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"本书主要探讨了微服务架构与容器技术,特别是如何利用Docker容器来实现微服务。书中涵盖了EPUB格式的电子书特点以及如何根据个人喜好调整阅读设置,同时强调了对于包含编程代码或配置示例的书籍,如何优化其在不同设备上的展示效果。" 微服务是一种软件开发方法,它将大型复杂应用程序拆分为一组小型、独立的服务,每个服务都能在其自己的进程中运行,可以独立部署、扩展和维护。这种方法促进了系统的可伸缩性、灵活性和可维护性。Docker容器是实现微服务的关键工具,它提供了一种轻量级的隔离机制,允许每个微服务在自己的容器内运行,而无需关心底层操作系统或环境配置。 在Docker中,每个微服务被封装为一个容器,容器包含了运行服务所需的所有依赖,确保服务在任何环境中都能一致地运行。Docker镜像是创建容器的基础,它是一个静态的层叠结构,包含运行服务所需的文件系统、库、配置等。通过Dockerfile,开发者可以定义构建镜像的步骤,确保环境的一致性。 使用Docker实现微服务的主要优势包括: 1. 环境一致性:Docker容器确保了服务在开发、测试和生产环境中的运行环境一致,减少了“它在本地工作”(It works on my machine)的问题。 2. 快速部署:由于容器体积小且启动迅速,微服务可以快速部署和扩展,以应对业务需求的变化。 3. 隔离性:每个服务都在自己的容器中运行,降低了服务之间的相互影响,提高了系统的稳定性。 4. 资源效率:Docker容器共享主机的操作系统,减少了资源占用,使得在同一硬件上可以运行更多的微服务。 书中提到,EPUB是一种开放的电子书标准格式,其支持程度因阅读设备和应用而异。读者可以根据个人喜好调整字体、字号、单双列布局、横竖屏模式以及点击或触控放大图片的功能。对于包含代码和配置的例子,建议在单列、横屏模式下查看,并调整字体至最小,以便更好地阅读和理解。 为了优化代码和配置的展示,书中有两种方式呈现:一是流动文本格式,适应不同的屏幕尺寸;二是提供类似打印版的代码图片,当流动格式可能影响代码列表的呈现时,可以通过点击“Click here to view code image”链接查看高保真度的代码图像。点击链接后,可以查看代码的原始格式,需要返回之前页面时,只需点击返回按钮即可。 这本书深入探讨了如何利用Docker容器实现微服务架构,提供了实践指导和优化代码阅读体验的建议,对于想要掌握微服务和容器技术的IT专业人士来说是一份宝贵的资源。
2019-06-26 上传
Transition to Microservices and DevOps to Transform Your Software Development Effectiveness Thanks to the tech sector’s latest game-changing innovations—the Internet of Things (IoT), software-enabled networking, and software as a service (SaaS), to name a few—there is now a seemingly insatiable demand for platforms and architectures that can improve the process of application development and deployment. In Microservices and Containers, longtime systems architect and engineering team leader Parminder Kocher analyzes two of the hottest new technology trends: microservices and containers. Together, as Kocher demonstrates, microservices and Docker containers can bring unprecedented agility and scalability to application development and deployment, especially in large, complex projects where speed is crucial but small errors can be disastrous. Learn how to leverage microservices and Docker to drive modular architectural design, on-demand scalability, application performance and reliability, time-to-market, code reuse, and exponential improvements in DevOps effectiveness. Kocher offers detailed guidance and a complete roadmap for transitioning from monolithic architectures, as well as an in-depth case study that walks the reader through the migration of an enterprise-class SOA system. Understand how microservices enable you to organize applications into standalone components that are easier to manage, update, and scale Decide whether microservices and containers are worth your investment, and manage the organizational learning curve associated with them Apply best practices for interprocess communication among microservices Migrate monolithic systems in an orderly fashion Understand Docker containers, installation, and interfaces Network, orchestrate, and manage Docker containers effectively Use Docker to maximize scalability in microservices-based applications Apply your learning with an in-depth, hands-on case study Whether you are a software architect/developer or systems professional looking to move on from older approaches or a manager trying to maximize the business value of these technologies, Microservices and Containers will be an invaluable addition to your library.
2023-07-16 上传
2023-07-16 上传