B. Alshboul, D. C. Petriu
Figure 1. Overview of the proposed approach.
between component instances. A set of interfaces and possible item flows are
realized modeling the component internal structure.
Behavior modeling
: the representation of the system regular behavior and its
reaction to certain events.
Annotate elements with failure information
: adding safety behavior annota-
tion to the previously specified component behavior.
component level failures
, the generation of analysis FT
models at the component level.
system level failures
, the generation of analysis FT model
representing system level safety behavior. This is achieved by the composi-
tion of component-level FT models, according to the interconnection of their
corresponding component instances.
Perform SA
: perform analysis of the generated analysis models with existing
FT tools.
Safety requirements satisfied or not
; if yes, accept the safety solution, other-
wise apply design modifications to the proposed system to improve system
safety. Examples of modifications use redundancy of existing components or
DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2018.115013 207 Journal of Software Engineering and Applications