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2014年,K. Dragomiretskiy and D. Zosso, Variational Mode Decomposition等人提出 Variational Mode Decomposition,(VMD).
Variational Mode Decomposition
Konstantin Dragomiretskiy and Dominique Zosso, Member, IEEE
Abstract—During the late 1990s, Huang introduced the algo-
rithm called Empirical Mode Decomposition, w hi
ch is widely
used today to recursively decompose a signal into different modes
of u nknown but separate spectral bands. EMD is known for
limitations like sensitivity to noise and sa
mpling. These limitations
could only partially be addressed by more mathematical attempts
to this decomposition problem, like synchrosqueezing, empirical
wavelets or recursive variational de
composition. Here, we propose
an entirely non-recursive variational mode decomposition model,
where the modes are extracted concurrently. The model looks
for an ensemble of modes and their re
spective center frequen-
cies, such that the modes collectively reproduce the input signal,
while each being smooth after demodulation into baseband. In
Fourier domain, this correspond
s to a narrow-band prior. We
show important relations to Wiener fi lter denoising. Indeed, the
proposed method is a generalization of the classic Wiener filter
into multiple, adaptive ba
nds. Our model provides a solution
to the decomposition problem that is theoretically well founded
and still easy to understand. The variational model is efficiently
optimized using an alter
nating direction method of multipliers
approach. Preliminary results show attractive performance with
respect to existing mode decomposition models. In particular,
our proposed model is m
uch more robust to sampling and noise.
Finally, we show promising practical decomposition results on a
series of artificial and real data.
Index Terms—AM-FM, augmented Lagrangian, Fourier trans-
form, Hilbert transform, mode decomposition, spectral decompo-
sition, variational problem, Wiener filter.
MPIRICAL MODE decompo sito n (EMD) proposed by
Huang et al. [1] is an algorithmic method to detect and de-
compose a signal into principal “modes”. This algorithm recur-
sively detects local minima/maxima in a signal, estimates lower/
upper envelopes by interpolation of these extrema, removes the
average of the envel opes as “low-pass” centerlin e, thus isolating
the high-frequency oscillations as “mode” of a s ign a l, and con-
tinues recursively on the remain ing “low-pass” centerline. I n
some cases, this sifting algorithm does indeed decompose a
signal into principal modes, how ever the resulting decomposi-
Manuscript received April 10, 2013; revised August 09, 2013; acce pted
October 10, 2013. Date of publication November 05, 2013; date of current
version January 13, 2014. The associate e ditor coordinating the review of this
manuscript and approving it for publication was Dr. Akbar Sayeed. This work
was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) by Grants
PBELP2_137727 and P300P2_147778, the W. M. Keck Foundation, ONR
Grants N000141210838 and N000141210040, and NSF Grant DMS-1118971.
The auth or s are with the Department of Mathematics, University of
California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA (e-mail:
konstantin@math.ucla.edu; zosso@math.ucla.edu).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2013.2288675
tion is highly dependent on methods of extremal point finding,
interpolation of extremal p oints into carrier envelopes, and the
stopping criteria impo sed. The lack of mathem atical theory and
the aformention ed degrees of freedom reducing the algorithm’s
robustness all leave room for theoretical d evelopment and im-
provement on the robustness of the decomposition [2]– [5]. In
some experim ents it has been shown that EMD shares im por-
tant sim ilarities with wavelets and (adaptive) filter banks [6].
Despite the limited mathematical understanding and some
obvious shortcomings, the EMD method has had significant im-
pact and is widely used in a broad variety of time-frequency
analysis applications. These involve signal deco mposition in
audio engineering [7], climate analysis [8], and various flux,
respiratory, and neuromuscular signals found in medicine and
biology [9]–[12], to name just a few examples.
A. What is a Mode?
In the original EMD description, a mode is defined as a signal
whose number of local extrema and zero-crossin gs differ at most
by on e [1]. In most later related works, the definition is slightly
changed into so-called Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMF), based
on modulation criteria:
Definition 1: (Intrinsic Mode Function): Intrinsic Mode
Functions are amplitude-modulated-frequen cy-m odulated
(AM-FM) signals, written as:
where the phase
is a non-decreasing function,
, the envelope is n on-negative , and, very impor-
tantly, both the envelope
and the instantaneous frequency
vary much slower than the phase [13],
In other words, on a sufficiently long interval
, the mode can be considered to be a pure har-
monic sign a l with amplitude
and instantaneous frequency
[13]. Note that the newer d efinition of signal components
is slightly more restrict ive th a n the original one: while all sig-
nals adhering to the above IMF definition satisfy the original
EMD mode prop erties, the converse is not necessarily true [13].
