A. Basic Relationships
The output voltage and current are sinusoidal and have
the forms
u,(~)=c sin (wt+cp)=c sin (0+cp)
iO(f3)= $
sin (e+cp)
where 0 is an “angular time” used for mathematical
convenience. The parameters c and rp are to be de-
termined; cp is defined in Fig. 2.
The hypothetical voltage u,(0) is also a sinusoid, but
has a different phase because of reactance X
(e+q)+x$ cos (e+cp)
=c, sin
1,s =pc
Since the RF choke forces a dc input current and the
series-tuned output circuit forces a sinusoidal output cur-
rent, the difference between those two currents must flow
into (or out of) the switch-capacitor combination. When
switch S is open, the difference flows into capacitor C;
when switch S is closed, the current difference flows
through switch S. If a capacitor voltage of other than zero
volts is present at the time the switch closes, the switch
discharges that voltage to zero volts, dissipating the stored
energy of $ CV2.
For purposes of this analysis, the discharge of the
capacitor may be assumed to be a current impulse
qS (0 -
e,), where 0, is the time at which the switch closes.
However, in a real amplifier, discharge of the capacitor
requires a nonzero length of time, during which the collec-
tor voltage and current are simultaneously nonzero. In
any case, however, the total dissipation is the energy
stored in the capacitor, and does not depend on the
particulars of the discharge waveforms. The model re-
mains valid as long as the time required to discharge the
capacitor is a relatively small fraction of the RF cycle.
When S is off, the collector voltage is produced by the
charging of capacitor C by the difference current, hence,
where 0, indicates the time at which S opens.
Since the nonzero collector voltage appears when the
transistor is off, it is convenient to describe the waveforms
in terms of the half off-time y, which is in radians. The
center of the off-time is arbitrarily defined as 7r/2 (Fig. 2).
The switching instants are now 0, = a/2-y and 0, = 7r/2
+y. Note that in the event that 0, < 0 and is therefore
outside of the 277 interval corresponding to one cycle, it
can be repaced by &,+27, with appropriate modification
to the integral in (2.8). Equivalently, the interval of a cycle
can be redefined when necessary. The collector voltage at
time 0 can now be evaluated by expanding (2.8)
Since the tuned circuit has zero impedance to funda-
mental frequency current, there can be no fundamental
frequency voltage drop across it. This means that the
fundamental frequency component of the collector volt-
age waveform must be the hypothetical voltage u,(B). The
magnitude of this component can be calculated by a
Fourier integral. Unfortunately, the collector voltage is
not symmetrical around 7r/2, which makes the phase cp an
B. Fourier Analysis
The magnitude c, of the fundamental frequency compo-
nent of the collector voltage is then
c,= -
4 -$(t-Y+‘P~)+--$
.coscp, siny+$
-2 sin ‘pi siny
-&[sin(2’p+$) sin2y-2y sin$]. (2.13)
It is now possible to solve for c by substituting pc for c,
and collecting terms
sin (2~ + Ir/) sin 2y - 2y sin I+L
2 sin (y - cp) cos cpr sin y
77+2y-29,+7r+2r+7,) cos cp, siny
+(2y cosy-2 siny) sinq,]. (2.14)
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