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"AspectJ in Action 2nd Edition" 这本书《AspectJ in Action 2nd Edition》是一本关于面向切面编程(AOP)的实践指南,专注于AspectJ框架的使用,该框架是Java开发中的一个关键工具,尤其在处理横切关注点时。作者Ramnivas Laddad通过实例驱动的教学方法,旨在帮助读者更深入地理解和记忆所学内容,这与认知科学的研究结果相吻合——人们更容易记住自己探索发现的事物。 面向切面编程是一种编程范式,它允许开发者将关注点(如日志、事务管理或安全性)从核心业务逻辑中分离出来,提高代码的模块化和可维护性。AspectJ是Java生态系统中的一个强大的AOP实现,它提供了一种静态类型的AOP语言,可以无缝集成到Java应用程序中。 在书中,作者不仅介绍了AspectJ的基础知识,如切面、通知(advice)、切点(pointcut)和织入(weaving),还详细讨论了如何在实际项目中应用这些概念,特别是在Spring框架中的集成。Spring是一个广泛使用的Java企业级应用框架,它支持多种AOP实现,包括AspectJ。 书中的例子涵盖了各种场景,包括基于注解的切面定义、基于XML的配置以及如何在Eclipse这样的IDE中进行开发和调试。此外,书中还探讨了AspectJ在Web应用程序中的应用,这对于构建复杂的企业级系统至关重要。 《AspectJ in Action 2nd Edition》的特色在于其实用性,适合忙碌的开发者快速查找解决方案或深入学习。书中的结构使得读者可以轻松跳入和跳出,根据需要学习特定的内容。这种设计满足了那些希望在实际行动中学习和解决问题的读者需求。 书评家对第一版给予了高度评价,认为它是关于AspectJ最清晰易懂的解释之一,而且提供了实际问题的解决方案。无论是对于初次接触AOP的开发者,还是已经在项目中使用AOP和AspectJ的专家,这本书都提供了宝贵的学习资料,有助于推动AOP在专业社区中的普及和应用。 《AspectJ in Action 2nd Edition》是一本深入浅出的指南,通过实例教学和实践探索,帮助读者掌握面向切面编程的理念和AspectJ的实用技术,从而更好地应对复杂的软件开发挑战。
2012-04-27 上传
To allow the creation of truly modular software, OOP has evolved into aspect-oriented programming. AspectJ is a mature AOP implementation for Java, now integrated with Spring. AspectJ in Action, Second Edition is a fully updated, major revision of Ramnivas Laddad's best-selling first edition. It's a hands-on guide for Java developers. After introducing the core principles of AOP, it shows you how to create reusable solutions using AspectJ 6 and Spring 3. You'll master key features including annotation-based syntax, load-time weaver, annotation-based crosscutting, and Spring-AspectJ integration. Building on familiar technologies such as JDBC, Hibernate, JPA, Spring Security, Spring MVC, and Swing, you'll apply AOP to common problems encountered in enterprise applications. This book requires no previous experience in AOP and AspectJ, but it assumes you're familiar with OOP, Java, and the basics of Spring. "Clear, concisely worded, well-organized ... a pleasure to read." -From the Foreword by Rod Johnson, Creator of the Spring Framework "This book teaches you how to think in aspects. It is essential reading for both beginners who know nothing about AOP and experts who think they know it all." -Andrew Eisenberg, AspectJ Development Tools Project Committer "Ramnivas showcases how to get the best out of AspectJ and Spring." -Andy Clement, AspectJ Project Lead "One of the best Java books in years." -Andrew Rhine, Software Engineer, eSecLending "By far the best reference for Spring AOP and AspectJ." -Paul Benedict, Software Engineer, Argus Health Systems "Ramnivas expertly demystifies the awesome power of aspect-oriented programming." -Craig Walls, author of Spring in Action