COL 11(Supp.), S21201(2013) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS September 30, 2013
Aspheric surface measurement based on sub-aperture
stitching interferometry
Xiaokun Wang (
Key Laboratory of Optical System Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Changchun Institute
of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130033, China
Corresponding author:
Received January 19, 2013; accepted March 5, 2013; posted online July 17, 2013
In order to test convex aspheric surfaces without the aid of other null optics, a novel method combined
sub-aperture stitching and interferometry called SSI (sub-aperture stitching interferometry) is introduced.
In this letter, the theory, basic principle, and flow chart of SSI are researched. A synthetical optimization
stitching mode and an effective stitching algorithm are established based on homogeneous coordinate’s
transformation and simultaneous least-squares fitting. The software of SSI is devised, and the prototype
for testing of large aspheres by SSI is designed and developed. The experiment is carried out with five sub-
apertures for a convex silicon carbide (SIC) aspheric mirror with a clear aperture of 130 mm. The peak-to-
valley (PV) and root-mean- square (RMS) error are 0.186 λ and 0.019 λ, respectively. For the comparison
and validation, the TMA system which contained the convex asphere is t ested by interferometry. The
wavefront error of th e central field of the optical system is 0.068 λ RMS which approaches to diffraction
limitation. The results conclude that this technique is feasible and accurate. It enables the non-null testing
of aspheric surfaces especially for convex aspheres.
OCIS codes: 120.6650, 120.0120, 240.0240.
doi: 10.3788/COL201311.S21201.
Aspheric surfaces have great ability on correcting aber-
rations, improving ima ge quality and reducing the size
and weight of the system
. So they are extr e mely
impo rtant in optical sy stems and have been applied in
various kinds of fields. As the us e of aspheres in optical
systems becomes more and more prevalent, the need for
precise and efficient metrology grows. One of the most
promising measurements is interferometry. Because of
its high resolution, high sensitivity and reproducibility,
this technology has become the standard tool for testing
optical sur faces and wavefronts. However, when tes ting
the aspheric surfaces with large aperture, steep and large
departure, many interference fringes are formed on the
detection device and proper analysis are difficult to per -
form, so we will fall back on auxiliary optics such as null
corrector or c omputer generated hologra m (CGH). The
auxiliary elements must have been specially designed
and customized which co sts much more time and cost.
What is more it bring s other errors including both man-
ufacturing errors and some unavoidable misalignment
errors. The cost of making and verifying the null ele-
ments conspires to keep aspheres away from practical
optical designs.
Sub-aperture stitching interfer ometry (SSI) can ex-
pand both the longitudinal and lateral dynamic ranges
of the interferometer itself, and broaden the scope of
measurement significantly
. The basic idea of sub-
aperture testing method was first proposed by Kim in
. It can test la rge optical system by an array of
smaller optical flats without large reference flat, which
substantially reduces the cost and complexity. The sec-
ond milestone is the discrete phase method developed
by Stuhlinger
. Then the le ast-squares method to fit
the relative piston and tilt by the datum of overlapping
regions was introduced by Otsubo et al.
. The men-
tioned stitching methods are effective for testing large
flats, but they cannot be used to measure large spheres
or aspheric surfaces.
The last significant progress of SSI is the automated
subaperture stitching interferometer workstation pro-
duced by QED(Queues Enforth Development, Inc.)
. It is a pplicable not only to plano
optics, but also to spherical and moderate aspheric sur-
faces with the aperture smaller than 200 mm. But the
mathematic model and stitching algorithm have not been
described in detail by QED.
Recently we have proposed a synthetical optimization
stitching algorithm for testing large aspheric surfaces by
. In this letter, a prototype for testing of larg e
aspheres with the stitching method is developed. We
fabricate a convex silicon carbide (SIC) mirror by com-
puter c ontrolled optical surfacing (CCOS) and measured
it by SSI. It shows that SSI can be used to test as phere
especially for convex asphere at high resolution, low cost,
and high efficiency without a ny null optics.
The s ketch of s e tup for testing convex asphere by
SSI is shown in Fig. 1, and the elaborate flow chart
is given in Fig. 2. Firstly, we define the surface to
be measured, in particular its nominal aperture and ra-
dius of the curvature. The prop e r transmission sphere
is selected correctly, and then the s iz e and number of
the sub-aperture are determined by the surface diam-
eter and the relative aperture
. The second step is
to control the interferometer and the tested asphere
precisely. The first null is located at the ce nter of
the surface and the curvature of the spher ical wave-
front is consistent with the measured region. The
phase distribution of this region will be recorded. Next,
when we align the interferometer or the asphere again
and again, let the slope of the spherical wavefront
1671-7694/2013/S21201(4) S21201-1
2013 Chinese Optics Letters