// Open the table
Table *T = OpenOrDie("/bigtable/web/webtable");
// Write a new anchor and delete an old anchor
RowMutation r1(T, "com.cnn.www");
r1.Set("anchor:www.c-span.org", "CNN");
Operation op;
Apply(&op, &r1);
Figure 2: Writing to Bigtable.
applications. Applications that need to avoid collisions
must generate unique timestamps themselves. Different
versions of a cell are stored in decreasing timestamp or-
der, so that the most recent versions can be read first.
To make the management of versioned data less oner-
ous, we support two per-column-family settings that tell
Bigtable to garbage-collect cell versions automatically.
The client can specify either that only the last n versions
of a cell be kept, or that only new-enough versions be
kept (e.g., only keep values that were written in the last
seven days).
In our Webtable example, we set the timestamps of
the crawled pages stored in the contents: column to
the times at which these page versions were actually
crawled. The garbage-collection mechanism described
above lets us keep only the most recent three versions of
every page.
The Bigtable API provides functions for creating and
deleting tables and column families. It also provides
functions for changing cluster, table, and column family
metadata, such as access control rights.
Client applications can write or delete values in
Bigtable, look up values from individual rows, or iter-
ate over a subset of the data in a table. Figure 2 shows
C++ code that uses a RowMutation abstraction to per-
form a series of updates. (Irrelevant details were elided
to keep the example short.) The call to Apply performs
an atomic mutation to the Webtable: it adds one anchor
to www.cnn.com and deletes a different anchor.
Figure 3 shows C++ code that uses a Scanner ab-
straction to iterate over all anchors in a particular row.
Clients can iterate over multiple column families, and
there are several mechanisms for limiting the rows,
columns, and timestamps produced by a scan. For ex-
ample, we could restrict the scan above to only produce
anchors whose columns match the regular expression
anchor:*.cnn.com, or to only produce anchors whose
timestamps fall within ten days of the current time.
Scanner scanner(T);
ScanStream *stream;
stream = scanner.FetchColumnFamily("anchor");
for (; !stream->Done(); stream->Next()) {
printf("%s %s %lld %s\n",
Figure 3: Reading from Bigtable.
Bigtable supports several other features that allow the
user to manipulate data in more complex ways. First,
Bigtable supports single-row transactions, which can be
used to perform atomic read-modify-write sequences on
data stored under a single row key. Bigtable does not cur-
rently support general transactions across row keys, al-
though it provides an interface for batching writes across
row keys at the clients. Second, Bigtable allows cells
to be used as integer counters. Finally, Bigtable sup-
ports the execution of client-supplied scripts in the ad-
dress spaces of the servers. The scripts are written in a
language developed at Google for processing data called
Sawzall [28]. At the moment, our Sawzall-based API
does not allow client scripts to write back into Bigtable,
but it does allow various forms of data transformation,
filtering based on arbitrary expressions, and summariza-
tion via a variety of operators.
Bigtable can be used with MapReduce [12], a frame-
work for running large-scale parallel computations de-
veloped at Google. We have written a set of wrappers
that allow a Bigtable to be used both as an input source
and as an output target for MapReduce jobs.
4 Building Blocks
Bigtable is built on several other pieces of Google in-
frastructure. Bigtable uses the distributed Google File
System (GFS) [17] to store log and data files. A Bigtable
cluster typically operates in a shared pool of machines
that run a wide variety of other distributed applications,
and Bigtable processes often share the same machines
with processes from other applications. Bigtable de-
pends on a cluster management system for scheduling
jobs, managing resources on shared machines, dealing
with machine failures, and monitoring machine status.
The Google SSTable file format is used internally to
store Bigtable data. An SSTable provides a persistent,
ordered immutable map from keys to values, where both
keys and values are arbitrary byte strings. Operations are
provided to look up the value associated with a specified
To appear in OSDI 2006 3