Passively Q-switched ytterbium-doped fiber laser
using the evanescent field interaction with bulk-like
Seunghwan Ko (高承煥), Jinho Lee (李珍昊), and Ju Han Lee (李周翰)*
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Seoul, Seoul 02504, Republic of Korea
*Corresponding author: j.h.lee@ ieee.org
Received October 23, 2017; accepted November 10, 2017; posted online January 26, 2018
The potential of bulk-like WTe
particles for the realization of a passive Q-switch operating at the 1 μm wave-
length was investigated. The WTe
particles were prepared using a simple mechanical exfoliation method to-
gether with Scotch tape. By attaching bulk-like WTe
particles, which remained on the top of the sticky surface
of a small segment of the Scotch tape, to the flat side of a side-polished fiber, a saturable absorber (SA) was
readily implemented. A strong saturable absorption was then readily obtained through an evanescent field in-
teraction with the WTe
particles. The modulation depth of the prepared SA was measured as ∼2.18% at
1.03 μm. By incorporating the proposed SA into an all-fiberized ytterbium-doped fiber ring cavity, stable Q-
switched pulses were readily achieved.
OCIS codes: 140.3510, 140.3540, 160.4330.
doi: 10.3788/COL201816.020017.
Q-switched fiber lasers have been useful light sources
for many applications, such as material processing, light
detection and ranging (LIDAR), laser surgery, and super-
continuum generation
. Since Q-switched pulses are
generated by either a passive or an active switching of
the laser oscillator Q-factor, the temporal width of their
output pulses usually ranges from nanoseconds to micro-
seconds. Compared with mode-locking, Q-switching can
be easily induced in a fiberized resonator, since it does
not require a careful design of the cavity–fiber parameters
for the achievement of a balance between the dispersion
and nonlinearity.
For the implementation of passively Q-switched fiber
lasers, saturable absorbers (SAs) are commonly used to
induce the Q-factor modulation within their cavities.
Although semiconductor-based SAs have been widely
used in practice as a passive Q-switch
, a range of their
drawbacks, such as the need of complicated fabrication-
facility processes and a limited operational wavelength,
motivated a number of researchers throughout the world
to investigate low-cost and effective-performance al terna-
tive SA materials, including carbo n nanotubes (CNTs)
, black phosphorus
, topological insula-
, transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs)
filled skutterudites
, and MXene
Recently, TMDs have attracted great technical atten-
tion in the photonic and electronic fields, since their
bandgap structures can be engineered by controlling the
number of the bandgap layers
. TMDs are composed
of a hexagonal layer of metal atoms (M) that are sand-
wiched between two chalcogen-atom (X) layers with a
common formula of MX
. The binding of the TMD mono-
layers by weak van der Waals forces produces a bulk
structure. These materials possess excellent optoelectronic
properties, such as a large saturable absorption, strong
Kerr nonlinearity, and possible valley polarization, which
are useful for the device implementation in the fields of
plasmonics, quantum electrodynamics, and ultrafast
Among moly bdenum disulfide (MoS
), tungsten disul-
fide (WS
), molybdenum diselenide (MoSe
), molybde-
num ditelluride (MoTe
), tungsten diselenide (WSe
and tungsten ditelluride (WTe
), MoS
and WS
the TMDs that have been most widely investigated as al-
ternatives to graphene
. It is well-known that the TMD
bandgap varies depending on the number of layers due to
the hybridization between the d orbitals of the transition-
metal atoms and the p
orbitals of the chalcogen atoms
unlike the zero bandgap of graphene. Such a bandgap-
engineering property allows for the implementation of a
variety of photonic devices, such as optical switches, photo
detectors, and quantum-well modulators
Recently, the saturable-absorption properties of TMDs
have been intensively investigated, and a number of
TMD-based SAs have been successfully demonstrated
for the implementation of pulsed lasers
. One of the in-
teresting findings of those investigations is that the TMDs
exhibited saturable-absorption properties at the near- and
mid-infrared wavelengths even though the upper-cutoff
wavelengths that are determined by their bandgap ener-
gies are usually below the wavelength of 1 μm. The reason
for this abnormal saturable-absorption phenomenon is
attributable to a sub-bandgap absorption, which is caused
by defects and edge states
. Furthermore, the authors
recently theoretically and experimentally verified that the
structural dimensionality of TMDs is not critical regard-
ing their saturable-absorption applications
. It was dem-
onstrated that the bulk-like WTe
microflake is a low-cost
saturable-absorption material that can be readily used for
the implementation of broadband SAs.
COL 16(2), 020017(2018) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS February 10, 2018
1671-7694/2018/020017(5) 020017-1 © 2018 Chinese Optics Letters