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Stanford University's big data mining advertising19.ppt presentation provides insights into online algorithms and the classic model of algorithms. The presentation discusses the difference between offline algorithms, where the entire input is visible before making any decisions, and online algorithms, where the input is seen piece by piece, requiring irrevocable decisions along the way. This is similar to the data stream model, which poses unique challenges for algorithm design.
One example discussed in the presentation is bipartite matching, which involves matching elements from two different sets. This concept is illustrated with a table displaying the matches between girls and boys, denoted as 1, 2, 3, and 4 for the girls and a, b, c, and d for the boys. This example serves to demonstrate the application of online algorithms in a practical scenario.
The presentation sheds light on the intricacies of developing algorithms for online environments, where making decisions with limited information and under time constraints is a common challenge. It emphasizes the relevance of such algorithms in the context of big data mining and advertising, where real-time decision-making is essential for optimizing ad placements and targeting specific audiences.
Overall, the Stanford University's presentation on big data mining advertising19.ppt offers valuable insights into the concept of online algorithms and their applications in the context of advertising and big data analysis. It highlights the challenges and considerations involved in designing algorithms for online environments, demonstrating the significance of this field in the era of big data and real-time decision-making.
119 浏览量
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