI drives the emergence of modern
AI. One of the most deployed applications is computer vision. Compared to the
conventional image processing algorithm approach, accuracy has improved so
much that by 2015, a human can no longer beat a computer in image
classification. AI has expanded everywhere, including into the high volume
consumer space such as smartphones, advanced driver assistance systems
(ADAS), voice assistants, surveillance cameras, and smart remote healthcare
The early development of DNNs before 2016 mainly focused on accuracy
improvement without considering computation complexity. While accuracy for
image classification improved 24% between 2012 and 2016, the demand on
computing resources increased >10× as illustrated by the bubble sizes in Figure
1.2.3. Starting from 2017, significant attention was paid to improve computation
efficiency in terms of compute power, memory bandwidth, and power
consumption, while maintaining accuracy at a similar level to human perception.
As a result, on-device DNN inference started to become feasible, opening up the
era of edge AI. It is expected that the efficiency of DNNs will continue to improve,
enabling more sophisticated edge AI applications.
2.1 Edge AI
The initial success of AI was built on big data and huge amounts of computation
resources. It is natural that in those early generations, cloud-based solutions were
preferred, not only for training, but also for inference. Taking VGGNet (2014) [1]
as an example, a single image classification [2] needed 15.2GMACs (15.2 billion
multiply-and-accumulations). It took 250ms to 1250ms to complete, where
200ms to 1200ms was required for data transportation and 50ms was for the
actual computation in the cloud. If the same example was run on a high-end
smartphone at that time, it would have taken ~3000ms, which is 2.5× slower. In
2016, improvements to DNN models and VLSI computing capability shortened
the gap such that a high-end smartphone could perform similar image
classification at higher accuracy in less than 50ms without any connection to the
cloud. The resulting user experience surpassed cloud-based solutions by more
than an order-of-magnitude. The 60× improvement, from 3000ms to 50ms, was
the result of a 30× improvement in hardware computing capability and improved
compactness of DNN models such as Inception-ResNet (2016) [3] which reduced
the computation complexity by 50% compared to earlier models. Such abrupt
progress proved that processing DNN tasks locally (the nomenclature of edge AI)
is feasible for mission-critical applications in real time. In fact, there is a clear and
fast rise of edge AI because of: (1) the need for real-time processing and inference;
(2) the increased awareness of privacy and security to keep critical data local; (3)
the requirement of offline operations when internet access is sporadic; and (4)
the challenge of communication capacity stressed by 350 billion AIoT devices
globally by 2030.
2.2 Cloud-Edge Hybrid AI
To date, the exceptional growth of edge AI devices has been mainly in inference
engines. Most of the training still resides in the cloud. For example, an inference
engine running ResNet50 needs ~3.9GOPs to classify one image, which takes
about 10ms on an edge device having 500GOPs capacity. In contrast, training
ResNet50 requires processing over 1 million images for 100 epochs (iterations).
That corresponds to >2 Exa-OPs, far exceeding the capacity of an ordinary
computer. Even running in the cloud, it takes several hours with servers equipped
with GPU farms, large arrays of memory, and data storage. Although there is
active research on reducing DNN training complexity [4-5], it is still difficult to
carry out on an edge device. Therefore, the preferred approach is to rely on the
cloud for heavy computation, leaving inference to the edge device, which can
interact with the environment in real time, maintaining strong privacy and security.
New data collected by edge devices can also be anonymized by AI while preserving
key attributes for cloud learning, self-learning, and federated learning. For
example, in an autonomous driving ecosystem within a smart city, a connected
autonomous vehicle needs to fuse data from its own sensors and those
transmitted from the traffic infrastructure in real time to perform safety-critical
AI inference. The collected and fused data can be pre-processed to remove private
information before being sent to the cloud at a relatively slower pace. The cloud
server then uses the aggregated data to update traffic control, HD maps, and to
facilitate future city planning. The overall cloud-edge hybrid AI and communication
sub-systems form a closed-loop AIoT ecosystem as part of a smart city.
