OpenAI:GPT-4 技术报告(英文版).pdf GPT-4:人工智能模型表现接近人类水平,可处理图文输入和生成输出,通过连...

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ations to efficiently scale training to unprecedented data and model sizes. Lastly,GPT-4 has been trained on a diverse range of texts, including scientific literature,webpages, and books, to provide a useful tool for a wide range of applications.IntroductionOpenAI has made significant advancements in the field of natural languageprocessing with the release of ChatGPT, a language model that can generate coherentsentences and engage in meaningful conversations. Built on the foundation of the GPT-3.5architecture, ChatGPT is trained using Transformer neural networks to process sequentialdata and possesses the ability to understand language and generate text. The keyinnovation of ChatGPT lies in its extensive training with large-scale corpora that includesreal-world dialogues, enabling it to engage in interactive conversations almost on par withhumans.ChatGPT Beyond ChattingAs an AI-powered NLP tool, ChatGPT extends its capabilities beyond being a merechatbot. It can also fulfill tasks such as writing emails, video scripts, ad copy, translations,and even coding. This versatility makes ChatGPT a valuable tool for both personal andprofessional use.GPT-4: A Multimodal ModelBuilding upon the success of ChatGPT, OpenAI introduces GPT-4, a multimodal modelcapable of accepting both image and text inputs while producing text outputs. This modelis a Transformer-based architecture pre-trained to predict the subsequent token in a document. By incorporating multimodal inputs, GPT-4 expands its abilities to comprehendand generate textual content based on a combination of visual and textual information.Overall PerformanceDespite its impressive capabilities, GPT-4 falls short of human-level performance inmany real-world scenarios. However, it displays exceptional performance on professionaland academic benchmarks, surpassing the top 10% of test takers in a simulated bar exam.This achievement demonstrates the model's competence in understanding and generatingcomplex legal texts.Alignment ProcessTo enhance the accuracy and reliability of generated outputs, GPT-4 undergoes apost-training alignment process. This process improves the model's factual accuracy andensures adherence to desired behavior, resulting in more reliable and trustworthy outcomes.Training at Unprecedented ScaleThe development of GPT-4 required extensive infrastructure and optimization tofacilitate training on an unprecedented scale of data and model sizes. OpenAI's dedicationto efficiently scaling training has laid the foundation for further advancements in the fieldof natural language processing.Diverse Training DataTo provide a versatile and useful tool, GPT-4 has been trained using a diverse range oftexts, including scientific literature, webpages, and books. This comprehensive trainingenables GPT-4 to excel in various applications and serve as an effective tool for a widerange of users.ConclusionOpenAI's GPT-4 represents a significant breakthrough in natural languageprocessing. From the introduction of ChatGPT to the development of GPT-4, OpenAI haspushed the boundaries of AI language models. The multimodal capabilities of GPT-4, alongwith its exceptional performance on professional and academic benchmarks, showcaseits potential to assist users in various domains. With the ongoing advancements in scalingtraining and the integration of diverse training data, GPT-4 sets the stage for furtherinnovation in the field of NLP.