intelligence (planning, game playing, Hopfield networks), computer vision
(image segmentation), data mining (change-point detection, clustering), op-
erations research (airline scheduling), and computational biology (sequence
alignment, RNA secondary structure).
The notion of computational intractability, and NP-completeness in par-
ticular, plays a large role in the book. This is consistent with how we think
about the overall process of algorithm design. Some of the time, an interest-
ing problem arising in an application area will be amenable to an efficient
solution, and some of the time it will be provably NP-complete; in order to
fully address a new algorithmic problem, one should be able to explore both
of these options with equal familiarity. Since so many natural problems in
computer science are NP-complete, the development of methods to deal with
intractable problems has become a crucial issue in the study of algorithms,
and our book heavily reflects this theme. The discovery that a problem is NP-
complete should not be taken as the end of the story, but as an invitation to
begin looking for approximation algorithms, heuristic local search techniques,
or tractable special cases. We include extensive coverage of each of these three
Problems and Solved Exercises
An important feature of the book is the collection of problems. Across all
chapters, the book includes over 200 problems, almost all of them developed
and class-tested in homework or exams as part of our teaching of the course
at Cornell. We view the problems as a crucial component of the book, and
they are structured in keeping with our overall approach to the material. Most
of them consist of extended verbal descriptions of a problem arising in an
application area in computer science or elsewhere out in the world, and part of
the problem is to practice what we discuss in the text: setting up the necessary
notation and formalization, designing an algorithm, and then analyzing it and
proving it correct. (We view a complete answer to one of these problems as
consisting of all these components: a fully explained algorithm, an analysis of
the running time, and a proof of correctness.) The ideas for these problems
come in large part from discussions we have had over the years with people
working in different areas, and in some cases they serve the dual purpose of
recording an interesting (though manageable) application of algorithms that
we haven’t seen written down anywhere else.
To help with the process of working on these problems, we include in
each chapter a section entitled “Solved Exercises,” where we take one or more
problems and describe how to go about formulating a solution. The discussion
devoted to each solved exercise is therefore significantly longer than what
would be needed simply to write a complete, correct solution (in other words,