2.3 Edge AI SoC
The broad array of AI application places various demands on hardware design. In
the case of image processing, as shown in Figure 1.2.4, since the AI models are
mostly non-iterative and need to deal with a large amount of data (pixels), it is
more demanding on computation than on memory access. The former can reach
up to ~40TOPs, while the latter requires ~15GB/s. On the other hand, for high-
end voice applications, although the computation requirement of ~30GOPs is
1000× lower than that for imaging processing, the repetitive operations of
recurrent neural network (RNN) and long-short-term memory network (LSTM)
call for a higher memory bandwidth of >20GB/s. Simulated compute power, data
precision, and memory bandwidth for several computer vision and voice AI-use
cases are listed and compared in Figure 1.2.4. The benchmarks range from
perception/recognition, object-based construction, and advanced contextual
understanding. It can be observed that the compute power and memory
bandwidth requirements vary by >3 and >1 orders-of-magnitude, respectively.
With a desire for smart handhelds, such as smartphones, to be versatile for most,
if not all applications, it becomes a big challenge to design an edge AI SoC that is
simultaneously scalable and power efficient.
Beyond elementary AI functions, such as image classification, consider a “follow-
me dancing” application, which is easy for humans but takes very heavy
concurrent and heterogeneous AI computing, as shown in Figure 1.2.5. Starting
from the camera sensor, a live video stream is produced at 30fps. The image
signal processing unit (ISP) performs auto-focus, auto-exposure, and auto-white
balance (denoted as 3A), as well as producing two types of images, one of which
may be enhanced by AI for human viewing, and the other for internal AI
perception. The AI processing unit (APU) operates on the internal data to perform
face detection (denoted as FD), pose estimation, and 3D reconstruction. The result
is simultaneously used to control the robot through Bluetooth and is displayed
on a TV through WiFi. A CPU controls the overall scheduling and carries out some
of the scalar computation. All operations are concurrently executed by a single
smartphone in real time. In essence, an edge SoC needs to be equipped with not
only a capable inference engine, but also multiple other processing units to tackle
highly complex applications.

16 • 2020 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference
ISSCC 2020 / SESSION 1 / PLENARY / 1.2
The challenges in designing an edge AI SoC may be summarized as follows: (1)
flexibility and re-configurability to support various neural networks with dissimilar
demands; (2) scalability to fulfill a very wide range of workload; (3) reduction of
the amount and distance for data movement, which can consume up to 100×
more energy than the ALU alone in certain cases; and (4) low power consumption
on the order of 2W to 3W total with ~1W budgeted for a deep learning accelerator
(DLA). Architecture wise, it is instructive to first examine the strength and
weakness of different types of processors, as shown in Figure 1.2.6. While a CPU
has the best flexibility, it is the least efficient compared to a GPU, DSP, or
purposely-built APU. For power efficiency, it is the complete opposite – an APU
outperforms the rest, but it has the least flexibility. It is important to note that AI
tasks consist of not only DNN operations but also traditional signal processing.
In fact, for some computer vision (CV) applications, the traditional algorithms can
be responsible for up to ~70% of the total computation load. This leads to the
architecture of multi-processor system-on-chip (MPSoC) to support concurrent
heterogeneous computing.
An APU is purposely built to do AI tasks efficiently. A block diagram is shown in
Figure 1.2.7 [6]. It consists of convolution engines, data buffers, and operator
engines for neural network operations, such as pooling and activation. A parallel
and scalable computing architecture with multiple APU cores provides
acceleration for commonly used DNN operations. Adaptive computing is exploited
to increase ALU utilization. Distributed local memory and data flow control allow
reuse of data between different convolution windows and neural network layers,
thereby minimizing the physical data movement. Among APU cores and other
heterogeneous processors, tightly-coupled global buffers are used to share data
so that relatively slow and inefficient DRAM access can be reduced. Hardware-
based data compression is further utilized to free up computing resources and
decrease the need for memory bandwidth. To deal with sparsity, joint processing
from both hardware and software is developed to perform zero-skipping. All APU
cores support multiple numerical representation and native asymmetric
quantization to balance power and performance while meeting the target accuracy.
