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Our team was tasked with modeling refugee immigration policies for the 2016 MCM/ICM F award-winning paper. The paper, authored by Anna Hattle, Katherine Yang, and Sicheng Zeng from Stanford University, delved into the complexities of refugee immigration policies and provided in-depth analysis in the areas of modeling, programming, and writing. The team's exceptional work in addressing this critical policy issue earned them the prestigious award, showcasing their exemplary skills in mathematical modeling and problem-solving. The paper serves as a valuable resource for understanding and tackling the challenges faced by refugees and immigrants, highlighting the importance of data-driven decision-making in policy development. Through their innovative approach and meticulous analysis, the team demonstrated how mathematical modeling can be a powerful tool in shaping immigration policies and addressing humanitarian crises. Overall, their paper stands as a testament to their dedication, expertise, and creativity in the field of mathematical modeling.