power of C++. C++ has been, is, and will remain the dominant language of “power
programmers” well into the forseeable future.
The overall structure and organization of the third edition is similar to the second
edition. Most of the changes involve updating and expanding the coverage throughout.
In some cases, additional details were added. In other cases, the presentation of a
topic was improved. In still other situations, descriptions were modernized to reflect
the current programming environment. Several new sections were also added.
Two appendices were added. One describes the extended keywords defined by Microsoft
that are used for creating managed code for the .NET Framework. The second explains
how to adapt the code in this book for use with an older, non-standard C++ compiler.
Finally, all code examples were retested against the current crop of compilers, including
Microsoft’s Visual Studio .NET and Borland’s C++ Builder.
What Version of C++
The material in this book describes Standard C++. This is the version of C++ defined
by the ANSI/ISO Standard for C++, and it is the one that is currently supported by all
major compilers. Therefore, using this book, you can be confident that what you learn
today will also apply tomorrow.
How to Use This Book
The best way to learn any programming language, including C++, is by doing. Therefore,
after you have read through a section, try the sample programs. Make sure that you
understand why they do what they do before moving on. You should also experiment
with the programs, changing one or two lines at a time and observing the results. The
more you program, the better you become at programming.
If You’re Using Windows
If your computer uses Windows and your goal is to write Windows-based programs, then
you have chosen the right language to learn. C++ is completely at home with Windows
programming. However, none of the programs in this book use the Windows graphical user
interface (GUI). Instead, they are console-based programs that can be run under a Windows
console session, such as that provided by the Command Prompt window. The reason for
this is easy to understand: GUI-based Windows programs are, by their nature, large and
complex. They also use many techniques not directly related to the C++ language.
Thus, they are not well-suited for teaching a programming language. However, you can
still use a Windows-based compiler to compile the programs in this book because the
compiler will automatically create a console session in which to execute your program.
Once you have mastered C++, you will be able to apply your knowledge to Windows
programming. In fact, Windows programming using C++ allows the use of class
libraries such as MFC or the newer .NET Framework, which can greatly simplify the
development of a Windows program.
Don’t Forget: Code on the Web
Remember, the source code for all of the programs in this book is available free of charge
on the Web at http://www.osborne.com. Downloading this code prevents you
from having to type in the examples.
xviii C++ from the Ground Up
GrdUpSm (8) / C++ from the Ground Up / Schildt / 222897-0 / Front Matter
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