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Statistical Pattern Recognition: A Review
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Statistical Pattern Recognition: A Review
Statistical Pattern Recognition: A Review
Anil K. Jain, Fellow, IEEE, Robert P.W. Duin, and Jianchang Mao, Senior Member, IEEE
AbstractÐThe primary goal of pattern recognition is supervised or unsupervised classification. Among the various frameworks in
which pattern recognition has been traditionally formulated, the statistical approach has been most intensively studied and used in
practice. More recently, neural network techniques and methods imported from statistical learning theory have been receiving
increasing attention. The design of a recognition system requires careful attention to the following issues: definition of pattern classes,
sensing environment, pattern representation, feature extraction and selection, cluster analysis, classifier design and learning, selection
of training and test samples, and performance evaluation. In spite of almost 50 years of research and development in this field, the
general problem of recognizing complex patterns with arbitrary orientation, location, and scale remains unsolved. New and emerging
applications, such as data mining, web searching, retrieval of multimedia data, face recognition, and cursive handwriting recognition,
require robust and efficient pattern recognition techniques. The objective of this review paper is to summarize and compare some of
the well-known methods used in various stages of a pattern recognition system and identify research topics and applications which are
at the forefront of this exciting and challenging field.
Index TermsÐStatistical pattern recognition, classification, clustering, feature extraction, feature selection, error estimation, classifier
combination, neural networks.
Y the time they are five years old, most children can
recognize digits and letters. Small characters, large
characters, handwritten, machine printed, or rotatedÐall
are easily recognized by the young. The characters may be
written on a cluttered background, on crumpled paper or
may even be partially occluded. We take this ability for
granted until we face the task of teaching a machine how to
do the same. Pattern recognition is the study of how
machines can observe the environment, learn to distinguish
patterns of interest from their background, and make sound
and reasonable decisions about the categories of the
patterns. In spite of almost 50 years of research, design of
a general purpose machine pattern recognizer remains an
elusive goal.
The best pattern recognizers in most instances are
humans, yet we do not understand how humans recognize
patterns. Ross [140] emphasizes the work of Nobel Laureate
Herbert Simon whose central finding was that pattern
recognition is critical in most human decision making tasks:
ªThe more relevant patterns at your disposal, the better
your decisions will be. This is hopeful news to proponents
of artificial intelligence, since computers can surely be
taught to recognize patterns. Indeed, successful computer
programs that help banks score credit applicants, help
doctors diagnose disease and help pilots land airplanes
depend in some way on pattern recognition... We need to
pay much more explicit attention to teaching pattern
recognition.º Our goal here is to introduce pattern recogni-
tion as the best possible way of utilizing available sensors,
processors, and domain knowledge to make decisions
1.1 What is Pattern Recognition?
Automatic (machine) recognition, description, classifica-
tion, and grouping of patterns are important problems in a
variety of engineering and scientific disciplines such as
biology, psychology, medicine, marketing, computer vision,
artificial intelligence, and remote sensing. But what is a
pattern? Watanabe [163] defines a pattern ªas opposite of a
chaos; it is an entity, vaguely defined, that could be given a
name.º For example, a pattern could be a fingerprint image,
a handwritten cursive word, a human face, or a speech
signal. Given a pattern, its recognition/classification may
consist of one of the following two tasks [163]: 1) supervised
classification (e.g., discriminant analysis) in which the input
pattern is identified as a member of a predefined class,
2) unsupervised classification (e.g., clustering) in which the
pattern is assigned to a hitherto unknown class. Note that
the recognition problem here is being posed as a classifica-
tion or categorization task, where the classes are either
defined by the system designer (in supervised classifica-
tion) or are learned based on the similarity of patterns (in
unsupervised classification).
Interest in the area of pattern recognition has been
renewed recently due to emerging applications which are
not only challenging but also computationally more
demanding (see Table 1). These applications include data
mining (identifying a ªpattern,º e.g., correlation, or an
outlier in millions of multidimensional patterns), document
classification (efficiently searching text documents), finan-
cial forecasting, organization and retrieval of multimedia
databases, and biometrics (personal identification based on
. A.K. Jain is with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824.
E-mail: jain@cse.msu.edu.
. R.P.W. Duin is with the Department of Applied Physics, Delft University
of Technology, 2600 GA Delft, the Netherlands.
E-mail: duin@ph.tn.tudelft.nl.
. J. Mao is with the IBM Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Road, San
Jose, CA 95120. E-mail: mao@almaden.ibm.com.
Manuscript received 23 July 1999; accepted 12 Oct. 1999.
Recommended for acceptance by K. Bowyer.