The immediate consequence of the newer IMF definition, how-
ever, is limited bandwidth, as we show in the next paragraphs,
and which is the central assumption that allows m ode separa-
tion in the proposed v ariation al mode decom position model.
Our restricted class of admissible mode functions is also mo-
tivated by analysis in [3], for they are well-behaved with re-
spect to tim e-frequency analysis of extracted modes, as rou-
tinely pe rf or med in the Hi lber t-Huang-Transform [1]. In con-
trast, the original IMF definition also admits non-
and dis-
continuous signals like the sawtooth, for wh ich the estimated in-
stantaneous frequency is not ph ysically m eanin gfu l, see Fig. 1.
1053-587X © 2013 IEEE. Personal use is p ermitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Fig. 1. Sawtooth signal and its phase/frequency. (a) The original signal. (b) The
estimated phase after Hilbert transform. The phase exhibits jumps at the dis-
continuous saw-peaks. (c) The instantaneous frequency is obtained as the time-
derivative of the phase. At the discontinuous saw-peaks, this is clearly mean-
ingless. Such a signal is an admissible mode according to the original IMF def-
inition based on zero-crossings and local extrema [1], but not part of the newer
definition based on amplitude- and frequency-modulated signals (1) w h ich is
also used here [13].
Indeed, if is the mean frequency of a mod e, then its prac-
tical bandwidth increases both with the maximum deviation
of the instantaneous frequency from its center (carrier fre-
), and with the rate of this excursion, , according
to Carson’s rule
In addition to this, the bandwidth of the envelope
lating the am plitude of the FM signal, it self given by its highest
, broadens the spectrum even further:
Definition 2: (Total Practical IMF Bandwidth): We esti-
mate the total practical bandwidth of an I MF as
Depending on the actual IMF, either of these terms may be dom-
inant. An illustration o f four typical cases is provided in Fig. 2,
where the last example is rather extrem e in term s of required
bandwidth (for illustratio nal purposes).
B. Recent Work
To address the sensitivity of the original EMD alg orithm with
respect to noise and s ampling, more robust versions have since
been proposed [16], [17]. T here, in essence, the extraction of
local extrema and their interpolation for envelope forming is
substituted by more robust constraint optimization techniques.
The global r ecur sive sifting structur e of EMD is maintained,
Other authors create a partially variational approach to EMD
where the signal is explicitly modeled as an IMF [18]. This
method still relies on in terpolation, selection of a Fourier low-
pass filter, and siftin g of high-frequency components. Here, the
candidate m odes are extracted variatio nally. The sig nal is re-
cursively decomposed into an IMFwithTV3-smoothenvelope
(3rd-order total variation), and a T V3- smooth residual. The re-
sulting algorithm is very similar to EMD in structure, but some-
what more robust to noise.
A slightly more variational, but still recursive decomposi-
tion scheme has been proposed in [19], for the analysis o f time-
varying vibration. Here, the dominant vibration is extracted
The theoretical spectral support of a frequency modulated signal is infinite;
However, for practical purposes, Carson’s rule p rovides boun ds containing 98%
of the signal’s power, which should be good enough in this context.
Fig. 2. AM-FM signals with limited bandwid th. Here, w e use a signal
signal. (b) Pure FM signal with little but rapid frequency deviations. (c) Pure FM
signal with slow but important frequency oscillations. (d) Co mb in ed AM-F M
signal. The solid vertical line in the spectrum shows the carrier frequency
the dotted lines corr espond to the estimated band limits at
, based
on (3).
by est im a ting its instantane ous frequency as average frequency
after the Hilbert transform. Again, this process is r epeated re-
cursively on the residual signal.
A third class of methods makes use of wavelets. An ap-
proach based on selecting appropriate wavelet scales, dubbed
synchrosqueezing, was proposed by Daubechies et al. [13],
[20]. They remove unimpo rtan t wavelet coefficients (both in
time and scale) by thresholding of the respective signal ene rgy
in that portion. Conversely, locally relevant wavelets are se-
lected as local m axim a of the continuous wavelet transform,
that are shown to be tuned with the local signals, and from
which the current instantaneous frequency of each m ode can
be recovered.
Other recent work pursuing the same goal is the E mpirical
Wavelet Transform (EWT) to explicitly build an ad apti ve
wavelet basis to decompose a given signal into ada ptive sub-
bands [14]. This mo del relies on robust preprocessing for
peak detection, then performs spectrum segmentation based on
detected maxima, and constructs a corresponding wavelet filter
bank. The filter bank includes flexibility for some mollification
(spectral overlap), but explicit construction of frequency bands
still appears slightly strict.
