rated carrier output power: mean power level associated with a particular carrier the manufacturer has declared to be
available at the indicated interface, during the transmitter ON period in a specified reference condition
rated carrier TRP output power: mean power level declared by the manufacturer per carrier, for BS operating in
single carrier, multi-carrier, or carrier aggregation configurations that the manufacturer has declared to be available at
the RIB during the transmitter ON period
rated total output power: mean power level associated with a particular operating band the manufacturer has declared
to be available at the indicated interface, during the transmitter ON period in a specified reference condition
rated total TRP output power: mean power level declared by the manufacturer, that the manufacturer has declared to
be available at the RIB during the transmitter ON period
reference beam direction pair: declared beam direction pair, including reference beam centre direction and reference
beam peak direction where the reference beam peak direction is the direction for the intended maximum EIRP within
the OTA peak directions set
receiver target: AoA in which reception is performed by BS types 1-H or BS type 1-O
receiver target redirection range: union of all the sensitivity RoAoA achievable through redirecting the receiver target
related to particular OSDD
receiver target reference direction: direction inside the OTA sensitivity directions declaration declared by the
manufacturer for conformance testing. For an OSDD without receiver target redirection range, this is a direction inside
the sensitivity RoAoA
reference RoAoA: the sensitivity RoAoA associated with the receiver target reference direction for each OSDD.
requirement set: one of the NR base station requirement’s set as defined for BS type 1-C, BS type 1-H, BS type 1-O,
and BS type 2-O
sensitivity RoAoA: RoAoA within the OTA sensitivity directions declaration, within which the declared EIS(s) of an
OSDD is intended to be achieved at any instance of time for a specific BS direction setting
single-band connector: BS type 1-C Antenna Connector or BS type 1-H TAB connector supporting operation either in a
single operating band only, or in multiple operating bands but does not meet the conditions for a multi-band connector.
single-band RIB: operating band specific RIB supporting operation either in a single operating band only, or in
multiple operating bands but does not meet the conditions for a multi-band RIB.
sub-band: A sub-band of an operating band contains a part of the uplink and downlink frequency range of the operating
sub-block bandwidth: bandwidth of one sub-block.
sub-block: one contiguous allocated block of spectrum for transmission and reception by the same base station
NOTE: There may be multiple instances of sub-blocks within a Base Station RF Bandwidth.
sub-block gap: frequency gap between two consecutive sub-blocks within a Base Station RF Bandwidth, where the RF
requirements in the gap are based on co-existence for un-coordinated operation
superseding-band: A superseding-band of an operating band includes the whole of the uplink and downlink frequency
range of the operating band.
TAB connector: transceiver array boundary connector
TAB connector RX min cell group: operating band specific declared group of TAB connectors to which BS type 1-H
conducted RX requirements are applied
NOTE: Within this definition, the group corresponds to the group of TAB connectors which are responsible for
receiving a cell when the BS type 1-H setting corresponding to the declared minimum number of cells
with reception on all TAB connectors supporting an operating band, but its existence is not limited to that