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:
tpami@computer.org, and reference IEEECS Log Number 110296.
0162-8828/00/$10.00 ß 2000 IEEE
various physical attributes such as face and fingerprints).
Picard [125] has identified a novel application of pattern
recognition, called affective computing which will give a
computer the ability to recognize and express emotions, to
respond intelligently to human emotion, and to employ
mechanisms of emotion that contribute to rational decision
making. A common characteristic of a number of these
applications is that the available features (typically, in the
thousands) are not usually suggested by domain experts,
but must be extracted and optimized by data-driven
The rapidly growing and available computing power,
while enabling faster processing of huge data sets, has also
facilitated the use of elaborate and diverse methods for data
analysis and classification. At the same time, demands on
automatic pattern recognition systems are rising enor-
mously due to the availability of large databases and
stringent performance requirements (speed, accuracy, and
cost). In many of the emerging applications, it is clear that
no single approach for classification is ªoptimalº and that
multiple methods and approaches have to be used.
Consequently, combining several sensing modalities and
classifiers is now a commonly used practice in pattern
The design of a pattern recognition system essentially
involves the following three aspects: 1) data acquisition and
preprocessing, 2) data representation, and 3) decision
making. The problem domain dictates the choice of
sensor(s), preprocessing technique, representation scheme,
and the decision making model. It is generally agreed that a
well-defined and sufficiently constrained recognition pro-
blem (small intraclass variations and large interclass
variations) will lead to a compact pattern representation
and a simple decision making strategy. Learning from a set
of examples (training set) is an important and desired
attribute of most pattern recognition systems. The four best
known approaches for pattern recognition are: 1) template
matching, 2) statistical classification, 3) syntactic or struc-
tural matching, and 4) neural networks. These models are
not necessarily independent and sometimes the same
pattern recognition method exists with different interpreta-
tions. Attempts have been made to design hybrid systems
involving multiple models [57]. A brief description and
comparison of these approaches is given below and
summarized in Table 2.
1.2 Template Matching
One of the simplest and earliest approaches to pattern
recognition is based on template matching. Matching is a
generic operation in pattern recognition which is used to
determine the similarity between two entities (points,
curves, or shapes) of the same type. In template matching,
a template (typically, a 2D shape) or a prototype of the
pattern to be recognized is available. The pattern to be
recognized is matched against the stored template while
taking into account all allowable pose (translation and
rotation) and scale changes. The similarity measure, often a
correlation, may be optimized based on the available
training set. Often, the template itself is learned from the
training set. Template matching is computationally de-
manding, but the availability of faster processors has now
Examples of Pattern Recognition Applications
made this approach more feasible. The rigid template
matching mentioned above, while effective in some
application domains, has a number of disadvantages. For
instance, it would fail if the patterns are distorted due to the
imaging process, viewpoint change, or large intraclass
variations among the patterns. Deformable template models
[69] or rubber sheet deformations [9] can be used to match
patterns when the deformation cannot be easily explained
or modeled directly.
1.3 Statistical Approach
In the statistical approach, each pattern is represented in
terms of d features or measurements and is viewed as a
point in a d-dimensional space. The goal is to choose those
features that allow pattern vectors belonging to different
categories to occupy compact and disjoint regions in a
d-dimensional feature space. The effectiveness of the
representation space (feature set) is determined by how
well patterns from different classes can be separated. Given
a set of training patterns from each class, the objective is to
establish decision boundaries in the feature space which
separate patterns belonging to different classes. In the
statistical decision theoretic approach, the decision bound-
aries are determined by the probability distributions of the
patterns belonging to each class, which must either be
specified or learned [41], [44].
One can also take a discriminant analysis-based ap-
proach to classification: First a parametric form of the
decision boundary (e.g., linear or quadratic) is specified;
then the ªbestº decision boundary of the specified form is
found based on the classification of training patterns. Such
boundaries can be constructed using, for example, a mean
squared error criterion. The direct boundary construction
approaches are supported by Vapnik's philosophy [162]: ªIf
you possess a restricted amount of information for solving
some problem, try to solve the problem directly and never
solve a more general problem as an intermediate step. It is
possible that the available information is sufficient for a
direct solution but is insufficient for solving a more general
intermediate problem.º
1.4 Syntactic Approach
In many recognition problems involving complex patterns,
it is more appropriate to adopt a hierarchical perspective
where a pattern is viewed as being composed of simple
subpatterns which are themselves built from yet simpler
subpatterns [56], [121]. The simplest/elementary subpat-
terns to be recognized are called primitives and the given
complex pattern is represented in terms of the interrelation-
ships between these primitives. In syntactic pattern recog-
nition, a formal analogy is drawn between the structure of
patterns and the syntax of a language. The patterns are
viewed as sentences belonging to a language, primitives are
viewed as the alphabet of the language, and the sentences
are generated according to a grammar. Thus, a large
collection of complex patterns can be described by a small
number of primitives and grammatical rules. The grammar
for each pattern class must be inferred from the available
training samples.
