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带有强制引导(机械连接)触点的继电器 欧洲标准EN 50205:2002本欧洲标准规定了带有强制导向触点的基本继电器的特殊要求和试验,也称为机械连接触点。除EN 61810-1,EN 61810-5,EN 116000-3和EN 60255-23的一般要求外,这些特殊要求也适用。
Relays with forcibly
guided (mechanically
linked) contacts
The European Standard EN 50205:2002 has the status of a
British Standard
ICS 29.120.70
Copyright British Standards Institution
Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy
Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100
Not for Resale, 01/10/2011 05:33:16 MST
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
BS EN 50205:2002
This British Standard, having
been prepared under the
direction of the
Electrotechnical Sector Policy
and Strategy Committee, was
published under the authority
of the Standards Policy and
Strategy Committee on
12 August 2002
© BSI 12 August 2002
ISBN 0 580 40270 3
National foreword
This British Standard is the official English language version of
EN 50205:2002. It supersedes BS EN 50205:1998 which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee
EPL/94, General purpose relays and reed contact units, which has the
responsibility to:
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on
request to its secretary.
The British Standards which implement international or European
publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Catalogue
under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or
by using the “Search” facility of the BSI Electronic Catalogue or of British
Standards Online.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
— aid enquirers to understand the text;
— present to the responsible international/European committee any
enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the
UK interests informed;
— monitor related international and European developments and
promulgate them in the UK.
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,
pages 2 to 8, an inside back cover and a back cover.
The BSI copyright date displayed in this document indicates when the
document was last issued.
Amendments issued since publication
Amd. No. Date Comments
Copyright British Standards Institution
Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy
Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100
Not for Resale, 01/10/2011 05:33:16 MST
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
May 2002
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels
© 2002 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. EN 50205:2002 E
ICS 29.120.70 Supersedes EN 50205:1997
English version
Relays with forcibly guided (mechanically linked) contacts
Relais de tout ou rien
à contacts guidés (liés)
Relais mit (mechanisch)
zwangsgeführten Kontakten
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2002-05-01. CENELEC members are bound to
comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on
application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any
other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own
language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands,
Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Copyright British Standards Institution
Provided by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy
Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100
Not for Resale, 01/10/2011 05:33:16 MST
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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