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"《机器学习:用Python实现算法的分步指南》是一本由Rudolph Russell撰写的实用教程,出版于2018年5月22日,页数106页。本书以插图和步骤分明的方式讲解,便于读者轻松理解和掌握机器学习的基础理论与实践。书中内容涵盖了机器学习的基本概念、分类方法、模型训练以及不同模型的组合,适合初学者和有一定经验的读者深入学习。 第1章介绍了机器学习的基础,包括理论部分,解释了什么是机器学习,它为何重要,何时选择使用机器学习,并区分了监督学习、无监督学习和强化学习等不同类型的学习系统。理解这些概念有助于读者确定何时将机器学习技术应用到实际问题中。 第2章专攻分类问题,包括如何安装所需的工具(如MNIST数据集),评估模型性能的方法,如混淆矩阵、召回率和ROC曲线等。此外,还详细介绍了随机森林分类器的训练和多类/多标签/多输出分类的概念,通过实例帮助读者熟悉各类分类任务。 第3章讲解如何训练模型,以线性回归和多项式回归为例,探讨了计算复杂度、梯度下降算法(批量、随机和小批量)以及正则化线性模型的重要性。这部分内容对于理解模型训练的数学基础和优化方法至关重要。 最后,第4章讨论了不同模型的组合策略,鼓励读者在实践中灵活运用各种算法,根据具体问题选择最适合的模型架构,避免过拟合或欠拟合的问题。 通过阅读这本书,读者不仅能学到机器学习的基础知识,还能通过实际操作来巩固理论,提升编程技能。无论你是希望初次接触机器学习还是寻求进阶学习的材料,这本书都是一个值得珍藏的学习资源。"
2018-07-01 上传
Pro Machine Learning Algorithms: A Hands-On Approach to Implementing Algorithms in Python and R by V Kishore Ayyadevara Bridge the gap between a high-level understanding of how an algorithm works and knowing the nuts and bolts to tune your models better. This book will give you the confidence and skills when developing all the major machine learning models. In Pro Machine Learning Algorithms, you will first develop the algorithm in Excel so that you get a practical understanding of all the levers that can be tuned in a model, before implementing the models in Python/R. You will cover all the major algorithms: supervised and unsupervised learning, which include linear/logistic regression; k-means clustering; PCA; recommender system; decision tree; random forest; GBM; and neural networks. You will also be exposed to the latest in deep learning through CNNs, RNNs, and word2vec for text mining. You will be learning not only the algorithms, but also the concepts of feature engineering to maximize the performance of a model. You will see the theory along with case studies, such as sentiment classification, fraud detection, recommender systems, and image recognition, so that you get the best of both theory and practice for the vast majority of the machine learning algorithms used in industry. Along with learning the algorithms, you will also be exposed to running machine-learning models on all the major cloud service providers. You are expected to have minimal knowledge of statistics/software programming and by the end of this book you should be able to work on a machine learning project with confidence. What You Will Learn Get an in-depth understanding of all the major machine learning and deep learning algorithms Fully appreciate the pitfalls to avoid while building models Implement machine learning algorithms in the cloud Follow a hands-on approach through case studies for each algorithm Gain the tricks of ensemble learning to build more accurate models Discover the basics of programming in R/Python and the Keras framework for deep learning Who This Book Is For Business analysts/ IT professionals who want to transition into data science roles. Data scientists who want to solidify their knowledge in machine learning.