The scheduling and synchronization are done by both software and hardware for
robustness and optimal performance. Benchmarking using Inception and
MobileNet, the APU can achieve more than 6 TOPS/W, performing much better
in power efficiency compared to a GPU. Consequently, more than 60% of the
DRAM bandwidth requirement can be removed.
2.4 Software Swiss Army Knife
There are a large variety of AIoT applications demanding diverse algorithms and
neural network models. The best suited hardware configuration can also be
drastically different for those use cases. It is therefore very critical to co-design
the hardware and software algorithms starting from the planning stage, and take
into account that the application space is only limited by users’ imagination. A
general platform approach is needed where a software development kit (SDK)
needs to support common machine-learning (ML) frameworks while
simultaneously optimizing the system performance based on the hardware
offering. In addition, to enable developers to focus on system-level AI innovation
and fast time-to-market, application libraries, framework API, dynamic hardware
arrangement, and toolkits for profiling, and so on are essential. Figure 1.2.8 shows
an example platform marketed as NeuroPilot
, from MediaTek. The API, marked
in red, supports common frameworks such as TensorFlow, Caffe, Caffe2, ONNX,
and MXNet over multiple operating systems, including Android, Linux, and RTOS.
The Heterogeneous Runtime module, marked in blue, performs platform-aware
inference optimization based on the available computing resources. Hardware
configuration and parallelization are dynamically arranged during run time.
Network reduction such as pruning, quantization with compensation, zero-
skipping for sparse matrices, and weight compression is supported by the toolkits
to achieve optimal results and power efficiency. The overall platform enables
application-level optimization to be carried out as early as possible during the
algorithm design phase, which is vital when developing complex applications.
Neural networks are mostly trained in the cloud today. When deploying the models
in edge devices, it typically takes a significant amount of engineering time and
effort to select suitable network architectures, re-train the parameters, and trim
the networks according to the available energy and hardware constraints. Since
the inference optimization is highly complex, it is natural to adopt AI inside the
aforementioned platform, such as NeuroPilot
, to automate each step in the
process. From our experience, reinforcement learning with iterative refinement
works well for this purpose. An example is shown in Figure 1.2.9. When running
InceptionV3 on a CPU, it takes ~210ms. Migrating to an APU, the execution time
can be reduced down to 15ms (14× speedup) to further improve the performance
and power consumption, it may require ~4 weeks with a group of domain experts
to modify and optimize the network. If there are multiple criteria to be achieved,
the engineering efforts would explode. In contrast, by deploying fully-automated
neural architecture search (NAS), it takes only 3 days to generate a new model
that can either speed up the inference from 15ms down to 8ms under the same
accuracy, or increase the accuracy from 78% to 82% while keeping the same
execution time.
In the next several years, more advances will occur in interconnect technology
for network-on-chip (NoC), system-level HW/SW co-design with scalability and
re-configurability, as well as device and circuit-level innovation. One of them is
near-memory and in-memory computing (or compute-in-memory, CIM) to further
reduce data-centric power consumption. The intent is to eliminate the bottleneck
in the classic Von Neumann compute-centric architecture. It is expected to achieve
significantly higher performance of up to 5TOPs/W to 100TOPs/W, compared to
current SRAM-based implementation of 1TOPs/W to 2TOPs/W. From an
architectural viewpoint, CIM-SRAM may be treated as a tightly-coupled memory
(TCM) for deep-learning accelerator (DLA). Although there has been a lot of active
research on CIM, the maturity of this technology may still be a few years out.
