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《依赖注入:设计模式与Spring与Guice实践》是由Dhanji R. Prasanna撰写的一本深入探讨依赖注入原理以及Spring和Guice技术的专著。Dhanji不仅是Google的软件工程师,他积极参与了Google Wave项目的开发,而且自Guice项目初期就一直活跃在核心团队。他的专业知识和实践经验使他在依赖注入领域享有盛誉。 书中,Dhanji以其对Guice的深厚理解为基础,展示了如何利用这些框架进行高效的设计。他曾在Guice 1.0发布后不久,成功地将一个非trivial的Swing应用转换为使用Guice,这不仅带来了显著的设计优化,还提高了性能和可靠性。这一成就使他获得了Guice团队的认可,并且促使他们接受了他的首个外部功能请求。 Dhanji丰富的企业级Java开发经验体现在他后续的作品上,比如Warp Persist和Warp Servlets。Warp Persist是一个关键的Guice扩展,它实现了标准Java持久化(JPA)集成和声明式事务支持,这些都是现代企业级Java栈不可或缺的部分。它的无缝集成和简洁的Java配置风格使得企业级应用程序的构建更为流畅。 Warp Servlets则关注于Web API的集成,进一步增强了Guice在Web开发场景中的实用性。Dhanji作为Guice团队的重要成员,他的贡献对于Guice在依赖注入领域的成功起到了决定性的作用。 通过这本书,读者不仅能学习到依赖注入的核心概念,还能深入了解如何在实际项目中有效地应用Spring和Guice,以及如何利用它们提升软件架构的灵活性和可维护性。无论你是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中受益匪浅,了解到依赖注入在现代软件开发中的重要性和实践技巧。如果你对Java编程、设计模式或者想要深入了解这两个流行的轻量级IoC容器,那么《依赖注入:设计模式与Spring与Guice实践》无疑是一本值得深入研读的书籍。
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Summary Dependency Injection Principles, Practices, and Patterns teaches you to use DI to reduce hard-coded dependencies between application components. You'll start by learning what DI is and what types of applications will benefit from it. Then, you'll work through concrete scenarios using C# and the .NET framework to implement DI in your own projects. As you dive into the thoroughly-explained examples, you'll develop a foundation you can apply to any of the many DI libraries for .NET and .NET Core. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Dependency Injection (DI) is a great way to reduce tight coupling between software components. Instead of hard-coding dependencies, such as specifying a database driver, you make those connections through a third party. Central to application frameworks like ASP.NET Core, DI enables you to better manage changes and other complexity in your software. About the Book Dependency Injection Principles, Practices, and Patterns is a revised and expanded edition of the bestselling classic Dependency Injection in .NET. It teaches you DI from the ground up, featuring relevant examples, patterns, and anti-patterns for creating loosely coupled, well-structured applications. The well-annotated code and diagrams use C# examples to illustrate principles that work flawlessly with modern object-oriented languages and DI libraries. What's Inside Refactoring existing code into loosely coupled code DI techniques that work with statically typed OO languages Integration with common .NET frameworks Updated examples illustrating DI in .NET Core About the Reader For intermediate OO developers. About the Authors Mark Seemann is a programmer, software architect, and speaker who has been working with software since 1995, including six years with Microsoft. Steven van Deursen is a seasoned .NET developer and architect, and the author and maintainer of the Simple Injector DI library. Table of Contents PART 1 Putting Dependency Injection on the map Chapter 1. The Basics Of Dependency Injection: What, Why, And How Chapter 2. Writing Tightly Coupled Code Chapter 3. Writing Loosely Coupled Code PART 2 Catalog Chapter 1. Di Patterns Chapter 2. Di Anti-Patterns Chapter 3. Code Smells PART 3 Pure DI Chapter 1. Application Composition Chapter 2. Object Lifetime Chapter 3. Interception Chapter 4. Aspect-Oriented Programming By Design Chapter 5. Tool-Based Aspect-Oriented Programming PART 4 DI Containers Chapter 1. Di Container Introduction Chapter 2. The Autofac Di Container Chapter 3. The Simple Injector Di Container Chapter 4. The Microsoft.Extensions.Dependencyinjection Di Container