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ior high school students, and 77.95% college students. In particular, research shows that more than 50% of students and parents lack the most basic popular science knowledge of vision protection, do not understand the harm of not preventing and timely treating myopia, resulting in 41.6% of students with low vision not taking any corrective measures, and lacking professional treatment in institutions. Based on the above reasons, this thesis puts forward the design idea of an intelligent infrared vision protector. The intelligent infrared vision protector mainly includes three functions: ranging, light sensing, and timing. The ranging and light sensing modules are composed of sensors with corresponding functions, which can detect the distance and surrounding light intensity of the user and have alarm function. The processing module is composed of the operating program of the STC89C51 single-chip microcomputer, which can realize timing of study time and remind the user when the time is up through alarms. In general, the three functions of this design can work simultaneously, and remind the user to pay attention to eye hygiene through the flashing of the alarm light and the alarm of the buzzer. This thesis proves through practice that the vision protector is feasible and reliable, and easy to use. It is hoped that through the production of this electronic hardware and the study of the theory, reliable and effective data sources and information basis can be provided for the further design of multi-functional vision protectors and the adoption of reasonable measures to improve the effectiveness of vision protection in the later stage. Keywords: sensor, ranging, infrared, vision protection 总结:本文主要讨论了针对青少年视力低下问题的解决方案——智能红外视力保护仪的设计。通过对国内外青少年视力问题的调查和分析,明确了视力保护的重要性。在此基础上,设计了一个智能红外视力保护仪,包含测距、感光和定时三大功能,通过传感器和单片机构成,能实现对使用者距离和周围光线强弱的检测,并通过报警提醒使用者注意用眼卫生。论文通过实践验证了该视力保护仪的可行性和可靠性,为后续多功能视力保护器的设计提供了数据源和信息依据。