3.0 Connecting the Mesh
With the necessity of cloud-edge AI, an integral part of AIoT is the massive amount
of aggregated data that is transferred bi-directionally between the digital and real
worlds. To support an average data-traffic growth rate of around 150% per year,
wireless and wireline communication become very crucial. It is challenging for
leaf devices in Figure 1.2.2 to economically fulfill high communication quality
because the available energy is constrained and the data from each edge device
is often sparse and sporadic. Therefore, innovations in communications
standards, communications network architectures, and integrated circuit design
are mandatory to facilitate adaptive data traffic at low energy consumption. Local
area networks configured in star or mesh structures are bridged by gateways
which are finally linked to the cloud through cellular, WiFi, Ethernet, and so forth.
Within data centers, high-speed SerDes such as 112 and 224 Gb/s/lane, and
optical communication links serve as the communication backbone transporting
data at tens of Tb/s among racks. Long-distance fibers and satellites finally
interconnect the world to form a global mesh. The whole communication
ecosystem has enabled the exponential growth of AIoT. Yet, it is far from sufficient
to support the expansion from 50 billion devices in 2020 to 350 billion devices
by 2030.
Wireless and wireline communication capacity has also increased at an
exponential rate as shown in Figure 1.2.10, which corresponds very well to the
number of AIoT devices. The estimated annual data traffic by 2021 is in excess of
3.3 zettabytes (10
) [7]. This densely deployed network comes with new
challenges such as security, data traffic management, signal interference, and
quality of service, all of which must be fulfilled with low power consumption. In
addition to the aforementioned core technology advancement, AI can be pursued
to tackle some of the obstacles. For example, AI assistance on GPS signal
acquisition for an edge device, as well as resource, security, quality, and
interference management for wireless infrastructure have been partially deployed
in the field [8]. It is still an active research area. In the following two sections, the
current state-of-the-art (SoA), requiring innovation in the next 10 years for
wireless and wireline communications will be discussed.
3.1 Advances in Wireless Communication
Edge devices that are connected wirelessly can be divided into two classes: those
with low throughput such as IoT sensors, and those with high throughput such
as smartphones. Each class can be further categorized according to the distance
from the gateways which can be satellites, cellular basestations, or WiFi access
points. Various wireless standards exist to service these multiple connection
scenarios, such as 3GPP and 802.11.
The main focus for low-throughput IoT devices is on reducing energy
consumption per bit (power/throughput = Joules/bit). It is generally achieved by
adopting narrow-band communication systems along with extreme optimization
on both active and sleep-mode current consumption. It is worth noting that the
magnitude of sleep current is usually significantly smaller than that of active
current. Yet, it often overwhelms the battery life time for low duty cycled devices.
For active mode, wireless standards such as NB-IoT and BLE facilitate the
978-1-7281-3205-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

ISSCC 2020 / February 17, 2020 / 9:20 AM
reduction of average power consumption for both media access control (MAC)
and physical (PHY) layers. Analog-light transceiver architectures, low voltage RF,
wake-up receivers, and fast transition between sleep and active modes are
techniques to minimize the effective Joules/bit. To date, a SoA BLE receiver can
achieve an energy efficiency of as low as 2nJ/bit [9]. At the system level, cognitive
AI is being employed to make the best use of the available energy by scheduling
data collection, processing, and transmission at optimal moments. The ultimate
goal is to reduce current consumption so drastically that AIoT devices at the edge
can be powered solely by harvesting the energy from their surrounding
environment (so-called zero-energy edge devices).
The key demand for high-throughput edge devices is high data rate at high
reliability and low latency while balancing within a constrained energy budget. To
achieve this goal, the wireless industry has introduced a rich set of technologies
to fully utilize the available frequency spectrum in the sub-6GHz range by
aggregating fragmented spectrum (carrier aggregation), upgrading to higher order
modulation, adopting multi-user MIMO and coordinated multi-point, to name a
few. In the latest wireless standards for 5G-NR and 802.11ax, the theoretical
throughput can reach 20Gb/s and 14Gb/s, respectively. As we are already close
to the limit according to Shannon’s theory for a given frequency bandwidth, more
frequency spectrum has to be allocated to simultaneously support high
throughput and high capacity. Various frequency bands between 6GHz and
100GHz have been opened up for 5G-NR (5.9, 28 and 39 GHz) and next generation
WiFi (6GHz to 7GHz).
