118 浏览量
收藏 612KB DOC 举报
The abstract summarizes the content of the document "基于VC--的五子棋程序设计与实现毕业设计.doc" (Graduation Design of Five-in-a-row Program Design and Implementation Based on VC--) in approximately 2000 words. It mentions that C language is a fundamental programming language with certain advantages, particularly in hardware interface technology. The document explores the design and implementation of a Five-in-a-row game software using C language. The software aims to enhance the user experience by providing a visually appealing interface and easy operation methods. The game also includes AI opponents of different difficulty levels, increasing the enjoyment for players. The software is developed using C language and incorporates a search algorithm to determine the optimal move. Overall, the document provides a comprehensive overview of the design process of the Five-in-a-row software.
2023-07-04 上传
2011-07-10 上传
2022-09-14 上传
102 浏览量

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