Structural pattern recognition is intuitively appealing
because, in addition to classification, this approach also
provides a description of how the given pattern is
constructed from the primitives. This paradigm has been
used in situations where the patterns have a definite
structure which can be captured in terms of a set of rules,
such as EKG waveforms, textured images, and shape
analysis of contours [56]. The implementation of a syntactic
approach, however, leads to many difficulties which
primarily have to do with the segmentation of noisy
patterns (to detect the primitives) and the inference of the
grammar from training data. Fu [56] introduced the notion
of attributed grammars which unifies syntactic and statis-
tical pattern recognition. The syntactic approach may yield
a combinatorial explosion of possibilities to be investigated,
demanding large training sets and very large computational
efforts [122].
1.5 Neural Networks
Neural networks can be viewed as massively parallel
computing systems consisting of an extremely large
number of simple processors with many interconnections.
Neural network models attempt to use some organiza-
tional principles (such as learning, generalization, adap-
tivity, fault tolerance and distributed representation, and
Pattern Recognition Models
computation) in a network of weighted directed graphs
in which the nodes are artificial neurons and directed
edges (with weights) are connections between neuron
outputs and neuron inputs. The main characteristics of
neural networks are that they have the ability to learn
complex nonlinear input-output relationships, use se-
quential training procedures, and adapt themselves to
the data.
The most commonly used family of neural networks for
pattern classification tasks [83] is the feed-forward network,
which includes multilayer perceptron and Radial-Basis
Function (RBF) networks. These networks are organized
into layers and have unidirectional connections between the
layers. Another popular network is the Self-Organizing
Map (SOM), or Kohonen-Network [92], which is mainly
used for data clustering and feature mapping. The learning
process involves updating network architecture and con-
nection weights so that a network can efficiently perform a
specific classification/clustering task. The increasing popu-
larity of neural network models to solve pattern recognition
problems has been primarily due to their seemingly low
dependence on domain-specific knowledge (relative to
model-based and rule-based approaches) and due to the
availability of efficient learning algorithms for practitioners
to use.
Neural networks provide a new suite of nonlinear
algorithms for feature extraction (using hidden layers)
and classification (e.g., multilayer perceptrons). In addition,
existing feature extraction and classification algorithms can
also be mapped on neural network architectures for
efficient (hardware) implementation. In spite of the see-
mingly different underlying principles, most of the well-
known neural network models are implicitly equivalent or
similar to classical statistical pattern recognition methods
(see Table 3). Ripley [136] and Anderson et al. [5] also
discuss this relationship between neural networks and
statistical pattern recognition. Anderson et al. point out that
ªneural networks are statistics for amateurs... Most NNs
conceal the statistics from the user.º Despite these simila-
rities, neural networks do offer several advantages such as,
unified approaches for feature extraction and classification
and flexible procedures for finding good, moderately
nonlinear solutions.
1.6 Scope and Organization
In the remainder of this paper we will primarily review
statistical methods for pattern representation and classifica-
tion, emphasizing recent developments. Whenever appro-
priate, we will also discuss closely related algorithms from
the neural networks literature. We omit the whole body of
literature on fuzzy classification and fuzzy clustering which
are in our opinion beyond the scope of this paper.
Interested readers can refer to the well-written books on
fuzzy pattern recognition by Bezdek [15] and [16]. In most
of the sections, the various approaches and methods are
summarized in tables as an easy and quick reference for the
reader. Due to space constraints, we are not able to provide
many details and we have to omit some of the approaches
and the associated references. Our goal is to emphasize
those approaches which have been extensively evaluated
and demonstrated to be useful in practical applications,
along with the new trends and ideas.
The literature on pattern recognition is vast and
scattered in numerous journals in several disciplines
(e.g., applied statistics, machine learning, neural net-
works, and signal and image processing). A quick scan of
the table of contents of all the issues of the IEEE
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
since its first publication in January 1979, reveals that
approximately 350 papers deal with pattern recognition.
