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"Mastering KVM Virtualization.pdf" 《精通KVM虚拟化》深入探讨了Linux KVM虚拟化的前沿技术,旨在构建满足数据中心需求的虚拟化解决方案。本书由Humble Devassy Chirammal、Prasad Mukhedkar和Anil Vettathu合著,由BIRMINGHAM-MUMBAI的Packt Publishing出版。 KVM(Kernel-based Virtual Machine)是Linux内核中的一个模块,它将Linux转变成一个全功能的虚拟化平台。KVM允许在同一台物理服务器上运行多个独立的操作系统实例,实现硬件资源的最大化利用和效率提升。这本书涵盖了KVM的核心概念、安装和配置过程,以及如何创建和管理虚拟机。 内容涉及以下关键知识点: 1. **虚拟化基础**:解释了虚拟化的基本原理,包括硬件虚拟化、资源分配、隔离机制等,帮助读者理解虚拟化技术的工作方式。 2. **KVM架构**:详细介绍了KVM组件,如QEMU(Quick Emulator)如何与KVM协作,提供完整的虚拟化环境,包括设备模拟和管理工具。 3. **安装与配置KVM**:提供了在不同Linux发行版上安装和配置KVM的步骤,包括必要的依赖和库,以及网络配置和存储管理。 4. **创建虚拟机**:指导如何创建、定制和管理KVM虚拟机,包括选择合适的 Guest OS、分配硬件资源、设置网络接口和磁盘映像。 5. **性能优化**:讨论了提高KVM虚拟化性能的策略,如CPU和内存分配、I/O优化以及虚拟化资源调度。 6. **高可用性与容错**:介绍了如何构建高可用性集群,包括故障转移、负载均衡和资源管理,确保服务的持续性和可靠性。 7. **安全性与隔离**:讲解了如何确保虚拟机的安全,包括网络隔离、安全组策略、虚拟化安全增强技术(如SELinux和AppArmor)。 8. **自动化与脚本**:讨论了使用Ansible、Puppet等工具自动化KVM环境部署和管理的方法,以及编写自定义脚本来简化日常操作。 9. **案例研究**:书中可能包含实际数据中心场景的应用示例,展示如何利用KVM解决特定业务挑战,如数据中心迁移、资源扩展和灾难恢复。 10. **最佳实践**:分享了作者们在KVM虚拟化领域的实践经验,帮助读者避免常见问题并提升运维效率。 尽管此书尽可能确保信息的准确性,但请注意,技术的快速发展可能导致书中某些细节过时。在实际应用时,建议参考最新的官方文档和社区资源以获取最新信息。此外,书中提到的商标信息可能会有变化,读者应自行核实。 通过学习本书,IT专业人士将能够熟练掌握KVM虚拟化技术,从而在数据中心环境中构建高效、可靠且安全的虚拟化基础设施。
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A robust datacenter is essential for any organization – but you don’t want to waste resources. With KVM you can virtualize your datacenter, transforming a Linux operating system into a powerful hypervisor that allows you to manage multiple OS with minimal fuss. This book doesn’t just show you how to virtualize with KVM – it shows you how to do it well. Written to make you an expert on KVM, you’ll learn to manage the three essential pillars of scalability, performance and security – as well as some useful integrations with cloud services such as OpenStack. From the fundamentals of setting up a standalone KVM virtualization platform, and the best tools to harness it effectively, including virt-manager, and kimchi-project, everything you do is built around making KVM work for you in the real-world, helping you to interact and customize it as you need it. With further guidance on performance optimization for Microsoft Windows and RHEL virtual machines, as well as proven strategies for backup and disaster recovery, you’ll can be confident that your virtualized data center is working for your organization – not hampering it. Finally, the book will empower you to unlock the full potential of cloud through KVM. Migrating your physical machines to the cloud can be challenging, but once you’ve mastered KVM, it’s a little easie. What You Will Learn Explore the ecosystem of tools that support Linux virtualization Find out why KVM offers you a smarter way to unlock the potential of virtualization Implement KVM virtualization using oVirt Explore the KVM architecture – so you can manage, scale and optimize it with ease Migrate your virtualized datacenter to the cloud for truly resource-efficient computing Find out how to integrate OpenStack with KVM to take full control of the cloud