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The voice control system based on LD3320 is a cutting-edge design utilizing the LD3320 chip, which is a specialized "speech recognition" chip designed and produced by ICRoute. The system is composed of the LD3320 chip and a microcontroller (STC11L08XE) as the central processor, forming an independent voice control module. The LD3320 chip integrates a speech recognition processor and some external circuits, including AD/DA converters, microphone interfaces, sound output interfaces, and more.
One of the key features of the LD3320 chip is its energy-saving and efficient design. It does not require any external auxiliary chips such as Flash or RAM, and can be directly integrated into existing products to achieve functions such as speech recognition, sound control, and human-machine dialogue. Additionally, the list of recognized keywords can be dynamically edited as needed.
Key words: Voice control system; LD3320; STC11L08XE.
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