inal draft ETSI EN 301 192 V1.4.1 (2004
The data_identifier field shall be set to the same value for each PES packet conveying data in the same data stream.
sub_stream_id: This is an 8-bit field. Its use is user private.
PTS_extension_flag: This is a 1-bit field. It shall be set to "1" for synchronous data streams. For synchronized data
streams a value of "1" indicates the presence of the PTS_extension field in the PES_data_packet. If the PTS_extension
field is not present for synchronized data streams, this flag shall be set to "0".
output_data_rate_flag: This is a 1-bit field. It shall be set to "0" for synchronized data streams. For synchronous data
streams a value of "1" indicates the presence of the output_rate field in the PES_data_packet. If the output_rate field is
not present for synchronous data streams, this flag shall be set to "0".
PES_data_packet_header_length: This is a 4-bit field. It shall specify the length of the optional fields in the packet
header including the PES_data_private_data_bytes.
PTS_extension: This is a 9-bit field. This field extends the PTS conveyed in the PES header of this PES packet. This
field contains the 9-bit Program Clock Reference (PCR) extension as defined in MPEG-2 Systems
(see ISO/IEC 13818-1 [1]) that extends the time resolution of data PTS's (synchronous or synchronized) from the
MPEG-2 standard resolution of 11,1 µs (90 kHz) to 37 ns (27 MHz).
output_data_rate: This is a 28-bit field that shall indicate the bit rate of the regenerated signal for a synchronous data
stream. The output data rate is encoded as a 28-bit positive integer.
PES_data_private_data_byte: The use of these bytes is service specific. DVB compliant receivers may skip over
these bytes if present.
PES_data_byte: These bytes convey the data to be broadcast.
6.2 PSI and SI specifications
The data broadcast service shall indicate the use of a synchronous or synchronized data stream by including one of more
data_broadcast_descriptors in SI (see EN 300 468 [2]). Each descriptor shall be associated with a particular stream via a
component_tag identifier. In particular, the value of the component_tag field shall be identical to the value of the
component_tag field of a stream_identifier_descriptor (see EN 300 468 [2]) that may be present in the PSI program map
section for the stream that is used as a data stream.
6.2.1 Data_broadcast_descriptor
The data broadcast descriptor is used in the following way:
data_broadcast_id: This field shall be set to 0x0003 to indicate a synchronous data stream and to 0x0004 for
synchronized data streams (see TR 101 162 [3]).
component_tag: This field shall have the same value as a component_tag field of a stream_identifier_descriptor
(if present in the PSI program map section) for the stream on which the data is broadcast.
selector_length: This field shall be set to zero.
selector_byte: This field is not present.
6.2.2 Stream type
The presence of a synchronous data stream or a synchronized data stream in a service shall be indicated in the program
map section of that service by setting the stream type of that stream to the value of 0x06 or a user defined value.