It is daunting for an edge device, such as a smartphone, to handle those complex
techniques, large bandwidths, and multiple frequency bands. Thousands of people
over several years are needed to design the highly complex modems and
transceivers, not to mention the additional efforts to design them in a power-
efficient manner. To gain an appreciation of the challenges, Figure 1.2.11 shows
the increase of modem complexity over the past two decades using data from
MediaTek. Over the course of the evolution from 2G to 5G between 2005 and
2019, modem gate count has increased 240×. Although Moore’s Law and new
packaging technologies have helped tremendously, the 5G modem is reaching
the limit of power density even the most advanced process technology node has
been adopted. Given an average of 5 to 10 years to advance to the next cellular
communication generation, a 6G modem is expected to have a gate count on the
order of 2000× that of a 2G modem. A similar trend can be formulated for silicon
area as shown in Figure 1.2.11. A 5G modem size is ~10× that of a 2G modem,
and 6G is expected to be >50×. For RF transceivers, benefits from Moore’s Law
are less pronounced. A modern 5G transceiver requiring 3 TX and 20 RX elements
is shown in Figure 1.2.12 [10]. Compared to the earlier generation with only 1 TX
and 1 RX, the size increases 8×. Similarly, a new WiFi 6 transceiver consisting of
4 TX and 4 RX to support 4×4 MIMO in 3 frequency bands (2.4GHz, 5GHz, and 6
GHz) [11] is ~10× larger than the 1×1 single band (2.4GHz) version.
For RF receiver energy efficiency shown in Figure 1.2.13, cellular links have
improved by 5 orders of magnitude from 2.5G to 4G between 2005 and 2017.
The huge improvement mainly comes from user demands evolving from voice
only to large data transportation. As a result, superior communication signal
processing techniques such as OFDM, turbo coding, and high order modulation,
as well as advanced RF/analog circuit design have been developed. The trend
levels off after 2017 as we approach some of the theoretical limits. WiFi, on the
other hand, has employed OFDM and relatively higher order modulation than
cellular standards due to its focus on data and a shorter distance coverage. Hence,
its energy/bit starts at 3 orders-of-magnitude lower than the corresponding
cellular generation. The trend is also shown in Figure 1.2.13 with a less steep
slope than cellular standards. It can also be observed that after 2017, both cellular
and WiFi share similar energy efficiency improvement over time, which is
substantially slower than the cellular trend in the past decade. That means
significant innovation is needed in the next 10 years to enable the goal of zero-
energy edge devices. The challenges lying ahead are deep and broad spanning
across many areas such as communications systems and RF/analog engineering,
and data science and AI. For example, mmWave offers large bandwidth but
requires revolutionary techniques to overcome the insufficient link budget for a
large cell size coverage. Similarly, for future WiFi 7 (802.11be) to support
4096QAM using 320MHz channel bandwidth and up to 16 spatial streams (up to
16), it requires an EVM floor as low as –45dBc which is near the level of today’s
verification equipment.
3.2 Advances in Wireline Communication
All the data that is gathered from the billions of edge, or “leaf”, devices eventually
ends up in the cloud, carried there by large communication backhauls such as
long distance fiber. Once in the data center, moving the data around is itself a
massive undertaking. It is estimated that the total data traffic inside data centers
(Figure 1.2.14) will reach 20.6 zettabytes (10
) by 2021, imposing humongous
efforts to accommodate all the data movement.
Wireline IOs, or SerDes, are the primary building blocks for moving data around.
