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Snake game is a classic and popular game that almost everyone has played before. The key to developing this game lies in constructing a framework that allows the snake to move up, down, left, and right within the game interface. In this graduation project, the focus was on the development and design of the snake game. Eclipse was the primary tool used for this design.
At the beginning of the design process, an analysis of the technical and economic feasibility of the game was conducted to understand the basic requirements of users for this game. Five Java classes were created to implement various functionalities of the snake game. The food class was created to handle the generation of food and its continuous refreshing position. The snake class was responsible for constructing the snake and implementing the functionality to switch the snake's head. The interface class was used to design the game interface, while the framework class was responsible for defining the window size and appearance/disappearance functionality.
Furthermore, music functionality was added to the game to enhance the player's experience. This was achieved by setting up functions such as music, start, and stop to control the music within the game, allowing players to enjoy music while playing.
In conclusion, the development and design of the snake game involved creating various classes and functionalities to bring the game to life. By carefully analyzing user requirements and implementing necessary features such as food generation, snake movement, and music, the snake game was successfully developed. This project showcases the importance of thorough planning and implementation in creating an engaging and enjoyable game for players of all ages.
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