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1、 Find the name, loan number and loan amount of all customers; rename the column name loan_number as loan_id.
2、 Find the names of all customers whose street includes the substring “Main”.
3、Find all customers who have a loan, an account, or both:
4、Find all customers who have both a loan and an account.
5、Find all customers who have an account but no loan.
6、Find the average account balance at the Perryridge branch.
7、 Find the number of tuples in the customer relation.
8、 Find the number of depositors in the bank.
9、 Find the number of depositors for each branch.
10、Find the names of all branches where the average account balance is more than $1,200.
11、Find all loan number which appear in the loan relation with null values for amount.
12、Find all customers who have both an account and a loan at the bank.
13、Find all customers who have a loan at the bank but do not have an account at the bank
14、Find all customers who have both an account and a loan at the Perryridge branch
15、Find all branches that have greater assets than some branch located in Brooklyn.
16、Find the names of all branches that have greater assets than all branches located in
4、查询选修了“Introduction to the Internet”课程的学生的学号及其成绩,查询结果按分数的降序排列;
5、查询“Zuo li”同学选修课程的总学时(time)数
7、查询 “computer science”专业学生选修 “Database System”的人数;
8、查询同时选修课程“Database System”和“Introduction to the Internet”的学生姓名;
9、查询选修的课程中含有“Wang gang”同学所有选修课程的学生姓名。
10、查询“Information Technology for Information Management”考试成绩为空的学生姓名及专业名称。
11、查询“computer science”专业学生每个人的选修课总学分。
14、查询比“computer science”专业所有学生年龄都大的学生姓名。
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