These IOs range from extremely-short-reach (XSR), ultra-short-reach (USR) to
long-reach (LR) and can be found in data center switches, ASICs, and various
PHYs. In recent years, dramatic advancements in more IOs per component and
higher data rate per pin have emerged. As illustrated in Figure 1.2.15 [12], the
per-pin data rate has approximately doubled every 4 years across a variety of I/O
categories, from DDR to graphics to high-speed Ethernet. What has made this
possible is the introduction of more complex modulation schemes, similar to what
has occurred in wireless. One such example is PAM4, which has led to the
successful mass deployment of 56Gb/s and soon 112Gb/s SerDes. At these data
rates, complex modulation schemes suffer significant inter-symbol interference
(ISI), which must be mitigated through equalization. Recently, the wireline
industry has recognized that DSP-based architectures offer a promising path for
reaching 400Gb/s and beyond by taking full advantages of process scaling. For
example, Figure 1.2.16 shows that when scaling from 16nm to 7nm, the analog
power and area reduced by less than 25% while digital power and area scaled by
~50%. This skew causes a paradigm shift in wireline communication transceivers
towards DSP-based architectures. Shown in the inset of Figure 1.2.16 is an
112Gb/s transceiver that takes advantage of this scaling skew [13].
At the same time, however, the increased energy consumption that comes hand-
in-hand with increased data rates is leading to cooling and cost problems that
must be dealt with. For a complete wireline PHY including transceivers, clock
generation, etc., the current SoA energy consumption is 1pJ/bit over 10’s mm of
distance in the case of 112G XSR [13] and 0.5pJ/b in the case of MediaTek’s M-
Link, deployed in what is currently the industry’s largest dual-die InFO package
(see next section). The challenge of increasing data rate while simultaneously
reducing the energy per bit will serve as a key goal for the industry, one that
cannot be solved by relying on DSP-based architectures and Moore’s Law alone.
To this end, new innovations such as silicon photonics co-integration, offer the
promise of lowering energy consumption by 60% and being cost effective at the
same time. However, challenges related to reliability, testing, and maintenance of
silicon photonics compared to electrical I/Os will delay their mass deployment for
the foreseeable future. Until then, wireline I/Os will continue to rely on electrical
interconnects, with ever more complex modulation schemes likely to be
4.0 Under the Hood of Circuit Design
During the past decades, Moore’s Law has been the key ingredient “fertilizing”
advances in computing, and wireless and wireline communications, as illustrated
in the previous sections by the examples of AI processors, modem complexity
and DSP-based architectures, respectively. From 2007-2017, gate density grew
approximately 10× every 5 years (Figure 1.2.17), which is just shy of the predicted
rate given by Moore’s Law of growing 2× every 1.5 years. The growth rate, or
slope, is coincidently similar to the increase in data rate as shown in Figure 1.2.10.
However, as process scaling is no longer following a straight line on a logarithmic
scale (Figure 1.2.17), the interest in various More-than-Moore techniques
has intensified. In particular, advanced packaging technologies to enable
heterogeneous integration have received high attention. The following paragraphs
will examine some of these advanced techniques being adopted to overcome the
limitations of scaling.
4.1 Advances in Package Technology
Very recently, enabled by the development of XSR SerDes, the idea of chiplets -
the breaking up and disaggregating of large chip functions into smaller chip
functions - has gained significant traction. In the chiplet concept, the smaller chips
are assembled together through advanced, 2.5D and 3D packaging technologies
such as CoWoS
(chip-on-wafer-on-substrate), InFO (integrated fan-out), and
FOWLP (fan-out wafer-level package), all of which are in production. Unlike older
generations of multi-chip assembly (Figure 1.2.18), these new technologies have
the potential to integrate thousands of high-speed IO’s in the same package. Such

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high density is achieved by utilizing wafer-level fine-line lithography to form high-
quality wires which interconnects smaller chips on top of the silicon interposer.
Micro-bumps are used to connect the smaller chips to the interposer. For CoWoS
technology, which is widely used for high performance computing (HPC) products
to integrate a SoC and high bandwidth memory (HBM), a 40μm bump pitch and
0.4μm/0.4μm routing layer width/space is standard. A more recent package
innovation is a variant of FOWLP [14], which was first pioneered by MediaTek for
a 6.4Tb/s network application switch chip now in mass production. Two die are
connected via several thousand I/Os to operate as one bigger SoC.
