Java SE 8速览:为真正急切者设计

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《AWP.Java.SE.8.for.the.Really.Impatient.2014》是一本由Cay S. Horstmann编著的Java SE 8编程指南。这本书主要针对那些急于了解Java SE 8新特性和功能的读者,以一种快速、直截了当的方式介绍Java 8语言的关键更新。它涵盖了Java 8中引入的重要特性,如Lambda表达式、Stream API、函数式编程、日期/时间API增强以及模块化系统(Module System)等。 在标题中,"Really Impatient"表明作者理解学习新版本语言时读者可能有的急切需求,强调了书中的内容将尽可能地简化复杂概念,让读者能够迅速上手。本书旨在帮助开发者快速掌握Java SE 8的新特性,以便在实际项目中高效利用这些革新。 Java SE 8是Java平台的第八个主要版本,它标志着Java语言的重大演进,特别是在并发编程、代码简洁性以及性能优化方面。书中可能会深入讲解以下核心知识点: 1. **Lambda表达式**:Lambda语法允许程序员用更简洁的方式定义函数,提升了代码的可读性和可维护性,尤其在集合操作和函数式接口中应用广泛。 2. **Stream API**:引入了流(Stream)的概念,使得处理大量数据变得更为直观和高效,支持并行处理和中间操作,简化了数据处理流程。 3. **日期/时间API增强**:新的日期/时间API提供了更加一致和强大的日期和时间处理功能,包括LocalDate、LocalTime、LocalDateTime等类的引入。 4. **函数式编程**:Java 8引入了函数式编程特性,如方法引用和Optional类型,使得代码更易于理解和测试。 5. **模块化系统(Module System)**:Java SE 8开始实施模块化,通过引入module关键字来组织代码,有助于提高代码复用和管理大型项目。 6. **安全性与兼容性**:书中还可能涉及Java SE 8在安全性和向下兼容性的改进,确保新特性在现有环境中的平稳迁移。 7. **实践案例和示例**:书中会包含大量的实例和代码片段,帮助读者通过实际操作掌握新特性,并应用于日常开发中。 由于版权原因,书中可能还包含了免责声明,指出作者和出版商对书中信息的准确性不作任何明示或默示的担保,也不承担因使用书中的信息或程序而导致的附带或间接损失的责任。此外,该书还可能提供购买大量副本或定制版本的信息,以满足不同客户的需求。 《AWP.Java.SE.8.for.the.Really.Impatient.2014》是一本实用的Java SE 8入门指南,适合快速学习和提升Java 8技能的开发者。对于想要深入了解Java 8最新特性的开发者来说,这本书是一个不可或缺的学习资源。
2014-03-09 上传
Eagerly anticipated by millions of programmers, Java SE 8 is the most important Java update in many years. The addition of lambda expressions (closures) and streams represents the biggest change to Java programming since the introduction of generics and annotations. Now, with Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient , internationally renowned Java author Cay S. Horstmann concisely introduces Java 8’s most valuable new features (plus a few Java 7 innovations that haven’t gotten the attention they deserve). If you’re an experienced Java programmer, Horstmann’s practical insights and sample code will help you quickly take advantage of these and other Java language and platform improvements. This indispensable guide includes Coverage of using lambda expressions (closures) to write computation “snippets” that can be passed to utility functions The brand-new streams API that makes Java collections far more flexible and efficient Major updates to concurrent programming that make use of lambda expressions (filter/map/reduce) and that provide dramatic performance improvements for shared counters and hash tables A full chapter with advice on how you can put lambda expressions to work in your own programs Coverage of the long-awaited introduction of a well-designed date/time/calendar library (JSR 310) A concise introduction to JavaFX, which is positioned to replace Swing GUIs, and to the Nashorn Javascript engine A thorough discussion of many small library changes that make Java programming more productive and enjoyable This is the first title to cover all of these highly anticipated improvements and is invaluable for anyone who wants to write tomorrow’s most robust, efficient, and secure Java code. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Lambda Expressions Chapter 2: The Stream API Chapter 3: Programming with Lambdas Chapter 4: JavaFX Chapter 5: The New Date and Time API Chapter 6: Concurrency Enhancements Chapter 7: The Nashorn Javascript Engine Chapter 8: Miscellaneous Goodies Chapter 9: Java 7 Features That You May Have Missed Book Details Title: Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient Author: Cay S. Horstmann Length: 240 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional Publication Date: 2014-01-24 ISBN-10: 0321927761 ISBN-13: 9780321927767