空间级Klessydra RISC-V微控制器:首个卫星应用

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"这篇文档是关于首个太空级Klessydra RISC-V微控制器的介绍,该控制器将被用于卫星发射。由罗马Sapienza大学数字系统实验室的研究人员,包括Luigi Blasi、Francesco Vigli等人共同完成。他们讨论了在空间环境下微控制器所面临的挑战,以及为RISC-V处理器核心设计的容错架构,同时展示了Klessydra Fx3x核心家族的结果和未来展望。" 本文档主要涉及以下知识点: 1. **RISC-V架构**:RISC-V是一种开放源代码指令集架构,它在嵌入式和高性能计算领域日益受到关注。Klessydra微控制器采用了RISC-V架构,这意味着它可以利用RISC-V的简洁、高效和模块化设计特性,适应空间应用中的低功耗和高可靠性要求。 2. **太空环境问题**:在太空中,电子设备会面临极端的温度变化、辐射、微小陨石撞击等环境挑战。这些因素可能导致硬件故障,因此对微控制器的设计提出了特殊要求,如辐射硬化和抗单事件效应(如单粒子翻转和单事件锁定)的能力。 3. **架构级容错**:为了确保在太空环境中的可靠运行,Klessydra微控制器采用了架构级别的容错设计。这可能包括冗余处理单元、错误检测和校正技术,以及能够在硬件故障时切换到备用系统的机制。 4. **Klessydra Fx3x核心家族**:这个核心家族是Klessydra微控制器的核心组成部分,它们可能是针对太空应用定制的RISC-V内核,具有特定的容错特性和优化。每个核心可能包含了多种功能,以适应不同的任务需求和故障场景。 5. **结果与展望**:文档中提到了研究团队的初步结果,并对未来的研发方向进行了展望。这可能涉及到性能提升、功耗优化、更高级别的容错策略,以及如何进一步推广这种技术在太空领域的应用。 6. **学术与商业合作**:由Sapienza大学的研究团队和行业合作伙伴共同开发的Klessydra微控制器,体现了学术研究与工业实践的结合,有助于推动航天技术的创新和商业化进程。 7. **COTS组件的使用**:文中提及在纳米卫星(如CubeSat)中通常使用商用现成(COTS)组件,但必须进行特殊设计以适应太空的极端条件。Klessydra项目就是这样的例子,它将COTS组件的经济性与空间级应用的可靠性相结合。 通过这些深入研究,Klessydra RISC-V微控制器为未来的太空任务提供了新的可能性,特别是在小型卫星和低成本航天器领域,它有望成为一种标准解决方案,促进太空探索和应用的广泛发展。

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2023-05-23 上传

请翻译: is making SMTP connections which indicate that it is misconfigured. Some elements of your existing configuration create message characteristics identical to previously identified spam messages. Please align the mail erver's HELO/EHLO 'icoremail.net' with proper DNS (forward and reverse) values for a mail server. Here is an example: Correct HELO/DNS/rDNS alignment for domain example.com: - Mail server HELO: mail.example.com - Mail server IP: - Forward DNS: mail.example.com -> - Reverse DNS: -> mail.example.com Correcting an invalid HELO or a HELO/forward DNS lookup mismatch will stop the IP from being listed again. Points to consider: * Alignment: it is strongly recommended that the forward DNS lookup (domain name to IP address) and rDNS (IP to domain) of your IP should match the HELO value set in your server, if possible * The IP and the HELO value should both have forward and rDNS, and should resolve in public DNS * Ensure that the domain used in HELO actually exists! Additional points: * According to RFC, the HELO must be a fully qualified domain name (FQDN): "hostname.example.com" is an FQDN and "example.com" is not an FQDN. * The domain used should belong to your organisation. * HELO is commonly a server setting, not DNS. Contact your hosting provider for assistance if needed. You can test a server's HELO configuration by sending an email from it to helocheck@abuseat.org. A bounce that contains the required information will be returned immediately. It will look like an error, it is not. Please examine the contents of this email. If all settings are correct, you have a different problem, probably malware/spambot. Again, the HELO we are seeing is 'icoremail.net'. The last detection was at 2023-05-27 13:35:00 (UTC). For information on misconfigured or hacked SMTP servers and networks, please see this FAQ: https://www.spamhaus.org/faq/section/Hacked...%20Here's%20help#539 CSS listings expire a few days after last detection. You can always open a ticket (or update an existing one) to inform us when and how the situation was been secured.

2023-05-31 上传