Finally, a related decomposition into different wavelet bands
was suggested by [21]. The author introduces two complemen-
tary wavelet bases with different Q -factor. This allows discrim-
inating between sustained oscillations (high-reson ance compo-
nents), and non-oscillatory, short-term transients. Indeed, the
high-resonance components can sparsely be represen ted in a
high-Q w avelet basis, while transients will be synthesized by
low-Q wavelets.
C. Pro posed Method
In this paper, we propose a new, fully intrin sic a nd adap-
tive, variational m ethod, the min imization of wh ich leads to
a decomposition of a signal into its principal modes. Indeed,
the c ur rent decomposition models are mostly lim it ed by 1)
their algorithmic ad-hoc nature lacking mathem atical theory
(EMD), 2) the recursive sifting in most methods, which does
not a llo w for backward error correction, 3) the inability to
properly cope with noise, 4) the hard band-limits of wavelet
approaches, and 5) the requirem ent of predefining filter bank
boundaries in EWT. In co ntrast, we prop ose a variation al model
that determines the relevant bands adaptively, and estimates
the co rrespon din g modes concurrently, thus properly balancing
errors between them. Motivated by the narrow-band properties
corresponding to the current common IMF definition, we look
for an ensemble of m odes that reconstruct the given inpu t signal
optimally (either exactly, or in a least-squares sense), while
each being band-limited about a center frequency estimated
on-line. Here, o ur variational model specifically can address the
presence of noise in the in put signal. I ndeed , the tight relations
to the Wiener filter actually suggest that our approach has
some optimality in dealing with noise. The vari ational m od el
assesses the bandwidth of the modes as
-norm, after shifting
the Hilbert-complemented, analytic signal down into b ase-
band by comp lex harmonic mixing. The resulting optimization
scheme is very simple and fast: each mode is iteratively updated
directly in Fourier domain, as the narrow-band Wiener filt er
corresponding to the current estimate of the mode’s center-fre-
quency being applied to the signal estimation residual of all
other modes; then the center frequency is re-estimated as the
center-of-gravity of the mode’s power spectrum . Our quanti-
tative results o n tone detection and separation show excellen t
performance irrespective of harmonic frequencies, in particular
when compared to the apparent limits of EMD in this respect.
Further, qualitative results on synthetic and real test signals are
convincing, also regarding robustness to signal noise.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II intro-
duces the no tions of the Wiener filter, the Hilbert transform, and
the analytic signal. Also, we briefly review the concept of fre-
quency shifting throug h harmonic m ixing. These concepts are
the very building blocks of our variational mode decomposition
model. Although signal processing scholars can be expected to
be familiar with these concepts, we include this short refresher
to keep the manuscript largely self-contained and accessible to
readers of different provenience. Section III presents and ex-
plains our variational model in detail, our algorithm to mini-
mize it, and finer technicalities on optimization, boundaries and
periodicity. Section IV contains our experiments and results,
namely some simple quant itat ive performance evaluation s, and
comparisons to EMD, and various synthetic multi-mode signals
and our method’s decomposition of them. Specifically, tone de-
tection and separation, as well as n oise robustness will be an-
alyzed and compared to that of EMD. Additionally, real sig-
nals will be considered. Section V concludes on our proposed
variational mode decomposition method, summarizes again the
main assumptions and limitatio ns, and inclu des some future di-
rections and expected improvem ents.
In this section we briefly review a few concepts and tools
from signal processing that will constitute the building blocks
of our variational mode decomposition model. First, we present
a classical case of Wiener filtering for denoising. Next, w e de-
scribe the Hilbert transform and its use in the construction of a
single-side band analytic signal. Finally, we sho w how multi-
plication with pure complex harmonics is used to shift the fre-
quencies in a signal.
A. Wiener Filtering
Let us start with a sim ple denoising problem. Consider the
observed signal
, a copy of the original signal affected
by additive zero-mean Gau ssian noise:
Recovering the unknown signal
is a typical ill-posed inverse
problem [22], [23], classically addressed using Tikhonov regu-
larization [24], [25]:
of which the Euler-Lagrange equatio ns are easily obtained and
typically solved in Fourier domain:
, is the Fourier transform of the signal . Clearly,
the recovered signal
is a low-pass narrow-band selection of
the input signal
around . Indeed, the solution corre-
sponds to convolution with a Wiener filter, where
the variance of the white noise, and the signal has a lowpass
power spectrum prior [26], [27].
B. Hilbert Transform and Analytic Signal
Here,wecitethedefinition of the Hilbert transform given in
Definition 3: (Hilbert Transform): The 1-D Hilbert trans-
form is the lin ear, shift-inv arian t operator
that maps all 1-D
cosine functions into their corresp ond ing sine functions. It is
an all-pass filter that is characterized by the transfer function
Thus, the Hilbert transform is a multiplier operator in
the spectral dom ain. The corresponding impulse response is
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