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This graduation project topic is runs the table design based on the monolithic integrated circuit electron. The design requirement is that the electronic stopwatch can display the correct time and can be used as a stopwatch. The main content of the design includes the monolithic integrated circuit minimum system (power supply circuit, reset circuit, clock circuit), keyboard circuit, driving circuit, display circuit and the program design for the electronic stopwatch. The selected monolithic integrated circuit model is AT89S52, and two 74LS244 chips are used as the driving circuit. The display consists of two 4-digit integrated seven-segment digital display tubes. Through the production of physical objects, programming, and program downloading, the electronic stopwatch can display the correct time and can adjust the time display in real time. When used as a stopwatch, the timing range is from 000.0 seconds to 999.9 seconds, and testing has shown that the error is small.
298 浏览量
275 浏览量
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239 浏览量
116 浏览量
2022-07-08 上传
- 粉丝: 97
- 资源: 2万+
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