Approximately 300 of these papers covered the statistical
approach and can be broadly categorized into the
following subtopics: curse of dimensionality (15), dimen-
sionality reduction (50), classifier design (175), classifier
combination (10), error estimation (25) and unsupervised
classification (50). In addition to the excellent textbooks
by Duda and Hart [44],
Fukunaga [58], Devijver and
Kittler [39], Devroye et al. [41], Bishop [18], Ripley [137],
Schurmann [147], and McLachlan [105], we should also
point out two excellent survey papers written by Nagy
[111] in 1968 and by Kanal [89] in 1974. Nagy described
the early roots of pattern recognition, which at that time
was shared with researchers in artificial intelligence and
perception. A large part of Nagy's paper introduced a
number of potential applications of pattern recognition
and the interplay between feature definition and the
application domain knowledge. He also emphasized the
linear classification methods; nonlinear techniques were
based on polynomial discriminant functions as well as on
potential functions (similar to what are now called the
kernel functions). By the time Kanal wrote his survey
paper, more than 500 papers and about half a dozen
books on pattern recognition were already published.
Kanal placed less emphasis on applications, but more on
modeling and design of pattern recognition systems. The
discussion on automatic feature extraction in [89] was
based on various distance measures between class-
conditional probability density functions and the result-
ing error bounds. Kanal's review also contained a large
section on structural methods and pattern grammars.
In comparison to the state of the pattern recognition field
as described by Nagy and Kanal in the 1960s and 1970s,
today a number of commercial pattern recognition systems
are available which even individuals can buy for personal
use (e.g., machine printed character recognition and
isolated spoken word recognition). This has been made
possible by various technological developments resulting in
the availability of inexpensive sensors and powerful desk-
top computers. The field of pattern recognition has become
so large that in this review we had to skip detailed
descriptions of various applications, as well as almost all
the procedures which model domain-specific knowledge
(e.g., structural pattern recognition, and rule-based sys-
tems). The starting point of our review (Section 2) is the
basic elements of statistical methods for pattern recognition.
It should be apparent that a feature vector is a representa-
tion of real world objects; the choice of the representation
strongly influences the classification results.
1. Its second edition by Duda, Hart, and Stork [45] is in press.
The topic of probabilistic distance measures is cur-
rently not as important as 20 years ago, since it is very
difficult to estimate density functions in high dimensional
feature spaces. Instead, the complexity of classification
procedures and the resulting accuracy have gained a
large interest. The curse of dimensionality (Section 3) as
well as the danger of overtraining are some of the
consequences of a complex classifier. It is now under-
stood that these problems can, to some extent, be
circumvented using regularization, or can even be
completely resolved by a proper design of classification
procedures. The study of support vector machines
(SVMs), discussed in Section 5, has largely contributed
to this understanding. In many real world problems,
patterns are scattered in high-dimensional (often) non-
linear subspaces. As a consequence, nonlinear procedures
and subspace approaches have become popular, both for
dimensionality reduction (Section 4) and for building
classifiers (Section 5). Neural networks offer powerful
tools for these purposes. It is now widely accepted that
no single procedure will completely solve a complex
classification problem. There are many admissible ap-
proaches, each capable of discriminating patterns in
certain portions of the feature space. The combination of
classifiers has, therefore, become a heavily studied topic
(Section 6). Various approaches to estimating the error
rate of a classifier are presented in Section 7. The topic of
unsupervised classification or clustering is covered in
Section 8. Finally, Section 9 identifies the frontiers of
pattern recognition.
It is our goal that most parts of the paper can be
appreciated by a newcomer to the field of pattern
recognition. To this purpose, we have included a number
of examples to illustrate the performance of various
algorithms. Nevertheless, we realize that, due to space
limitations, we have not been able to introduce all the
concepts completely. At these places, we have to rely on
the background knowledge which may be available only
to the more experienced readers.
Statistical pattern recognition has been used successfully to
design a number of commercial recognition systems. In
statistical pattern recognition, a pattern is represented by a
set of d features, or attributes, viewed as a d-dimensional
feature vector. Well-known concepts from statistical
decision theory are utilized to establish decision boundaries
between pattern classes. The recognition system is operated
in two modes: training (learning) and classification (testing)
(see Fig. 1). The role of the preprocessing module is to
segment the pattern of interest from the background,
remove noise, normalize the pattern, and any other
operation which will contribute in defining a compact
representation of the pattern. In the training mode, the
feature extraction/selection module finds the appropriate
features for representing the input patterns and the
classifier is trained to partition the feature space. The
feedback path allows a designer to optimize the preproces-
sing and feature extraction/selection strategies. In the
classification mode, the trained classifier assigns the input
pattern to one of the pattern classes under consideration
based on the measured features.
Links Between Statistical and Neural Network Methods
Fig. 1. Model for statistical pattern recognition.
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