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The design of an automatic washing machine control system based on a single-chip microcontroller is essential for modern households. Washing machines have become a necessary part of daily life, making laundry work more efficient and reducing the burden of household chores. Unlike conventional washing machines with limited program options, single-chip microcontroller-based systems offer a wide range of customizable washing programs, including water level adjustments, rinse cycle variations, and compatibility with different types of fabrics.
In this design, the AT89C51 single-chip microcontroller is used as the main control chip for the washing machine system. All washing programs, including washing, rinsing, and spinning, are controlled by the microcontroller, eliminating the need for manual operation. The hardware design includes a power module, a resonant water level monitoring module, an LED display for the washing machine, and an output control circuit. The software design consists of the main program, internal timing interrupt service program, and external interrupt service program.
By incorporating a single-chip microcontroller into the washing machine control system, users can enjoy the convenience and flexibility of automated washing processes. With advanced features and customizable settings, this design offers a more efficient and user-friendly laundry experience. Keywords: washing machine; single-chip microcontroller; LED display.
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