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"《JavaScript数据结构与算法:理解与实现核心概念》是一本深入浅出的教程,专为现有Web开发者、软件工程师以及对JavaScript有兴趣的初学者设计。作者Sammie Bae旨在帮助读者掌握JavaScript开发中的核心数据结构(如数组、链表、树、堆、图和哈希表)和算法基础(搜索、排序、递归、广度优先搜索、动态规划和位操作)。本书通过实际应用来讲解这些概念,例如解释如何开发像bit.ly这样的URL缩短服务,以及PDF上传到网页时数据处理的过程。 书中内容包括了如何将数据结构和算法知识融入JavaScript的原型继承和原生对象/数据类型上下文中,以便开发者能更好地理解和利用这些技术。此外,读者还将学习到JavaScript中常用的模式设计,这对于提升代码效率和优化用户体验至关重要。 本书适合那些希望通过复习或初次接触来加强数据结构和算法基础的开发者,无论是自学还是参加课程或编程训练营的学生都能从中获益匪浅。本书还提供了配套的代码示例,使得理论知识可以直接应用于实际项目,帮助读者从基础出发,逐步提升在JavaScript领域的专业技能。 ISBN-13(平装版):978-1-4842-3987-2,电子版:978-1-4842-3988-9,获取电子版可通过DOI:10.1007/978-1-4842-3988-9。版权信息表明,所有权利归Sammie Bae所有,未经许可不得复制、传播或用于其他任何形式,包括电子适应、计算机软件或类似技术。 请注意,书中可能会包含商标名、标志和图像,使用时需遵循相应的版权和商标规定。通过阅读《JavaScript数据结构与算法》,开发者可以建立起坚实的理论基础,从而在日常的JavaScript开发中游刃有余地解决问题和构建高效软件解决方案。"


© Sammie Bae 2019 An Introduction to Understanding and Implementing Core Data Structure and Algorithm Fundamentals Introduction The motivation for writing this book was the lack of resources available about data structures and algorithms written in JavaScript. This was strange to me because today many of the job opportunities for software development require knowledge of JavaScript; it is the only language that can be used to write the entire stack, including the front-end, mobile (native and hybrid) platforms, and back-end. It is crucial for JavaScript developers to understand how data structures work and how to design algorithms to build applications. Therefore, this book aims to teach data structure and algorithm concepts from computer science for JavaScript rather than for the more typical Java or C++. Because JavaScript follows the prototypal inheritance pattern, unlike Java and C++ (which follow the inheritance pattern), there are some changes in writing data structures in JavaScript. The classical inheritance pattern allows inheritance by creating a blueprintlike form that objects follow during inheritance. However, the prototypal inheritance pattern means copying the objects and changing their properties. This book first covers fundamental mathematics for Big-O analysis and then lays out the basic JavaScript foundations, such as primitive objects and types. Then, this book covers implementations and algorithms for fundamental data structures such as linked lists, stacks, trees, heaps, and graphs. Finally, more advanced topics such as efficient string search algorithms, caching algorithms, and dynamic programming problems are explored in great detail. 1. Big-O Notation 2. [removed] Unique Parts 3. JavaScript Num 4. JavaScript Strings 5. JavaScript Arrays 6. JavaScript Objects 7. JavaScript Memory Management 8. Recursion 9. Sets 10. Searching and Sorting 11. Hash Tables 12. Stacks and Queues 13. Linked Lists 14. Caching 15. Trees 16. Heaps 17. Graphs 18. Advanced Strings 19. Dynamic Programming 20. Bit Manipulation
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