expanded porous polytetrafluoroethylene THz fiber link has
been established together with the resonant tunneling diode
integrated with photonic crystal waveguide for 10 Gbps and
uncompressed 4K video transmission [56]. For completeness,
we note that one promising approach for high-speed THz in-
terconnects at short distances (millimeters to few centimeters)
for on-chip and inter-chip communications is based on silicon
as the core material as such waveguides feature low transmission
loss, high RI contrast, and strong confinement, as well as
mature fabrication technology [57]. For example, in Ref.
[58], an ortho-mode sub-THz interconnect channel for planar
chip-to-chip communications using silicon dielectric wave-
guide has been investigated. By engineering the waveguide
structure, silicon-based photonic crystal waveguides were pro-
posed and demonstrated for efficient data transmission
[59–61]. Moreover, by functionalizing silicon with other ma-
terials such as graphene, active components such as THz wave-
guide-based modulators can be fabricated [62]. Additionally,
advanced shaped growth techniques [35,63] can be used to ex-
tend the use of low-loss, high RI monocrystalline materials such
as silicon or sapphire to longer THz transmission lengths up to
1 m; however, application of such waveguides in THz commu-
nications has not yet been reported. In all these works, however,
no in-depth analysis was presented as to the key reasons for the
limitations in the transmission length and maximal bit rate in
such fiber links. While, the most obvious reason for such lim-
itations is often claimed to be fiber losses, in our following
analysis, we conclude that fiber dispersion is another major fac-
tor that is often overlooked. In fact, we find that depending on
the fiber design and operation frequency, one can be in the
power-limited or dispersion-limited regime even in the case
of short several-meter-long fiber links. From the practical point
of view, in the power-limited regime, transmission is possible
up to the highest communication bit rate supported by the
available hardware even when approaching the maximal link
length when signal strength becomes comparable to the noise
level. In this regime, the eye diagram opening collapses along a
single vertical direction, while no significant degradation in its
overall form (skewedness) is observed. In the power-limited re-
gime, negative effects of the modal loss dominate over those
due to modal dispersion. In contrast, in the dispersion-
dominated regime, even for short fiber links when signal
strength is significantly larger than the noise level, one cannot
achieve maximal bit rate as allowed by the hardware. In this case,
the eye diagram shows significant asymmetry and shape contor-
tion due to modal group velocity dispersion and resultant pulse
spreading. In the dispersion-limited regime, negative effects of
the modal dispersion dominate over those due to modal loss.
In this work, we aim at deeper understanding of the limi-
tations of the fiber link quality posed by the combined effects of
the modal loss and dispersion. Without the loss of generality,
we concentrate on a pure system of rod-in-air dielectric THz
subwavelength fiber for short-range (∼10 m) communication
links with up to 6 Gbps data speeds. In fact, the rod-in-air fiber
can be used in further studies as a performance benchmark for
the more practical fibers such as rod-in-foam and suspended
core fibers. In the following, we fix the carrier frequency at
128 GHz, while using fibers of various diameters to realize
power-limited or dispersion-limited transmission regimes.
The dielectric fibers are made of low-loss PP material with three
different diameters of 1.75 mm, 0.93 mm, and 0.57 mm. Both
theoretical and experimental studies are then carried out, and a
comparative analysis of the two is presented. Experiments were
conducted using a photonics-based THz communication
system reported in Refs. [64,65]. We then demonstrate that
the limitation in the error-free link distance is mainly due to
the modal loss for the 1.75-m-diameter fiber, while for the
0.93 mm and 0.57 mm diameter fibers, the link distance is
limited due to modal dispersion. By optimizing the decision
threshold, an error-free ∼10 m-long link at 4 Gbps is achieved
with the 0.57-mm-diameter fiber, while the argument is made
for over 10 Gbps fiber links with over 10 m length when de-
signing the fiber to operate near zero dispersion frequency
(ZDF). Furthermore, study of the bending losses of the rod-
in-air fibers is presented, in which we conclude that even rel-
atively tight bends of sub-10-cm radius can be well tolerated by
such fibers. Finally, the power budget of the fiber-based link is
compared with that of the free space links, and the case is made
for the strong potential of the rod-in-air fibers in short-range
communications. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
comprehensive study of all the major limiting factors and com-
parative advantages that relate to design and operation of short-
range fiber-assisted THz communications links.
Many polymers possess almost constant RI and low absorption
losses at lower THz frequencies (<300 GHz). PP, in particular,
has one of the lowest losses over the wide THz frequency range
below 1 THz) [66–68]. Moreover, this material is
compatible with 3D printing using the cost-effective fused dep-
osition modeling (FDM) technique that opens many exciting
opportunities in design and manufacturing of various 3D pat-
terned bulk optical components and photonic integrated cir-
cuits. Due to the importance of PP material for THz
application, in our studies we therefore used PP filaments of
three different diameters (D 1.75 mm, 0.93 mm, and
0.57 mm) as rod-in-air fibers. The filaments having smaller
diameters (0.93 mm and 0.57 mm) were extruded using an
FDM printer. Optical characterization of the fibers was then
carried out using an in-house photonics-based THz communi-
cation system detailed in Refs. [64,65] that operates at 128 GHz
carrier frequency. Complex RI of PP was measured using THz-
continuous wave spectroscopy system (se e Appendix A.1).
Mode analysis of the rod-in-air fibers was carried out using
commercial finite element software COMSOL Multiphysics.
The goal of this work is to establish limiting factors in transmis-
sion of high bit rate data streams over long distances; therefore,
modal loss, group velocity dispersion, coupling efficiency, and
bending losses are the key parameters to model.
A. Effective Index, Modal Losses, and Excitation
The normalized electric field distribution j Ej of the fundamen-
tal HE
mode (normalized to 1 W of carrying power) for
the PP fibers of different diameters at 128 GHz is shown in
1760 Vol. 8, No. 11 / November 2020 / Photonics Research
Research Article