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“阿里云容器服务概览.pdf”是阿里云技术专家徐征在2018云栖大会·上海峰会上的分享,主要介绍了阿里云的容器服务产品线、技术栈、产品能力和基于Kubernetes构建Serverless平台的思考。 阿里云容器服务是一个全面的云原生解决方案,旨在帮助企业实现IT的现代化和业务创新。该服务的核心是Kubernetes,它是目前最流行且被广泛采用的容器编排系统。阿里云Kubernetes容器服务提供了企业级的支持,包括: 1. **大规模集群支持**:作为国内最大的公有云容器集群,经过3年的实战验证,能够支持数千集群,并具备3可用区高可用性。 2. **高性能特性**:网络方案优于普通方案20%,提供超过10万QPS的日志采集性能,确保高效的数据处理和传输。 3. **安全强化**:建立企业级安全体系,支持全链路加密,包含细粒度权限管理和私有证书管理,同时集成多种安全服务如RAM和STS。 4. **弹性与容灾**:支持自动故障恢复和弹性伸缩,节点弹性扩展可跨可用区,提供自动创建的公网/私网SLB以应对流量需求。 5. **集成丰富**:与超过20款阿里云产品集成,覆盖ECS、GPU服务器、裸金属服务器,以及VPC、ENI、SLB等网络资源,同时集成日志、监控和存储服务。 6. **兼容与创新**:作为全球首批通过Kubernetes一致性认证的服务,支持从1.8到1.9的版本,并能一键升级至最新版本。内置混合云支持,兼容Federation和OpenServiceBroker,支持 Helm 基础的应用目录。 7. **自研增强功能**:提供存储和网络增强,例如高性能网络插件Terway、跨可用区的节点支持,以及安全增强功能,如容器访问控制和流控。 8. **产品线多样化**:涵盖从公有云容器服务到专有云/敏捷版,以及针对Windows和Linux的解决方案,支持物理机和虚拟机,涵盖微服务、DevOps、企业应用、智能创新等多个领域。 9. **服务目录和市场**:提供应用目录和镜像仓库,方便用户查找和部署应用程序,同时支持通过服务目录进行应用和服务的管理和分发。 10. **日志和监控**:集成了强大的日志和监控功能,确保服务的稳定运行和问题的及时发现。 阿里云容器服务不仅为企业提供了强大的容器管理和运行环境,还为企业构建了一套完整的云原生生态系统,帮助企业实现更高效、安全和灵活的IT基础设施,从而推动业务的创新和发展。
2018-07-29 上传
Learn how to run new and old Windows applications in Docker containers. About This BookPackage traditional .NET Frameworks apps and new .NET Core apps as Docker images, and run them in containers for increased efficiency, portability, and securityDesign and implement distributed applications that run across connected containers, using enterprise-grade open source software from public Docker imagesBuild a full Continuous Deployment pipeline for a .NET Framework application, and deploy it to a highly-available Docker swarm running in the cloudWho This Book Is For If you want to modernize an old monolithic application without rewriting it, smooth the deployment to production, or move to DevOps or the cloud, then Docker is the enabler for you. This book gives you a solid grounding in Docker so you can confidently approach all of these scenarios. What You Will LearnComprehend key Docker concepts: images, containers, registries, and swarmsRun Docker on Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and in the cloudDeploy and monitor distributed solutions across multiple Docker containersRun containers with high availability and fail-over with Docker SwarmMaster security in-depth with the Docker platform, making your apps more secureBuild a Continuous Deployment pipeline by running Jenkins in DockerDebug applications running in Docker containers using Visual StudioPlan the adoption of Docker in your own organizationIn Detail Docker is a platform for running server applications in lightweight units called containers. You can run Docker on Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10, and run your existing apps in containers to get significant improvements in efficiency, security, and portability. This book teaches you all you need to know about Docker on Windows, from 101 to deploying highly-available workloads in production. This book takes you on a Docker journey, starting with the key concepts and simple examples of how to run .NET Framework and .NET Core apps in Windows Docker containers. Then it moves on to more complex examples—using Docker to modernize the architecture and development of traditional ASP.NET and SQL Server apps. The examples show you how to break up monoliths into distributed apps and deploy them to a clustered environment in the cloud, using the exact same artifacts you use to run them locally. To help you move confidently to production, it then explains Docker security, and the management and support options. The book finishes with guidance on getting started with Docker in your own projects, together with some real-world case studies for Docker implementations, from small-scale on-premises apps to very large-scale apps running on Azure. Style and approach Using a step-by-step approach, this book shows you how to use Docker on Windows. It includes practical examples and real-world technical and business scenarios that will help you effectively implement Docker in your environment.There are over 50 examples of Dockerized applications, using C# .NET projects as the source and packaging them into Docker images.