The chiplet concept addresses several issues related to the slow-down of process
scaling. One of them is that yield for several small dies is much better than for a
single very large die. Another issue addressed is that in the era of complex system-
on-chips, it makes more economic sense to break up distinct functions such as
CPU, memory, analog, RF, etc. into separate chiplets, which can then be fabricated
in the most suitable process nodes and can be more readily re-used. The challenge
lies in how to efficiently implement chip-to-chip communication. There are efforts
underway to create standards by which the inter-chiplet communication can be
done smoothly. There is also an ongoing effort to standardize XSR SerDes,
targeting a density of 1Tb/s/mm at 1 to ~1.5pJ/bit energy consumption. Beyond
the current SoA 2.5D technologies lies true 3D-IC, where dies will be fabricated
or stacked on top of each other. They can be connected through silicon or
package, and the distinction between on-die and die-to-die interconnect becomes
pointless. The next decade will surely have more new innovations in this area.
4.2 Process Technology
Although process scaling has slowed down and might stall sometime in the next
decade, for now the pace of scaling continues unabated. For decades, the industry
has kept to the cadence of 50% area shrinking, 30% power reduction, and 20%
speed boosting every 18 months as predicted by Moore’s Law. Although leakage
current threatened to derail this progress a number of years ago, the introduction
of FinFET devices has kept the trend on track. However, as the dynamic power
continues increasing as shown in Figure 1.2.17 [15], the overall power
consumption and thermal management become a nightmare. In our analysis,
power density increases 1.7× with every new technology node and is now
approaching 3.7W/mm
. Due to the severe thermal dissipation problems, it is
necessary to improve energy efficiency not only for battery operated products,
but also for HPC and similar products.
While soon-to-be-introduced to mass production devices like gate all-around
(GAA) will help alleviate the power density issue, optimizing circuits for low-
voltage operation remains a critical tool for energy efficiency, particularly for leaf
devices. Techniques such as sub-threshold operation do help to reduce the
system energy consumption, but are susceptible to device variability resulting in
a limited maximum operating speed. Hence, more innovation will be needed in
the coming years to surmount the issues.
5.0 Summary
IoT has been expanding at a fast pace into every field, from personal to industrial
to even military applications. The transformation from IoT to cognitive AIoT
requires dealing with big data which is collected, transported, learned, and inferred
to activate the interaction with the real world. A variety of roots technologies such
as heterogeneous computing, 5G wireless communication, high-speed wireline
communication, and advanced packages are needed. The trends of those
fundamental technologies and corresponding state-of-the-art performance have
been presented. They form three pillars (or trunks) to support all AIoT
applications. The 10-year outlook has also been discussed in terms of the
challenges and potential directions of development. Current technology is able to
ramp up AIoT from roots to leaves. Yet, major innovation is still needed to well
position the semiconductor industry to orchestrate over 350 billion connected
intelligent devices in year 2030.
The author gratefully thanks the contributions and supports from Central
Engineering Group (CEG), Computing and Artificial Intelligence Technology Group
(CAI), Wireless Technology Group (WTG), Intelligent Devices Business Group
(IDBG), Process Technology & Manufacturing Operations (PTMFO), Central
Design Group (CDG), Wireless Communications Business Group (WCP), and
Wireless Business Group (WSD) at MediaTek.
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978-1-7281-3205-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

ISSCC 2020 / February 17, 2020 / 9:20 AM
Figure 1.2.1: Impact of Artificial Intelligence in 2030.
Figure 1.2.2: Empowering AI from root-technologies to leaf-applications.
Figure 1.2.3: Evolution of deep neural network architecture.
Figure 1.2.5: Concurrent heterogeneous operations in an AI SoC for tracking
movements in real-time.
Figure 1.2.6: Benchmarks for AI computing with different types of processors.
Figure 1.2.4: Performance requirements for AI vision and AI voice applications.
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