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"Enterprise Java Microservices 是一本以实例丰富的教程,教你如何设计和管理大规模的Java应用程序,将其作为一系列微服务来构建。" 本书是Manning出版社出版的一本关于Java企业级微服务的专著,旨在指导读者如何在大型Java应用项目中采用微服务架构。微服务架构将大型应用分解为一组小型、独立的服务,每个服务都能在其自己的进程中运行,并通过轻量级机制(如HTTP RESTful API)进行通信。这种架构模式有助于提高开发效率、可部署性和系统弹性。 书中可能涵盖了以下几个核心知识点: 1. **微服务设计原则**:包括单一职责原则、服务边界定义、服务拆分策略,以及如何确保服务之间的松耦合。 2. **Java技术栈**:讲解如何利用Java EE(现称为Jakarta EE)平台,如JAX-RS(用于创建RESTful Web服务)、JMS(Java消息服务)和EJB(企业JavaBean)等,来构建微服务。 3. **容器化与持续集成/持续部署(CI/CD)**:介绍Docker容器化技术,以及如何使用Jenkins、GitLab CI/CD或其他工具实现自动化测试和部署。 4. **服务发现与注册**:探讨服务发现的重要性,可能包括使用像Netflix Eureka或Consul这样的服务注册与发现工具。 5. **API网关**:讨论如何使用Zuul、Spring Cloud Gateway等组件作为系统的入口,提供路由、认证、限流等功能。 6. **数据管理**:包括数据库选择(关系型数据库、NoSQL、事件驱动等),以及分布式事务处理和数据一致性策略。 7. **监控与日志**:讲解如何使用Prometheus、Grafana进行性能监控,以及使用ELK(Elasticsearch、Logstash、Kibana)堆栈进行日志管理和分析。 8. **安全性**:涉及OAuth2、JWT(JSON Web Tokens)以及如何使用Spring Security等框架保护微服务的安全。 9. **微服务间的通信**:讲解如何使用RabbitMQ或Kafka进行异步消息传递,以及如何通过HTTP/HTTPS进行同步调用。 10. **容错与弹性**:介绍Hystrix、Resilience4j等库以实现断路器模式,提高系统对故障的容忍度。 11. **测试策略**:包括单元测试、集成测试和端到端测试,以及使用Mockito、WireMock等工具进行测试隔离。 12. **云原生和Kubernetes**:讨论如何将微服务部署到Kubernetes集群中,利用其自动扩展、滚动更新等特性。 本书面向有经验的Java开发者,旨在提升他们将大型企业应用转变为微服务架构的能力。通过阅读,读者可以学习到实践中的最佳实践和陷阱,以应对实际开发中的挑战。同时,书中可能会包含丰富的代码示例和实际项目案例,以加深理解并提供实操指导。
2019-04-24 上传
Understand the key challenges and solutions around building microservices in the enterprise application environment. This book provides a comprehensive understanding of microservices architectural principles and how to use microservices in real-world scenarios. Architectural challenges using microservices with service integration and API management are presented and you learn how to eliminate the use of centralized integration products such as the enterprise service bus (ESB) through the use of composite/integration microservices. Concepts in the book are supported with use cases, and emphasis is put on the reality that most of you are implementing in a “brownfield” environment in which you must implement microservices alongside legacy applications with minimal disruption to your business. Microservices for the Enterprise covers state-of-the-art techniques around microservices messaging, service development and description, service discovery, governance, and data management technologies and guides you through the microservices design process. Also included is the importance of organizing services as core versus atomic, composite versus integration, and API versus edge, and how such organization helps to eliminate the use of a central ESB and expose services through an API gateway. What You'll Learn Design and develop microservices architectures with confidence Put into practice the most modern techniques around messaging technologies Apply the Service Mesh pattern to overcome inter-service communication challenges Apply battle-tested microservices security patterns to address real-world scenarios Handle API management, decentralized data management, and observability Who This Book Is For Developers and DevOps engineers responsible for implementing applications around a microservices architecture, and architects and analysts who are designing such systems