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JEDEC DDR4 SPD, also known as DDR4 Serial Presence Detect (SPD), is a critical component in the initialization and optimization of system memory channels. This annex outlines the SPD values for all DDR4 modules, providing essential information for the system's BIOS to properly configure the memory channels. The SPD data is stored in EEPROMs with limited capacity, leading to the need for optimization techniques such as overlays and run length limited coding to make the most efficient use of the available bytes. Any unused entries in the SPD data will be coded as 0, as stipulated in the JEDEC Standard No. 21-C, Release 30.
The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive overview of the SPD values for various DDR4 modules, including UDIMM, RDIMM, LRDIMM, and NVDIMM-N. The SPD data includes information about the device type identifier, revisions, and critical details specific to each type of module.
In conclusion, the JEDEC DDR4 SPD, or DDR4 Serial Presence Detect, is an essential component in the proper configuration and optimization of system memory channels. By detailing the SPD values for all DDR4 modules, this annex serves as a vital resource for system BIOS and memory channel initialization. The use of EEPROMs with limited storage capacity necessitates the implementation of optimization techniques to maximize the efficiency of the SPD data. Consequently, this document plays a crucial role in ensuring the seamless operation and performance of DDR4 memory modules in various computing systems.
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