
需积分: 5 0 下载量 159 浏览量 更新于2024-04-09 收藏 1.87MB DOC 举报
problems of small and medium-sized enterprises in China, this paper recognizes the superiority of the ERP management concept and system. Taking logistics as a starting point, the paper discusses the necessity and feasibility of the transformation of road freight transport industry to provide logistics services. It also points out that this transformation is an important way to upgrade the traditional transportation industry and develop towards a "high-level transportation stage". The paper delves into the vehicle scheduling issues in freight transport, noting that traditional algorithms for vehicle scheduling optimize within fixed and unchanging network nodes. In reality, however, the demands at various nodes are constantly changing. Converting these uncertain and dynamic demands into static demands may provide convenience for enterprise operations but does not give a competitive edge in terms of time. Building upon the analysis of traditional vehicle scheduling methods, the paper proposes a novel vehicle scheduling system and explores the model structure of real-time vehicle scheduling systems, along with their key implementation technologies, to lay the foundation for establishing this vehicle scheduling model. Keywords: ERP, logistics, transportation management, vehicle scheduling, cost control The structure of the thesis includes the following sections: introduction, background and significance, development technology introduction, requirements analysis, feasibility analysis, function analysis, business process analysis, database design, ER diagram, data dictionary, data flow diagram, detailed design, system screenshots, testing, conclusion, acknowledgments, and references. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive study on the development of a car scheduling system based on BS for the management of enterprises.