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UR机器人脚本手册 SW5.10 版
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The URScript Programming Language G5 脚本文件_scriptManual_SW5.10_en UR机器人 官方脚本文件 2021年更新比较详细 相对中文版比较内容丰富
4.Matrix and Array Expressions
Matrix and array operations can be assigned to a variable to store and manipulate multiple numbers at
the same time. It is also possible to get access and write to a single entry of the matrix. The matrix and
array are 0-indexed.
array = [1,2,3,4,5]
a = array[0]
array[2] = 10
matrix = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
b = matrix[0,0]
matrix[2,1] = 20
Matrix and array can bemanipulated bymatrix-matrix, array-array,matrix-array,matrixscalar and array-
scalar operations.
Matrix-matrix multiplication operations are supported if the first matrix’s number of columns matches
the second matrix’s number of rows. The resulting matrix will have the dimensions of the first matrix
number of rows and the second matrix number of columns.
C = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] * [[10,20,30],[40,50,60]]
Matrix-array multiplication operations are supported if the matrix is the first operand and array is
second. If the matrix’s number of columns matches the arrays length, the resulting array will have the
length as the matrix number of rows.
C = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] * [10,20]
Array-array operations are possible if both arrays are of the same length and supports: addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division and modulo operations. The operation is executed index by index on
both arrays and thus results in an array of the same length. E.g. a[i] b[i] = c[i].
mul = [1,2,3] * [10,20,30]
div = [10,20,30] / [1,2,3]
add = [1,2,3] + [10,20,30]
sub = [10,20,30] - [1,2,3]
mod = [10,20,30] % [1,2,3]
Scalar operations on a matrix or an array are possible. They support addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division and modulo operations. The scalar operations are done on all the entries of the
matrix or the array. E.g. a[i] + b = c[i]
mul1 = [1,2,3] * 5
mul2 = 5 * [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
div1 = [10,20,30] / 10
div2 = 10 / [10,20,30]
e-Series 4 Script Manual
4.Matrix and Array Expressions
Copyright © 2009–2021 by UniversalRobotsA/S. All rights reserved.
add1 = [1,2,3] + 10
add2 = 10 + [1,2,3]
sub1 = [10,20,30] - 5
sub2 = 5 - [[10,20],[30,40]]
mod1 = [11,22,33] % 5
mod2 = 121 % [[10,20],[30,40]]
Script Manual 5 e-Series
4.Matrix and Array Expressions
Copyright © 2009–2021 by UniversalRobotsA/S. All rights reserved.
5.Flow of Control
The flow of control of a program is changed by if-statements:
if a > 3:
a = a + 1
elif b < 7:
b = b * a
a = a + b
and while-loops:
l = [1,2,3,4,5]
i = 0
while i < 5:
l[i] = l[i]*2
i = i + 1
You can use break to stop a loop prematurely and continue to pass control to the next iteration of
the nearest enclosing loop.
5.1. Special keywords
• halt terminates the program.
return returns from a function. When no value is returned, the keyword None must follow the
keyword return.
e-Series 6 Script Manual
5.Flow of Control
Copyright © 2009–2021 by UniversalRobotsA/S. All rights reserved.
A function is declared as follows:
def add(a, b):
return a+b
The function can then be called like this:
result = add(1, 4)
It is also possible to give function arguments default values:
def add(a=0,b=0):
return a+b
If default values are given in the declaration, arguments can be either input or skipped as below:
result = add(0,0)
result = add()
When calling a function, it is important to comply with the declared order of the ar- guments. If the order
is different from its definition, the function does not work as ex- pected.
Arguments can only be passed by value (including arrays). This means that any modi- fication done to
the content of the argument within the scope of the function will not be reflected outside that scope.
def myProg()
a = [50,100]
def fun(p1):
p1[0] = 25
assert(p1[0] == 25)
assert(a[0] == 50)
Script Manual 7 e-Series
Copyright © 2009–2021 by UniversalRobotsA/S. All rights reserved.
URScript also supports named parameters.
e-Series 8 Script Manual
Copyright © 2009–2021 by UniversalRobotsA/S. All rights reserved.
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